
The woman turned the 24-square-meter garage into a home, and a family of 4 moved in with no mortgage or rent, and the pattern was envied

author:The landscape has a clear sound

I would like to ask you a question: Do you feel happy now?

This question seems simple, but it feels tricky, what is happiness? In the current era of material flow, people always interpret happiness as: having a house, a car, and a deposit.

You might say, "Isn't it happiness that I can afford everything I want as long as I have enough money?"

But, in reality, we have forgotten the true meaning of happiness – that is, worry-free, disease-free, disaster-free. In modern parlance, health and happiness are truly priceless!

A family of four in Jilin bought a 24-square-meter garage in full, which was converted into a warm home.

The woman turned the 24-square-meter garage into a home, and a family of 4 moved in with no mortgage or rent, and the pattern was envied

The woman converted the 24-square-meter garage into a home

For money, you don't bring it in life, and you don't bring it in death.

The ancients' understanding of happiness comes from inner peace and spiritual satisfaction, and this statement still has high practical significance today.

A woman and her husband in Jilin are from ordinary families, come to the big city to work hard, due to limited economy, can only choose to rent a house, but with the advent of twin daughters, the pressure of the two has increased sharply!

After some discussion, the two spent more than 100,000 yuan to buy a garage, and many people asked, since they want a home, why not buy a house? But how easy is it to buy a house in a big city?

The woman turned the 24-square-meter garage into a home, and a family of 4 moved in with no mortgage or rent, and the pattern was envied

They have been working hard in the city, and they know the bitterness and pain of carrying a high mortgage like carrying a heavy burden. What family doesn't want to have a cosy home of their own? However, the mortgage is like an invisible anklet, tightly binding them.

Buying a house is often millions, and you have to bear a mortgage for decades, and I believe everyone knows that kind of pressure.

The woman turned the 24-square-meter garage into a home, and a family of 4 moved in with no mortgage or rent, and the pattern was envied

The garage she bought is not a garage in our traditional sense, our general garage is underground, and her garage is out of the community, but it is more like a ground floor shop type!

It is reported that because it was bought in full, there was no mortgage or the like, after the two people carefully designed, a small home was there, although it was only 24 square meters, but "although the sparrow is small, it has all the organs"!

The woman turned the 24-square-meter garage into a home, and a family of 4 moved in with no mortgage or rent, and the pattern was envied

From then on, I no longer have to bear the pain of renting, and at the same time, I can experience all the beauty that life brings.

There is a sofa in the living room, the wall is made of wall cloth patterns, and there are many plants and ornaments on the wall.

The children's awards on the wall add a different meaning!

The woman turned the 24-square-meter garage into a home, and a family of 4 moved in with no mortgage or rent, and the pattern was envied

It stands to reason that it is good to be able to live in such a small place, but the woman still has a lot of plants at the door, it seems that she is still a person who loves life very much.

Entering the master bedroom, you will be greeted by a sliding door, which is carefully designed by the owner to place a spacious sofa and coffee table.

Even if the place is small, you can still find the true meaning of your life.

The woman turned the 24-square-meter garage into a home, and a family of 4 moved in with no mortgage or rent, and the pattern was envied

Next is the bed, some people question that it is so small, let alone live 4 people, that is, it is enough to live 2 people. He even said that he had tried, but he couldn't live at all!

But the hostess retorted: We live here with a lot of people, it's good, it's just like the first floor of the bottom business, it's just a little smaller.

More than 32,000 were spent on the renovation in total!

The woman turned the 24-square-meter garage into a home, and a family of 4 moved in with no mortgage or rent, and the pattern was envied

They deliberately designed a bunk bunk, they went to sleep separately for the couple and the children, although it was a little troublesome, but they had a ladder to use, and I thought of the sentence "If you can't do it, it doesn't mean that others can't do it!"

Think about the people who live in the snail as reported before, 5 square meters can live, why can't 24 square meters live for 4 people?

The woman turned the 24-square-meter garage into a home, and a family of 4 moved in with no mortgage or rent, and the pattern was envied

I have a colleague next to me, who has a two-room house of 40 square meters!

Then she has 2 children, the old man still lives with them, a family of 6 people live in a 40 square meter house, we were surprised when we knew it, how can this live, but she has been living like this for 5 years, and does not feel inappropriate!

The woman turned the 24-square-meter garage into a home, and a family of 4 moved in with no mortgage or rent, and the pattern was envied

Back to the topic, the hostess designed the house so that she has everything that other people have, and she also has what others don't!

Refrigerators, TVs, washing machines, stoves, range hoods, sofas, cabinets, washstands, and more!

To be honest, when I saw the layout inside, I was envious!

The woman turned the 24-square-meter garage into a home, and a family of 4 moved in with no mortgage or rent, and the pattern was envied

Inside, there is a large front yard, which is not only a great place for them to dry their clothes and shoes, but also a happy place for them to spend their leisure time.

At the entrance, they cleverly divide a small part as a shoe cabinet and a place to store some safety emergency items, and the built-in design gives people a sense of simplicity and elegance.

The woman turned the 24-square-meter garage into a home, and a family of 4 moved in with no mortgage or rent, and the pattern was envied

It has to be mentioned that although the entire interior of the house is only 24 square meters of configuration, it is full of homely atmosphere, and there are all kinds of household appliances. This small room exudes warmth and vitality in every inch of the land, making people feel an incomparable sense of warmth.

Such a quiet and peaceful life is simply a model of fairy tales in life!

In their homes, although the space is cramped, everyone can find their own space, and even show comfort and satisfaction from their smiles.

The woman turned the 24-square-meter garage into a home, and a family of 4 moved in with no mortgage or rent, and the pattern was envied

Two children who have no guesses, a sunny and handsome father, and a beautiful and virtuous mother, constitute such a harmonious and wonderful picture. Such a picture is the ideal life that everyone yearns for, and living in such an environment will surely make people feel emotional.

For their warm and poetic lifestyle, many netizens were amazed.

They believe that as long as there is love, living in a space of 24 square meters, they can also write their own happy chapter. Their families also tell us that true happiness does not come from external factors such as money, material things, or power, but from deep love and understanding.

The woman turned the 24-square-meter garage into a home, and a family of 4 moved in with no mortgage or rent, and the pattern was envied

Such a small house not only allows children to play to their heart's content, but as they grow, there is plenty of space for future families. It's wonderful to live in such an environment, where you're physically and mentally healthy, and at the same time close to nature.

Many netizens have said that such a warm and creative living environment is simply eye-catching!

Faced with the incomprehension of others, the hostess only said one sentence:

"No burden, no pressure, no mortgage, no financial disputes, no Huabei, no loan, it's very easy!"

The woman turned the 24-square-meter garage into a home, and a family of 4 moved in with no mortgage or rent, and the pattern was envied

What is happiness? There is never a conclusion, what car? is a good car, safe to go out and come back safely is a good car, what is a luxury house, a happy family is healthy is a luxury house, in my opinion, in fact, the house does not need to be very big, as long as the house is comfortable, the family is happy.

Although the room of this family of four is small, it is happy to have laughter!

Netizens have blessed one after another

Everyone in the family is small, happiness is good, no matter how big the house is to quarrel every day, you can't eat a hot meal when you get home, what's the use, no matter how small the home is, it's good to be warm, and the family gets along in harmony, this is happiness!

The woman turned the 24-square-meter garage into a home, and a family of 4 moved in with no mortgage or rent, and the pattern was envied

Ten years ago, they were scrambling to buy a building, but in addition to paying off the mortgage, cleaning, and property fees, what is left in the past ten years? It doesn't matter if the size of the house is not frozen in winter or hot in summer, it is a good house, and a family is happy to love each other!

The woman turned the 24-square-meter garage into a home, and a family of 4 moved in with no mortgage or rent, and the pattern was envied

The economy is average, the small house is good for hygiene, the big house is tired, there is money to hire people to do sanitation and live in a big house to be happy, the big house is not envious of its own hygiene, I am also a small house in Hong Kong, back to my hometown of a few hundred square meters, health annoying

The woman turned the 24-square-meter garage into a home, and a family of 4 moved in with no mortgage or rent, and the pattern was envied

My house is a flat garage, not a storage room, the door is directly open outside, and the ceiling is also high. I bought two, it was cheap at the time, no one wanted it. It is particularly large, one is converted into a kitchen + dining room, and the other is converted into a tea room + study. Usually, children are out of school, and adults don't have to go upstairs after work. My parents stay down there all day, and it's not too convenient to wash clothes and dry quilts. There's a river right outside, and it's as cool as living in the countryside.

The woman turned the 24-square-meter garage into a home, and a family of 4 moved in with no mortgage or rent, and the pattern was envied

I like this, it's easy to go out, the weather is good, and I can move the chair out directly to bask in the sun, and there is no contradiction between the neighbors going up and down the stairs

It's the same everywhere. I still want one, as long as it's quiet

The woman turned the 24-square-meter garage into a home, and a family of 4 moved in with no mortgage or rent, and the pattern was envied

Life should be like this, feel every detail with your heart, find the small luck in life, love life, respect life, and believe that what you are in is the best "nest".

Write to the end

Behind everyone's life there is a deeply fascinating story, and all we have to do is treat every second of our lives as if it were a new experience.

In addition to being busy, you might as well stop and feel carefully, and you will find that the real happiness is in the bits and pieces of daily life, in the casual smile and gentle care.

May we all find our own peace and satisfaction on the road to happiness.
