
The "Wrestling Club" Behind the Success

author:Ink language


1. It's better to complain than to change

Life is like a long marathon, some people run fast, some people run slowly, and some people complain about uneven roads while running. In fact, the roads are all the same, the difference is the mentality of the runners. Complaining about environmental injustice is like spitting in the mirror, and in the end it is your own face that gets dirty. Instead of complaining, adjust your mindset, face challenges positively, and look for opportunities to make changes. After all, there is no absolute fairness in this world, but everyone has the opportunity to change their own destiny.

Example: Steve Jobs

Jobs was abandoned by his biological parents and was once confused after dropping out of college. But instead of complaining about the unfairness of life, he opted for a course in type design, a choice that laid the foundation for his later success. Even after being fired from Apple, he didn't give up, but founded NeXT and Pixar, eventually returning to Apple and leading it to the top.

Quote: "Your work will fill most of your life, and only love can make you feel satisfied." —Steve Jobs

2. Failure is a "preparatory class" for success

Success doesn't happen overnight, it takes countless failures and setbacks. Failure is not terrible, what is terrible is the fear and avoidance of failure. Every failure is an opportunity to learn, a process of accumulating experience. Only by standing up from failure and moving forward can we finally move towards success.

Example: Edison

Edison failed a thousand times before inventing the electric light, but he didn't give up. When asked how he feels about failing so many times, he humorously said, "I didn't fail, I just found a thousand ways that don't shine." It was this optimism and tireless efforts that led him to invent the electric light and light up the world.

Quote: "I didn't fail, I just found 10,000 ways that didn't work." —Thomas Edison

3. Persistence is victory

The road to success is full of thorns and bumps, but as long as you persevere, you will definitely be able to reach the other side. Perseverance is a kind of belief, a kind of strength, which can allow us to see hope in difficult situations and find direction in setbacks. Remember, behind every success is a series of perseverance and hard work.

Example: Lincoln

Lincoln was one of the greatest presidents in American history, but his path to success was not smooth. He has experienced many failures and setbacks, including business failures, election defeats, etc. But instead of giving up, he persevered, eventually succeeding in being elected president of the United States and leading the country through the crisis of the Civil War.

Famous quote: "Success belongs to those who persevere." —Abraham Lincoln

Fourth, opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared

Success is not something to be done, but something to be earned. Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. Only by constantly learning, accumulating, and improving oneself can we seize the opportunity when it comes, so as to realize our dreams.

Example: Mrs. Isato

Marie Curie was a great scientist, and her success could not have been achieved without her usual diligence and preparation. She spent countless days and nights in the laboratory, constantly researching and exploring, and finally discovered the radioactive elements radium and polonium. It was this diligence and preparation that allowed her to seize the opportunity quickly when it came, resulting in great success.

Quote: "I'm not afraid of difficulties at all, as long as I know I'm doing something meaningful." —Marie Curie

Fifth, mentality determines fate

Mentality determines destiny, and this is not an empty saying. A positive mindset can make us see more opportunities and possibilities, while a negative mindset can make us fall into a difficult situation. Therefore, if you want to change your destiny, you must first change your mentality.

Example: Helen Keller

Helen Keller lost her sight and hearing at a young age, but she didn't give up on life. She faced difficulties with a positive and optimistic attitude, worked hard to study, write, and speak, and eventually became a well-known writer and social activist. Her success shows us that no matter how difficult it is, with a positive attitude and unremitting efforts, we can overcome the disease and create our own wonderful life.

Famous quote: "Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of strength to overcome suffering." —Helen Keller

6. Courage is the "stepping stone" to success

Success requires courage, because courage enables us to dare to try, dare to challenge, and dare to innovate. People who don't have the courage, even in the face of the best opportunity, can only watch it slip away. Therefore, if you want to succeed, you must have the courage to try, challenge, and innovate.

Example: Armstrong

Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon, and his success was backed by courage. In the face of unknown risks and challenges, he did not back down, but bravely accepted the task, and finally succeeded in completing this historic feat. It was this courage that made him one of the pioneers of human exploration of space.

Famous quote: "It's a small step for a man, but a giant leap for humanity." ―Neil Armstrong

7. Learning never ends

Learning is the only way to success, and only by constantly learning, accumulating, and improving oneself can we keep up with the pace of the times, seize opportunities, and realize our dreams. So, no matter what stage we are in, stay motivated and motivated to learn.

Example: Zuckerberg

Zuckerberg is the founder and CEO of Facebook, and his success is inseparable from his love and pursuit of learning. Even after founding Facebook, he continued to learn new technologies and knowledge, constantly refining his skills and knowledge system. It is this dedication and pursuit of learning that has enabled him to lead Facebook forward and become one of the largest social media platforms in the world.

Famous quote: "The greatest risk is not to take any risks." —Mark Zuckerberg

8. Cooperation is stronger than going it alone

In modern society, cooperation is more powerful than going it alone. The power of one person is limited, but the power of a group of people is infinite. By working together, we can learn from each other, help each other, and support each other to achieve greater success.

Example: Jack Ma

Jack Ma is one of the founders of Alibaba, and his success is inseparable from the support and cooperation of his team. In the process of founding Alibaba, he assembled a strong team to work together and support each other, and eventually built Alibaba into a world-renowned e-commerce platform. It is the strength of the team that enables them to overcome difficulties, seize opportunities, and succeed.

Famous saying: "An excellent team can achieve an excellent enterprise." —Jack Ma

9. Innovation is the "accelerator" of success

In a competitive market, innovation is the "accelerator" of success. Only people and enterprises who dare to innovate and dare to try new things can stand out from the competition and achieve greater success.

Example: Tesla

Tesla is an electric vehicle manufacturer, and its success is inseparable from the spirit and courage of innovation. Tesla dared to challenge the status and concept of traditional automakers, and launched new electric vehicle products and technical solutions. It is this spirit of innovation and courage that has allowed Tesla to become one of the world's leading electric vehicle manufacturers in just a few years.

Quote: "I think ordinary people should have the opportunity to be extraordinary." —Elon Musk

10. Failure is the mother of success

Failure is the mother of success, this is a wise saying. Every failure is a valuable experience, an opportunity to learn. Only by learning from failures and summing up experience can we avoid making mistakes again and achieve greater success.

Example: Beethoven

Beethoven was a great musician who experienced many failures and setbacks in his creative process. But he didn't give up, but learned from his failures and continued to compose, eventually leaving behind many monumental musical works. It is precisely because he is not afraid of failure, has the courage to try and talent that has made him one of the giants in the history of music.

Famous quote: "I will take fate by the throat, and it will never bring me to my knees." —Beethoven

11. Diversified development is more exciting

In modern society, diversified development has become a trend and an inevitability. Through diversification, we can broaden our horizons, increase our experience and skills, and enrich our lives.

Example: Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci was a talented painter and inventor of many talents. He has not only achieved outstanding achievements in the field of painting, but also dabbled in many fields such as science, mathematics, and engineering. It was this spirit and talent that made him one of the representatives of the Renaissance.

Famous quote: "It's never too late to learn." —Leonardo da Vinci

12. Stick to your beliefs

In the pursuit of success, it is very important to stick to your beliefs. Only by strengthening one's beliefs and not being shaken by external interference can we always keep a clear head and the right direction.

Example: Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus was a great explorer who stood up for his beliefs and courageously pursued his dreams, eventually discovering the New World. It is precisely because of his firm belief and courageous spirit of exploration that he has become one of the legendary figures in human history.

Famous quote: "As long as we keep hope in our hearts, we will never lose our way." —Christopher Columbus

13. The enjoyment process is more important

In the pursuit of success, enjoying the process is more important than the result. Only by enjoying the process, feeling the fun and meaning of it, can we always maintain enthusiasm and motivation to achieve greater success.

Example: Xu Shima

Xu Zhimo is a famous poet whose life was full of the pursuit of poetry and love. He enjoyed the creative process, felt the fun and meaning in it, and left behind many well-known poems. It is precisely because of his spirit and talent of enjoying the process and feeling life that he has become one of the outstanding representatives in the history of modern Chinese literature.

Famous quote: "I will visit my only soul mate in the vast sea of people; —Xu Zhimo

14. Success requires dedication

Success is not easy to come by, it takes effort, sweat, and tears. Only by paying enough effort and price can we get the joy and glory of success.

Example: Deng Yaping

Deng Yaping is a famous table tennis player, and her success is inseparable from hard work and dedication. She puts a lot of effort and time into training to constantly improve her skills and level. It is precisely because of her hard work and dedication that she has become one of the legends in the table tennis world.

Quote: "I never believe in talent, I only believe in hard work and dedication." —Deng Yaping

15. Do what you love

Doing what you love is one of the keys to success. Only by doing what we love and giving full play to our strengths and strengths can we maintain enthusiasm and motivation in the pursuit of success.

Example: Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett is a well-known investor, and his success is inseparable from his love and pursuit of investment. He developed a keen interest in investing from a young age and has always insisted on doing what he loves. It is because of this passion and pursuit that he has become one of the legends in the investment world.

The "Wrestling Club" Behind the Success

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