
"When you enter the Layue Gate, don't ask people about the five things", what five things can't be done in the Layue?

author:Wisdom of the Elderly

Have you noticed that as soon as you enter the wax moon, the old people around you begin to tell this and that, as if there is an invisible force in this month, affecting our daily behavior.

"When you enter the Layue Gate, don't ask people about the five things", what five things can't be done in the Layue?

In traditional Chinese culture, there are many folk customs and taboos in the wax moon. Among them, there is a saying that says: "When you enter the Layue Gate, don't ask people about five things."

What exactly are these five things? Why do people have such taboos? You must know.

1. Layue is kind: do not quarrel with others

"Home and everything is prosperous", the wax moon is the end of the year, and people prefer to spend this month in harmony in order to bring good luck and good omens for the new year.

"When you enter the Layue Gate, don't ask people about the five things", what five things can't be done in the Layue?

Quarrels can not only disrupt harmony, but can also lead to unnecessary contradictions and conflicts. Therefore, during the wax moon, we should try to remain calm and restrained to avoid getting into arguments with others.

2. 腊月忌动: Non-portable house

As the saying goes: "When the moon moves, there is no blessing and no hair". In folk beliefs, the wax moon is the month of worship for ancestors, and it is believed that ancestors will return home to reunite with their families.

"When you enter the Layue Gate, don't ask people about the five things", what five things can't be done in the Layue?

If you move at this time, it is easy to disturb the spirits of your ancestors, and it is considered to be disrespectful to your ancestors. Therefore, in order to respect traditional culture and ancestors, we should try to avoid moving in the month of Layue.

3. Be cautious about financial management: It is not advisable to lend money to others

The wax moon is the last month, and people make year-end settlements and plan their expenses for the coming year. If you lend money to others at this time, it may affect your financial situation and fortune in the coming year.

"When you enter the Layue Gate, don't ask people about the five things", what five things can't be done in the Layue?

In addition, lending money to others may also lead to unnecessary disputes and conflicts. Therefore, during the month of La, we should be cautious about whether or not to lend money to others.

Fourth, the moon seeks stability: it is not suitable to get married

"Wax moon marriage, unlucky", in traditional Chinese culture, wax moon is not a suitable month for marriage.

"When you enter the Layue Gate, don't ask people about the five things", what five things can't be done in the Layue?

It is believed that getting married in this month may affect the couple's feelings and fortunes. As a result, many families choose to avoid getting married during the month of Lunar New Year and wait until the New Year to get married.

Of course, this taboo has gradually been diluted in modern society, but there are still some families who adhere to such traditional customs.

Fifth, Layue talks about auspiciousness: it is not appropriate to say unlucky words

"Good words are warm in three winters, and bad words are hurtful and cold in June." During the wax moon, people also try to avoid saying some unlucky words.

"When you enter the Layue Gate, don't ask people about the five things", what five things can't be done in the Layue?

Because these words may bring negative energy and bad signs. In addition, some vulgar and indecent language can also be considered unlucky. We should keep the language civilized and polite to create a harmonious and beautiful atmosphere.


To sum up, the five things mentioned in the saying "enter the Layue Gate, don't ask people about the five things" are all well-founded folk taboos. These taboos imply people's yearning for a happy life and respect for their ancestors.

"When you enter the Layue Gate, don't ask people about the five things", what five things can't be done in the Layue?

In modern society, although some taboos have been gradually diluted or abandoned, the culture and wisdom contained in them are still worth learning and learning from. While respecting traditional culture, we should also make our own choices according to the actual situation of modern society.

Finally, I wish everyone a safe and smooth lunar month!

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