
Advantages and disadvantages of different dogs

author:Renai Grape LCT


Advantages: less shedding, easy to take care of the appearance of a "little old man" with a friendly personality, naughty and energetic, and body odor is not heavy, IQ is very high, relatively easy to train, high vigilance, is a good helper for nursing homes.

Cons: Need for cosmetology

Appearance is mixed, likes challenges, loves to scream regardless of body shape, is jealous of the owner's love, is not easy to clean, is easy to breed bacteria, and hair is easy to messy, so it needs regular beauty.

Advantages and disadvantages of different dogs

Shiba Inu

Advantages: love clean, do not love to call independent, not clingy, very healing when smiling, his appearance makes people feel cute, very cute, one of the best-looking dogs, he is extremely loyal to his owner, not easy to have a sense of dependence. He usually behaves calmly and intelligently, has a certain ability to learn and adapt, is friendly to people, is easy to train, has a high level of alertness, has a rich expression, and is relatively easy to raise.

Disadvantages: Super tsundere, very vigilant, serious hair loss, and difficult to clean up and non-sticky, very selfish, may not be able to meet the emotional needs of the shovel officer, and does not like to touch, its destructive ability is super strong.

Advantages and disadvantages of different dogs


Advantages: good looks, docile personality, friendly to dogs and cats, very suitable as a family companion dog, will not attack strangers or other animals, likes to laugh, his IQ is not very high, but it makes people feel very cute.

Disadvantages: intolerant of dirt, need to take care of hair frequently, very sensitive to heat, love to lose hair, in addition, very energetic, if there is not enough exercise, it will lead to frequent demolition or barking at home, affecting the life of neighbors.

Advantages and disadvantages of different dogs


Advantages: Very handsome, very cool to take out, very protective of the owner, but will also cause trouble for the owner, his IQ is very high, the body is very large, the appearance makes people look not very kind, but in fact very loyal or friendly to humans, at the same time, the adaptability is also very strong, the body is agile and flexible, very brave.

Disadvantages: Most cities are forbidden, aggressive, must be controlled by the owner when going out, have a strong personality, are prone to genetic defects, and have high training costs.

Advantages and disadvantages of different dogs

Western Highlands

Advantages: high appearance, do not like to scream, suitable for family breeding, smart and confident, adaptable, not too shedding, small body odor, very loyal to people, and lively and cheerful, and easy to train, usually long life, and the body size is not large, the amount of food is not large, easy to feed. The West Highlands look a bit like a schnauzer, though.

Disadvantages: energetic and clingy, like a perpetual motion machine, love to compete for pets, strong sense of territory, high demand for hair care, and easy to produce allergic reactions, its cry is also relatively loud, the personality is relatively stubborn, and there are hereditary diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages of different dogs


Advantages: changeable personality, can bring infinite joy to the owner, appearance is high and low, silly and simple, his social skills are strong, adaptability is also strong, and the demand for exercise is strong. He is the pistachio of humanity and the catastrophe of humanity.

Disadvantages: Afraid of heat, easy to dismantle, silly, energetic, love to shed hair It is recommended to like the Syrian decoration style of shovel officer feeding.

Advantages and disadvantages of different dogs


Advantages: stupid and cute, well-behaved, lively, do not like to bark, many colors to choose from, short hair and easy to take care of, small amount of exercise, he is particularly strong in Qinghe, and his IQ is not high or low.

Disadvantages: super like snoring and farting, poor care is easy to have a big body odor, fear of heat in summer, easy to heat stroke, easy to have health risks and high price.

Advantages and disadvantages of different dogs


Advantages: less chance of disease, long life, great affinity, lively and cute, strong affinity, high IQ, strong adaptability. Excellent stamina and physical strength, which can bring joy to humans

Disadvantages: especially screaming, and loud, easy to disturb the people, particularly stubborn, very naughty, extremely energetic, easy to gluttony.

Advantages and disadvantages of different dogs


Advantages: smart, easy to train, mild and lively, no body odor, basically no hair loss, small size, can adapt to different environments, and easy to take care of, very loyal to humans.

Disadvantages: likes to provoke, has an overly lively personality, often appears to ride across the behavior, and grows older. It is prone to bone dislocation, needs hair care, and its lifespan is relatively short.

Advantages and disadvantages of different dogs

Hikuma Inu

Advantages: soft and glutinous curly hair dumplings, smart, easy to train, gentle and lively, small body odor, no hair loss, strong adaptability, very good health, rarely sick.

Disadvantages: love to scream, easy to have tear stains if you don't pay attention to it, easy to dislocate the bones, need hair care, it is a more sensitive animal, occasionally attack or other bad behaviors, in fact, there may be a risk of genetic diseases. In addition, the amount of food is very large.

Advantages and disadvantages of different dogs

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