
Buying house 701 and handing over the house became 704, the owner was angry and unlucky


Recently, an oolong incident about the house number has caused a stir in Zhengzhou. Ms. Liu thought she had purchased room 701, but when she handed over the house, she found that the house number had changed to 704, which made her feel extremely unlucky and angry. As ordinary consumers, we should all keep an eye on this incident, because it is not only about personal psychological feelings, but also reflects the details that are often overlooked in housing transactions.

Buying house 701 and handing over the house became 704, the owner was angry and unlucky

First of all, we must recognize that the house number is not just a simple numerical identification, it also carries the emotional and psychological expectations of the owner. In Chinese culture, the meaning of numbers is particularly profound. For example, "4" is considered an inauspicious number because it is pronounced close to "death". Ms. Liu's choice of room 701 is likely due to her love for the number "7", because it is pronounced similarly to "qi" in many dialects, meaning "beginning" or "developed". Now that it has become 704, it is undoubtedly a basin of cold water on the original good fortune.

Developers should be more cautious in dealing with such issues. They tend to focus only on the quality and design of the building itself, ignoring the seemingly insignificant but crucial details in the housing transaction. These details are directly related to the psychological satisfaction of consumers. In Ms. Liu's case, the developer's mistake caused Ms. Liu great psychological distress and damaged consumers' trust in the developer.

Buying house 701 and handing over the house became 704, the owner was angry and unlucky

Solving such problems is not easy, but it is not unsolvable. The developer and the buyer should clearly state the house number and its meaning when signing the purchase contract. Once there is a change of number, the developer should communicate with the buyer in advance and provide a reasonable solution. In addition, the relevant authorities should also strengthen supervision to ensure that developers do not mislead consumers in their advertising and sales.

We should recognize that the cultural implications behind numbers are one of the important factors influencing consumer choices. Developers should fully take this into account in the sales process and provide consumers with more comprehensive and considerate services. At the same time, consumers should also be vigilant to avoid falling into unnecessary trouble due to a moment of negligence.

Buying house 701 and handing over the house became 704, the owner was angry and unlucky

In this case, Ms. Liu's experience is sympathetic. It is hoped that the developer will face up to the problem and take proactive measures to fix this mistake. At the same time, it is also hoped that through this matter, all walks of life will pay attention to the details of housing transactions and jointly maintain a fair and transparent market environment.