
Changes in Europe: A sharp wave of rightward shifting has begun, and the EU election has opened a new chapter

author:Liu Yiling, Taiwan
Changes in Europe: A sharp wave of rightward shifting has begun, and the EU election has opened a new chapter
A storm of sharp rightward shifts is brewing on the European political scene in the near future, suggesting that the European Union (EU) elections will be an important witness to this political shift. The rise of populists, Euroskeptics, and conservatives is threatening Europe's political order. This article will delve into the causes of this wave of rightward movement, its possible implications, and the future direction of political development in Europe.
Changes in Europe: A sharp wave of rightward shifting has begun, and the EU election has opened a new chapter

Background of the Right-Leaning Wave:

According to a recent study by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), this year's EU elections will show a clear sharp rightward trend. The rise of populists, Euroskeptics, and conservatives is threatening Europe's political order. Far-right parties are expected to achieve significant results in the European Parliament, which occupy nearly half of the seats. This change not only reflects the dissatisfaction of European society with the traditional political system, but also paints a new picture on the political map.

Changes in Europe: A sharp wave of rightward shifting has begun, and the EU election has opened a new chapter

The ECFR report notes that parties that support Russia are likely to gain more representation in the European Parliament.

Changes in Europe: A sharp wave of rightward shifting has begun, and the EU election has opened a new chapter

Bulgaria's MEPs may become the pro-Russian representative in the European Parliament, and this phenomenon indicates that in European politics, the stance on Russia may change that cannot be ignored.

Changes in Europe: A sharp wave of rightward shifting has begun, and the EU election has opened a new chapter

Possible effects of the right-leaning trend:

The rise of the right-wing trend could have many political, economic and social implications. First, it could lead to a weakening of the enforcement of European decrees and challenges the original foundations of the rule of law. Second, a hard-line stance on climate change action may be challenged, as right-leaning forces are often skeptical of environmental policies. In addition, the treatment of migration issues may also lead to harsher and exclusionary policies, leading to social unrest.

Changes in Europe: A sharp wave of rightward shifting has begun, and the EU election has opened a new chapter

Simon Hix and Kevin Cunningham, co-authors of the ECFR report, argue that such a policy upheaval could weaken Europe's ability to intervene in global affairs. This will be a serious test for Europe, as it faces how to adapt to the changing global order while maintaining unity.

Changes in Europe: A sharp wave of rightward shifting has begun, and the EU election has opened a new chapter

Europe's Transformation and Global Repercussions:

This political upheaval is not just an internal European issue, it is likely to reverberate globally. With the US election just around the corner, a sharp rightward shift in Europe could spark a resonance of populism and protectionism across the Atlantic. Especially if Trump is re-elected in five months' time, this resonance could intensify and form an international right-leaning trend.

Changes in Europe: A sharp wave of rightward shifting has begun, and the EU election has opened a new chapter

Simon Hix said in an interview: "With the rise of populism...... The political mainstream needs to wake up and have a clear understanding of what the voters want, while recognizing the need for a more interventionist and capable Europe on the world stage. "This lack of awareness could lead to more voters turning to extremist forces and providing more support to right-leaning forces.

Changes in Europe: A sharp wave of rightward shifting has begun, and the EU election has opened a new chapter


Europe's sharp rightward shift will determine the future direction of European politics, not just as an election, but as a re-examination of Europe's overall values and political orientation. At this juncture, Europe needs to take the voice of its constituents seriously, while finding a political solution that responds to societal concerns while maintaining solidarity. Balancing domestic interests and international responsibilities has become an important challenge for Europe's leadership.

Changes in Europe: A sharp wave of rightward shifting has begun, and the EU election has opened a new chapter

The changes in Europe are a reminder that the global political landscape may inadvertently undergo fundamental changes. For Europe, only by adapting to change and gathering strength can it maintain a firm position on the world stage in the future. It is hoped that through this election, Europe will find a way to meet the general needs of each country and promote international cooperation, so as to contribute to the stability and prosperity of global politics.

In the face of the trend of Europe's continuous rightward leaning, do you have any thoughts?

Changes in Europe: A sharp wave of rightward shifting has begun, and the EU election has opened a new chapter
Changes in Europe: A sharp wave of rightward shifting has begun, and the EU election has opened a new chapter

Source: Central News Agency
