
Serving my 87-year-old mother, a lot of hair fell out on my pillow every day, and I couldn't bear it and was tired

author:Aunt Chenxu

Record 2024 Retirement Life 16:

Serving my 87-year-old mother, a lot of hair fell out on my pillow every day, and I couldn't bear it and was tired

When I woke up in the morning, I found that there was a lot of hair on my pillow, which was so distressing.

Serving my 87-year-old mother, a lot of hair fell out on my pillow every day, and I couldn't bear it and was tired

I have been serving my mother twice a year, this time for more than 20 days, and I found that a large piece of hair fell out on the pillow every day, and my heart was too painful, and I lost so much, and if I fell like this, my hair would fall out.

Serving the elderly, it is really not a light job, tired body is more tired, the main thing is that the rest is not good, when there is no solid sleep at night, you have to change diapers once at night.

Serving my 87-year-old mother, a lot of hair fell out on my pillow every day, and I couldn't bear it and was tired

Because my mother has a lot of urine and a lot of urine, I have to change the diaper twice a night, and change it once before 12:00 in the evening, for fear that my mother will lower her body and her skin will be damaged.

I was busy from morning to evening, too nervous, moody, irritable, angry, and couldn't eat.

Every day I have to feed my mother three times, feed water 6 times, change diapers every 15 minutes to 20 minutes, washing diapers is really troublesome, can not be washed in the washing machine, because it is urine, unhygienic, in addition to disinfecting, you have to scrub by hand, wring out, dry naturally in the sun, so that it can be clean, my mother spread under the lower body, can be soft.

In serving the elderly, the old man is a child, she is not sensible, she at this time, she does not know that she feels sorry for her children, she feels that her children should love her, should be filial to her, should be dependent on her.

The most annoying, the most upset thing for your mood is that while you are working, she is calling you, Xiaoli! Xiaoli, you run over and ask her what she is going to do? She said, turn on the lights for me, charge my phone, give me a piece of candy, give me saliva, wipe my hands,...... It's always chattering.

Serving my 87-year-old mother, a lot of hair fell out on my pillow every day, and I couldn't bear it and was tired

You cook, you stir-fry, she cares about you stir-frying and cooking, this day is busy for you, tired to death!

You get angry with her, criticize her! Her frightened eyes and pleading fingers, your annoyance, your anger, your emotions are swept away! No way! What can you do, bear with it, who made you her daughter? You have to drag your tired body and help her do everything that can make her comfortable, and only when she is comfortable and finally asleep can you point to her little nose and say, "You are my mother! I owe you, I am obedient."

The hardest thing to do

Serving my 87-year-old mother, a lot of hair fell out on my pillow every day, and I couldn't bear it and was tired

Take a bath once a week, the old man who is paralyzed in the bed is really like that, I am also in my 60s, take a bath, wipe my body, wash my hair, my whole body is sweaty, my heart is tired suddenly, after giving her a bath, she immediately said to you: "Give me a piece of sugar, give me three sips of water", you have to send her comfortable, she can stop, let you rest for a while! Can't rest?

Immediately after the shower, you have to rinse the bath tub, the shampoo basin, the plastic sheeting, and some diapers for half an hour.

Serving my 87-year-old mother, a lot of hair fell out on my pillow every day, and I couldn't bear it and was tired

In the past two days, I found that my hair has fallen out a lot, on my pillow, on the bed, all over the house, everywhere my hair, yesterday I ate a duck egg yolk, my gall protested, I was sick, it hurt me for 4 hours, my stomach was uncomfortable, my weight has also dropped two pounds in the past two days, and I can't bear it a little.

Serving my 87-year-old mother, a lot of hair fell out on my pillow every day, and I couldn't bear it and was tired

Some people say that the long-lived elderly are a burden to the family.

For this question, I personally think.

On the issue of serving long-lived parents, there is an important old concept of "filial piety" and "responsibility", and if these two words are clarified and clarified, then the problem of whether long-lived parents are burdensome will be solved.

In fact, each of us is very tired in this society, everyone has every family, has children, has a job, has a life, and the hardships of life are tired enough.

Serving my 87-year-old mother, a lot of hair fell out on my pillow every day, and I couldn't bear it and was tired

People in the 50s, 60s, they are now in their 60s, they are also elderly, you see they serve their children and grandchildren, which is very different, because serving their children and grandchildren have hope, hope, and deadline, and the children and grandchildren can bring them the joy of the mood, and serving the longevity of their parents, they have no deadline, how much effort you make, how good the care is, your parents are still not as good as one day, there is no deadline, one year is him, five years is him, and even ten years is him! At this time, our psychology is more tired from worrying emotions.

We get emotional, we get upset, we say nasty things to our parents, and sometimes we cry.

The tradition of the word "filial piety" has been influencing people in the 50s and 60s.

Personally, I think:

"Filial piety" is not equal to serving, but equal to accompaniment!

Filial piety is serving, and I do not support this view.

The old concept of exerting physical strength and energy in exchange for the word "filial piety" should be abolished.

I attach more importance to the word "responsibility".

Responsibility should be the responsibility of long-lived parents, and the responsibility is for the financial support and spiritual companionship and love of parents, which I think is Jiaoshun.

What the elderly need most is companionship.

In this way of dealing with the long-lived elderly, you can't talk about the word cumbersome.

Do you support my point of view?

Serving my 87-year-old mother, a lot of hair fell out on my pillow every day, and I couldn't bear it and was tired

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