
Looking back at the past grievances: Xu Chaojun broke the news about Zhou Hongyi's past, and re-examined Wang Xinghe and the school intranet!

author:The love of the little Capricorn

Xu Chaojun, the former head of the school intranet, broke the news about some of Zhou Hongyi's past on social media, which aroused widespread attention in the industry. Xu Chaojun revealed in the article that Zhou Hongyi once thought that Wang Xingmu had no investment value, which indirectly helped to acquire the school intranet. This news once again pushed Zhou Hongyi, Wang Xing and the school intranet to the forefront.

Looking back at the past grievances: Xu Chaojun broke the news about Zhou Hongyi's past, and re-examined Wang Xinghe and the school intranet!

In the development of the Internet industry, Zhou Hongyi and Wang Xing are both high-profile entrepreneurs. Zhou Hongyi is unique in the field of cybersecurity with products such as 360 Security Guard, while Wang Xing has become a leader in the Internet industry through projects such as Meituan. The intersection of the two is not much, and Xu Chaojun's revelations this time give people a glimpse of the grievances between the two.

Looking back at the past grievances: Xu Chaojun broke the news about Zhou Hongyi's past, and re-examined Wang Xinghe and the school intranet!

According to Xu Chaojun, Zhou Hongyi once expressed dissatisfaction with Wang Xing's Mu Ne, believing that he had no investment value. This point of view may have some truth at the time, after all, in the early days of entrepreneurship, Wang Xing's eloquence and image were not outstanding, and it was far from today's demeanor. Zhou Hongyi's view also indirectly helped to acquire the school's intranet.

Looking back at the past grievances: Xu Chaojun broke the news about Zhou Hongyi's past, and re-examined Wang Xinghe and the school intranet!

Intranet is a social networking site founded by Xu Chaojun, which was once all the rage in China. Due to various reasons, the school intranet was eventually sold to Chen Yizhou. Although the deal caused a lot of controversy at the time, it now seems that Chen Yizhou's decision was undoubtedly very wise. With the acquisition of Intranet, he successfully pushed Renren to the market and made Intranet one of the representatives of social media in China.

Looking back at the past grievances: Xu Chaojun broke the news about Zhou Hongyi's past, and re-examined Wang Xinghe and the school intranet!

And Zhou Hongyi's "mistake" also gave others a chance. Although he did not invest in Wang Xinghe and the intranet, he missed the opportunity to work with both projects. At the same time, other investors seized the opportunity to help Wang Xinghe succeed in the school's intranet. This experience also reminds us that on the road to entrepreneurship, every decision can affect the direction of the future.

Looking back at the past grievances: Xu Chaojun broke the news about Zhou Hongyi's past, and re-examined Wang Xinghe and the school intranet!

Looking back on this past, we can see that success did not happen overnight. Whether it is Zhou Hongyi, Wang Xing or Xu Chaojun, they have all experienced countless ups and downs and twists and turns on the road to entrepreneurship. It is these experiences that make them more mature and wise. And their stories also tell us that on the road of pursuing our dreams, we must have the courage to face challenges and difficulties, strengthen our beliefs, and move forward bravely.

Looking back at the past grievances: Xu Chaojun broke the news about Zhou Hongyi's past, and re-examined Wang Xinghe and the school intranet!

Of course, we can't ignore Zhou Hongyi's influence in the Internet industry. Although he missed the opportunity to invest in Wang Xinghe and the school's intranet, he still used his talent and vision to achieve great success in the field of cybersecurity. This also tells us that everyone has their own strengths and specialties, and as long as they give full play to their strengths, they can gain a foothold in the highly competitive market.

Looking back at the past grievances: Xu Chaojun broke the news about Zhou Hongyi's past, and re-examined Wang Xinghe and the school intranet!

Xu Chaojun's revelations provide us with an opportunity to re-examine Zhou Hongyi, Wang Xinghe, and the school's intranet. Through this experience, we can learn lessons and provide reference and inspiration for future development. Let's look forward to the future development of the Internet industry and witness the birth of more legendary stories.

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