
Why did Sun Quan dare to be emperor so late?

author:Top evening breeze hQH

Why did Sun Quan dare to be emperor so late?

In the long history of China, the name Sun Quan can be described as a household name. As the founding emperor of Eastern Wu, his life was full of legends. However, what makes people curious is why Sun Quan had to wait until his old age to dare to be emperor? Today, let's talk about this topic.

Why did Sun Quan dare to be emperor so late?

First of all, we have to understand that in the era of the Three Kingdoms, it was not easy to be the emperor. What do you think, Cao Cao and Liu Bei all called themselves kings and emperors early, if Sun Quan accidentally followed in their footsteps, he would become the target of public criticism. Therefore, for a long time, Sun Quan has been dealing with other forces as the "King of Wu".

So, why did Sun Quan have to wait until his old age to dare to take this risk? This has to be said of his "old scheming." He knew in his heart that if he wanted to sit firmly in the country, he must have enough strength and popular support. As a result, he worked hard to develop the economy, reorganize the army, and strive to improve the overall strength of Wu. At the same time, he also maintained a good relationship with Liu Bei and Cao Cao, and tried to avoid unnecessary fights. In this way, his strength has been rapidly improved, and it has also laid a solid foundation for him to become emperor in the future.

Why did Sun Quan dare to be emperor so late?

Of course, in addition to strength, popular sentiment is also a factor that cannot be ignored. Sun Quan knew that if he wanted the people to support him as emperor, he had to let them live a good life first. As a result, he introduced a series of policies to benefit the people, such as reducing taxes, building water conservancy, and encouraging farming. In this way, the lives of the common people are getting better and better, and the support for Sun Quan is also rising.

Finally, one day in Sun Quan's later years, he felt that the time was ripe. As a result, he decisively proclaimed himself emperor and established the Soochow Dynasty. At this moment, he finally realized his long-cherished wish for many years, and also drew a successful end to his legendary life.

Through Sun Quan's story, it is not difficult for us to see a truth: if you want to achieve a career, you must have enough strength and popular support. And patience and courage are also indispensable factors in this process. Just like Sun Quan, he was able to gain a foothold in troubled times, not only because of his extraordinary wisdom and courage, but also because of his accurate grasp of the timing and deep insight into the people's hearts.

Therefore, we must also learn to accumulate strength and cultivate people's hearts on the road of life, and at the same time, we must have enough patience and courage to meet various challenges. Only in this way can we shine on the stage of life and write our own legendary story.

Why did Sun Quan dare to be emperor so late?

Finally, I hope this article can give you some inspiration and food for thought. Whether you are a young person chasing your dreams or a successful person who has already achieved something, don't forget to remind yourself that strength, people's will, patience and courage are always the key to achieving your career.

Well, thank you for your interview today, and I hope that everyone can pursue their dreams bravely like Sun Quan and become the protagonist on the stage of life!