
Honest man's counterattack: take the villain's path, so that the villain has no way out!

author:Ink language


Opening gossip:

In this complex social stage, honest people are always labeled as "easy to suffer". Is it true that honest people are destined to be bullied by villains and can only endure in silence? Today, let's talk about the way out for honest people, and see how to use wisdom and strategy to take the path of villains so that villains have no way out.

1. Honesty is not stupid, strategy needs to come first

Honest people are often considered to be synonymous with lack of heart and eyesight and being easily deceived. In fact, honesty is not the same as stupidity, and a real honest person knows how to protect himself with wisdom. They know that in this society full of competition and pitfalls, they have to have some strategy to get a foothold.

When it comes to strategy, I have to mention Zhuge Liang. This prime minister of Shu Han is a master of strategy. Of course, he was loyal to Liu Bei and Shu Han, and he never had two hearts. But is he stupid? Never! Straw boats borrow arrows and empty city plans, which one is not the crystallization of wisdom? Zhuge Liang used these tactics to successfully follow the villain's path, leaving the villain beyond his reach.

Famous saying: Zhuge Liang once said: "The journey of a husband and a gentleman is to cultivate oneself quietly and to cultivate virtue through frugality." There is no ambition without indifference, and there is no far-reaching ambition without tranquility. "Honest people cultivate self-cultivation, but they must also learn to use strategies to protect themselves, so that they can go further.

2. Endure the calm for a while, take a step back and open the sky

Honest people tend to be good-tempered and patient. It's not weakness, it's wisdom. They know that sometimes by putting up with it and taking a step back, they can avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble.

For example, Han Xin, a military strategist in the early Han Dynasty, was humiliated by his crotch when he was young. If he had chosen to fight hard at that time, he would probably have died in Huangquan. But he chose to endure, and this forbearance endured Han Xin, one of the three masters of the early Han Dynasty. He used his success to leave those who used to laugh at him out of reach.

Famous saying: Han Xin once said: "Only by enduring humiliation can you become a great weapon." "Honest people know how to endure, because they know that only by enduring temporary humiliation can they win long-term success.

3. Give back to the other in his way

The reason why villains are villains is because they are good at using some improper means to achieve their own goals. If honest people want to follow the path of villains, they must learn to use their means to deal with them.

Cao Cao is a master. In the era of deceit in the Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao used his human way to govern his body and successfully coped with the challenges of various villains. For example, when dealing with Yang Xiu's cleverness, Cao Cao used his ingenuity to make Yang Xiu's cleverness be mistaken by cleverness, and finally reap the consequences.

Famous saying: Cao Cao once said: "Rather teach me to bear the world, and stop teaching the world to bear me." Although this statement is a bit extreme, it also reveals a kind of wisdom that repays the other way. Of course, we don't want to learn from Cao Cao's extremism, but from his strategy.

4. The heart of defense is indispensable, and the heart of harm is indispensable

Honest people tend to trust others too much and lack defensiveness when interacting with others. This is very easy to be exploited by villains. Therefore, if an honest person wants to take the path of a villain, he must learn to protect himself, not only to guard against others, but also not to harm others.

Tang Taizong Li Shimin is an understanding person. During his reign, although he was open-minded and meritocracy, he was also wary of those villains with ill intentions. For example, when dealing with Sun Wuji, the chief minister of power, he not only reused his talents but also restricted his power to prevent him from causing chaos, and resolutely cracked down on traitorous ministers who falsely accused him of loyalty. In this way, they protect themselves and do not harm the innocent.

Famous saying: Tang Taizong once said: "With copper as a mirror, you can be dressed properly, with the ancient as a mirror, you can know the rise and fall, and with people as a mirror, you can see the gains and losses." "Honest people should learn to use people as a mirror to distinguish between right and wrong and protect themselves.

5. Don't do pointless battles, strength is everything

Honest people are often not good at fighting with others, which is actually a virtue. Because pointless fights only waste time and energy, and in the end, both sides may lose. A true wise man knows how to speak with strength and prove himself with his achievements.

For example, Albert Einstein, a giant of science. He devoted his life to scientific research and never engaged in pointless fights with others. When his theory of relativity was questioned, he did not argue with others, but used experiments and data to prove his theory. In the end, he won the respect of the whole world with his strength.

Albert Einstein once said, "I never regard comfort and happiness as life itself—an ethical basis I call the ideal of a pigpen." "An honest person should focus on improving his own strength, rather than fighting with others for nothing.

6. Be good at using strength to make the villain reap the consequences

If an honest person wants to follow the path of a villain, he must learn to use his strength. Using the strength of others to deal with villains can often achieve twice the result with half the effort.

For example, Sun Bin in the Warring States Period, he was a master who was good at borrowing strength. When his fellow disciple brother Pang Juan framed him, he did not directly confront him, but used the power of Qi to deal with Pang Juan. In the end, Pang Juan was killed in the Battle of Maling, and Sun Bin successfully took revenge.

Famous saying: Sun Bin once said: "Because of the situation, it is advantageous." "An honest person should learn to use the strength of others to deal with the villain, so that he can easily walk the villain's path and let the villain have no way out.

7. Keep your distance to see what happens

Honest people are often easily confused by their superficial appearance when dealing with villains. In order to avoid being taken advantage of by villains, honest people should learn to keep their distance and watch what happens.

For example, Ji Xiaolan in the Qing Dynasty was an understanding person. He has been in officialdom for many years and knows the dangers of villains. Therefore, when dealing with villains, he always keeps a certain distance, neither too close to them, nor too distant from them. In this way, you can not only protect yourself, but also observe the movements of the villain in order to respond in time.

Famous saying: Ji Xiaolan once said: "Things can be content, and people are so normal that they are self-exalted without seeking quality." "An honest person should learn to be content and happy, and not pursue too much in the relationship with the villain, so that he can keep a clear head and deal with all kinds of changes.

8. How can we repay virtue if we repay our grievances with virtue?

Honest people are often told to repay their grievances with virtue, but is it really right to do so? In fact, sometimes being too lenient with villains can make them more unscrupulous. Therefore, honest people must also learn to repay grievances directly.

For example, former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, in the face of Nazi Germany's provocation, he did not choose to repay his grievances with virtue, but resolutely fought back. He used his actions to tell the world that honest people must also learn to repay grievances with honesty in response to villains' provocations.

Highlights of the famous quote: Winston Churchill once said, "We live by what we get, but we live by what we give." "Honest people should understand that for the provocation of villains, sometimes giving them the counterattack they deserve is also a way of life.

9. Prevent small problems, details determine success or failure

Honest people tend to ignore the details and think it's the big picture that matters. But it's the devil in the details. An honest person who doesn't pay attention to details can easily be taken advantage of by villains.

For example, Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, was a detail-oriented person. He pursues the ultimate perfection in product design, and even a small screw must be carefully designed and selected. It's this meticulous attention to detail that allows Apple's products to stand out in a competitive market.

Famous Quote: Steve Jobs once said, "The details are the key to success." "Honest people should learn to pay attention to details, start from small things, and prevent small things, so as to avoid being used by villains and go further.

10. 知己知彼,百战不殆

If you want to go the way of the villain, you must first understand the villain. Only by having a deep understanding of the psychology and means of the villains can we better deal with their challenges.

For example, Su Qin and Zhang Yi during the Warring States Period were two masters of understanding villains. By lobbying the monarchs of various countries, they gained an in-depth understanding of the political situation of each country and the psychology of villains. Then, using their wisdom and eloquence, they successfully met the challenges of various villains, winning benefits for their respective countries.

Famous saying: Sun Tzu once said: "Those who know themselves and know their opponents will not be defeated in a hundred battles; "Honest people should learn to understand the villains so that they can better cope with their challenges and go further.

11. Keep your mouth shut, lest evil come out of your mouth

Honest people are usually outspoken and prone to inadvertently divulging secrets or making inappropriate remarks. However, in complex social interactions, tight-lipped is an essential skill. Because villains are often good at using other people's words to cause trouble.

Zeng Guofan, a famous minister of the Qing Dynasty, is a model of prudence in words and deeds. He is well aware of the truth that if you say too much, you will lose, so he always thinks twice before speaking. In the face of the provocation and temptation of villains, he was able to remain silent and not let himself fall into a passive situation. It is precisely because of this cautious attitude that he can stand tall in the officialdom and achieve great things.

Famous saying: Zeng Guofan once said: "Don't act willfully, don't speak willfully." "An honest man should learn to keep his mouth shut and avoid getting into trouble because of a quick mouth.

12. It is rare to be confused, and wise is foolish

Sometimes, being too smart can get you into trouble. Because villains tend to be calculating, if you act too smart, you will become a thorn in their side. Therefore, honest people must also learn to be rare and confused, and pretend to be stupid to protect themselves.

Zheng Banqiao's sentence "rare confusion" expresses the great wisdom of life. In the face of the villain's provocation and timing, we might as well pretend to be deaf and dumb and not care about it. This will not only avoid unnecessary troubles, but also keep yourself in a peaceful state.

Famous saying: Zheng Banqiao once said: "It is difficult to be smart, it is difficult to be confused, and it is even more difficult to turn from being smart to being confused." Put it down, take a step back, feel at ease at the moment, and report it later. "Honest people should learn to be confused, this is the real great wisdom.

13. 广结善缘,得道多助

In this society, the importance of interpersonal relationships cannot be overstated. If an honest person wants to go further, he must make good connections and make more friends. In this way, when you meet a villain, someone can stand up and speak for you and support you.

Meng Weijun during the Warring States period is a model of being good at making friends. He is righteous and wealthy, and has made friends with heroes in the world. Therefore, when he encountered difficulties in the Qi Kingdom, his friends reached out to help him escape from danger and make a comeback.

Famous saying: Mencius once said: "Those who have attained the Tao help more and those who have lost the Tao have little help." "Honest people should learn to make good friends so that they can get help and support from others when they encounter difficulties.

14. Stick to your principles and don't follow the crowd

In this materialistic society, it is especially important to stick to principles. Honest people should have their own bottom lines and principles, not follow the crowd, and not be swayed by villains.

The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates is an example of principle. He lived in the city of Athens, a city full of temptations and challenges, but he remained true to his philosophical principles and remained unmoved by power and money. In the end, he was sentenced to death for sticking to his principles, but he won the respect and admiration of later generations.

Socrates once said, "An unexamined life is not worth living." "Honest people should learn to look at their lives and stick to their principles so that they can live their true selves.

15. Overcome rigidity with softness, and dial a thousand pounds in four or two

In the face of the villain's provocation and attack, honest people don't have to be tough. Sometimes, the strategy of overcoming rigidity with softness and shifting thousands of pounds in four or two can have a better effect.

For example, Zhang Sanfeng, the founder of the Wudang School, is a master of overcoming rigidity with softness. His Tai Chi emphasizes overcoming rigidity with softness and braking with static. In the face of enemy attacks, he was able to easily defuse the opponent's attack, and then take the opportunity to counterattack and achieve victory.

Famous saying: Lao Tzu once said: "The softest in the world, the strongest in the world." "An honest person should learn to overcome rigidity with softness, so that he can easily cope with the challenges of villains.

16. Contentment is always happy, and the mindset is everything

Last but not least, be content. Honest people should learn to be content with the status quo and cherish what they have. Because mindset is everything, only peace of mind can cope with various challenges.

For example, the poet Bai Juyi of the Tang Dynasty was a contented and happy person. Although his official position is not high and he lives in poverty, he can live in poverty and enjoy the beauty of life. His poems are imbued with a love of life and a celebration of nature, showing a peaceful, contented state of mind.

Famous saying: Bai Juyi once said: "Happy people, people are happy, people are happy, worried about people's worries, people are also worried." "An honest person should learn to look at life optimistically and be content with it, so that he can maintain a calm mind and deal with various challenges in complex social interactions.

Honest man's counterattack: take the villain's path, so that the villain has no way out!