
Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

author:Wu Gua sees the world

There is a hot search on a social platform "Why is there a saying that [the depths of the Shennongjia forest area are not allowed to go]", which sparked heated discussions among netizens.

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In fact, there are many factors that do not allow progress in the depths of the Shennongjia Forest Area, so let's learn the secrets of the Shennongjia Forest Area together.

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

About the legend of Shennongjia savages

1. On May 1, 1974, Yin Hongfa, a villager in Fang County, found traces of "wild man" in Shennongjia, and when he went up the mountain, he suddenly found a strange sound around, and he thought it was the surrounding villagers at first, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

But after a while, he heard the sound of the leaves swinging, and when he stopped walking, the people behind him seemed to stop, and when he walked again, the people behind him followed.

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

Yin Hongfa immediately pulled out the woodcutter on his body, this monster rushed over, Yin Hongfa was extremely flustered, holding the woodcutter and slashing at the air, the wild man was also scared when he saw it, and the wild man was probably also thinking, he also walked on two feet, why was his weapon so powerful, so he turned around and ran into the woods, thinking: "Can't fight, can't you run?"

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

Yin Hongfa later recalled: The "wild man" was 4 feet tall, his whole body was covered with hair, and his eyes were red, his mouth was very large, and his hands and feet were bigger than normal people.

Later, this incident spread in the village, and the people nearby also heard this rumor, and Li Jian, the then head of the Propaganda Department of Yunyang, Hubei Province, heard about it and immediately went to Yin Hongfa's village.

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

Li Jian communicated with Yin Hongfa for a long time, and felt that Yin Hongfa was speaking in a good way, combined with the previous legend of the "wild man", he thought that the other party was not talking nonsense.

So the matter was transferred to the "People's Daily", "Hubei Daily", etc., and after the propaganda of the newspapers, the claim that there were "wild men" in Shennongjia spread to the whole country, but many experts were skeptical that there were wild people in Shennongjia.

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

2. On May 14, 1976, five cadres and a driver of the Party Committee and Government of Shennongjia Forest District saw a red-haired savage with a height of about 1.8-1.9 meters when they returned to Shennongjia.

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

When the five cadres returned to Shennongjia after the meeting, the driver saw a red-haired monster in front of him, and it was about 1.9 meters high.

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

The driver immediately put the gas pedal on the gas pedal and kept pressing the horn, the wild man was probably frightened, did not catch up, and ran into the mountain, the wild man probably did not see a giant thing that could move, and it could shine and make a loud noise, so he chose to run.

The news that Shennongjia met the savage again spread to the Academy of Sciences in Beijing, which attracted great attention from the Academy of Sciences, and the experts also wanted to meet the savage.

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

3. In 1977, the Chinese Academy of Sciences set up a "Northwest Hubei Exotic Animal Expedition Team" to conduct in-depth investigation in Shennongjia.

In this operation, the National Academy of Sciences sent a total of 110 expedition members, and 56 scouts for safety reasons.

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

Another group of people went into the depths of Shennongjia to look for the wild people to see what the wild men in Shennongjia looked like, everyone was excited and scared, but the result was very disappointing to them.

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

After half a year of investigation, I walked more than 5,000 kilometers, covering 1,500 square meters of Shennongjia, and I didn't see the "wild man" directly, only some big footprints and hairs were found.

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

In May 1980, the Chinese Academy of Sciences launched its last investigation, but in the end there was no trace of the "wild man".

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

4. Zhou Guoxing, who once participated in the "Northwest Hubei Exotic Animal Expedition", collected a lot of wild people's hairs and even stumps of hands and feet in the decades after the end of the expedition, but the final verification result was that many of these hairs and stumps were from other animals, and some were simply human hair.

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

Zhou Guoxing recalled that many clues to the wild people were eventually judged to be bears and monkeys, such as the red hair left by the red-haired wild man in Shennongjia, which was also identified as human hair, and there were traces of dyeing.

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

Zhou Guoxing has done a lot of research on the "big footprints" found in Shennongjia, and finally found that the big footprints are just the superposition and residue of multiple footprints of large-scale actions, and the "big footprints" are formed after weathering.

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

Zhou Guoxing pursued the wild man for more than 50 years, entered Shennongjia, the Pamir Plateau is the United States, the former Soviet Union and other places, he accumulated a lot of text and picture data, and he finally came to the result: at least in China, the wild man does not exist, it only exists in legends.

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

If there are wild people in Shennongjia, then there should be a lot of them, after all, there are very many animals and plants in it, enough for them to live, but they were not found in the end, indicating that they may have existed, but they perished in the end.

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

Once the race cannot reproduce and continue, it can only be eliminated in the end, although Zhou Guoxing proves that there are no savages in Shennongjia, but he will continue to study, such as how the red hair is brought to the depths of Shennongjia, this time it is the attitude of scientists.

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

The reason why the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to move forward

First, protect the flora and fauna of Shennongjia

Shennongjia has more than 20 peaks of more than 2,500 meters, 6 peaks of more than 3,000 meters, and the top of Shennongjia of 3,105 meters is the highest peak of Shennongjia, so Shennongjia is called the "roof of Central China".

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

According to official statistics, there are about 55 families, 136 genera and 245 species of bryophytes in the Shennongjia Reserve, accounting for about 52% of China's family trees.

There are more than 350 bell plants, of which there are more than 60 species that are considered rare in the world, and they are very valuable.

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

It has 36 national key protected wild plants such as dove tree and yew, 75 species of key protected wild animals such as golden monkey and golden eagle, and there are more than 1,800 medicinal plants in it, which is known as the "natural medicine garden".

There are more than 30 kinds of albino animals in Shennongjia, such as white snakes, white bears, etc., some albino animals are unique to Shennongjia, and these are national key protected animals.

There are so many precious animals and plants in it that if tourists or others are allowed to enter, it will definitely destroy the ecological environment inside.

And some poachers have been eyeing it for a long time, and if they are allowed to enter, then the precious plants inside may be dug up, and the precious animals will also be killed and captured.

In particular, many people want to catch and study the problem of why some animals in Shennongjia are bleached, which is very helpful for hospital research, and once it is released, it will basically be ruined.

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

Deep in Shennongjia, some new species are discovered every once in a while, and this is a very primitive and magical place that really needs to be protected.

According to the regulations, only researchers can enter the core area of the nature reserve, and any individual, unit, or even foreigner needs to be approved to enter.

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

Second, protect the safety of tourists

1. Because there are too many animals and plants in Shennongjia, some plants are poisonous, and animals will also attack people, and the more undeveloped the area, the more poisonous snakes there are.

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

2. The terrain in the depths of Shennongjia is very complicated, once you get lost or injured, the rescue is very difficult, and it is very easy to miss the best rescue time.

In 2003, 10 people formed an expedition team of travelers to Shennongjia, and in the process of the expedition, they did not encounter any dangers, and finally successfully walked out of Shennongjia.

But in the lower reaches of the gorge of the Guanyin River stone slab camp, suddenly heavy rain, encountered a huge flash flood, a donkey friend was swept away by the flash flood and lost his life, the other 9 people want to save can't be saved, can only watch him disappear in a daze.

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

In 2016, 11 tourists got lost after entering Shennongjia, and finally dispatched special police, fire protection, police station, and forest public security to rescue, and spent a lot of manpower and material resources to find them, isn't this a pure waste of social resources?

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

The depths of Shennongjia are really dangerous, but some people in the city feel that they are tired of playing in the urban area and want to try to climb the mountain, and they like to go to the kind of difficult ones, such as Qinling.

Every year, there is too much news about the search and rescue of missing people in Qinling, but some small search and rescue are not in the news.

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

3. 80% of people may not even have the most basic ability to discern the direction in the forest, and it is really difficult to get out of the forest when they get lost.

Many people may not be convinced, but the fact is that a person who has been a soldier has shared similar incidents.

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

There is a training subject called orienteering in the unit, holding a map and a compass, about 8 kilometers away, finding 8 coordinate points, and coming back within two hours, but in the end only half of them can come back on time.

At that time, the training site was in the mountains of Yunnan, with lush trees and undulating mountains, but there were basically no large animals, and there were roads in the mountains, and there were villages nearby.

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

The map is a 1:50000 military map, but it is relatively old, some paths are not on the map, but some roads, villages, and mountains are accurate.

Everyone who participated in the training knew that the coordinate points were set by the leaders who drove in, that is to say, the points were all near the roads that could be opened to traffic.

Since the participants are all young guys, many of them are from Yunnan and Guichuan, and they have often gone into the mountains to play since they were children, and their physical fitness is very good.

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

But even so, in the end, only half of them came back within 2 hours, and after an hour, there were still more than 10 people who had not returned.

The trees in the mountains are so tall and dense that even if you are 2 meters tall, you can't see the nearby terrain clearly, and you only know which road you are on.

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

4. As for going to the kind of primeval forest where there are no roads, no people, and no guide to navigate, it is really a life and death after entering.

In places like Shennongjia, there is basically no signal when the mobile phone is brought in, and many devices fail due to the magnetic field, and some people may say, doesn't the mobile phone have the satellite communication function? As long as the message or satellite call is done.

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

But this is only possible in the ideal state of people's safety, what if you encounter a group of fierce beasts and monsters? Do you have a chance to call? The phone is connected, and those who are waiting are here to collect the corpses.

If you are injured during the expedition, or poisoned or bitten by snakes, even if you can request rescue, due to the difficult terrain, you may have missed the best rescue time by the time the rescue arrives.

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

Not to mention entering the forest, many of us park in the underground garage, often can't find their car, because the environment inside is too similar, and there is no particularly obvious reference, in the underground often see people walking around, while looking at the car, 90% of them can't find the exit or car.

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?

We can go to Shennongjia Scenic Area to play, but don't try to enter the depths of Shennongjia, it's really too dangerous inside.

Is there really a wild man in Shennongjia? Why is there a saying that "the depths of Shennongjia are not allowed to advance"?