
The "toxic friendship" of junior high school students spreads on campus, which has a greater impact than early love, but parents do not think so

author:Huang said

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In today's society, the social environment has a crucial impact on the development of adolescents. However, some teenagers may fall into the dilemma of "toxic friendship" due to various reasons in the process of socializing.

The "toxic friendship" of junior high school students spreads on campus, which has a greater impact than early love, but parents do not think so

The so-called "toxic friendship" refers to those social relationships that have a negative impact and are not conducive to the physical and mental health of adolescents.

If this kind of bad social environment is not detected and corrected in time, it will have a serious negative impact on the physical and mental health, academic development, moral character, social skills, values and outlook on life of junior high school students.

In order to better understand this phenomenon, what is the impact of the "poisonous friendship" that is gradually spreading on campus, and how can we stop the development of toxic friendship?

The "toxic friendship" of junior high school students spreads on campus, which has a greater impact than early love, but parents do not think so

1. The reasons for the spread of "poisonous friendship".

In modern society, information spreads rapidly, and junior high school students can easily access various information through the Internet, mobile phones and other channels.

However, this information is mixed with a lot of bad content, such as violence, pornography, bullying, etc., which may become an incentive for junior high school students to choose "toxic friendship".

Under the influence of some social events or popular culture, some junior high school students may form a misdirected worldview and values, believing that some bad behaviors are so-called "fashionable", and thus choose to associate with others who have similar ideas.

The "toxic friendship" of junior high school students spreads on campus, which has a greater impact than early love, but parents do not think so

The popularity of social media has made it easy for middle school students to connect with others. However, it also provides a breeding ground for bad social circles.

Some junior high school students may blindly join certain social groups because of their pursuit of a "sense of belonging", and these groups may have bad behavior habits or values.

Some parents, due to work or other reasons, have insufficient communication with their children and cannot fully consider and take care of their children's ideas. Children may be more susceptible to bad friend circles in the absence of guidance.

The "toxic friendship" of junior high school students spreads on campus, which has a greater impact than early love, but parents do not think so

Some parents focus too much on their children's academic performance and neglect moral and social education.

In such an educational environment, children may only focus on academic performance and ignore the importance of healthy social interaction for growth.

Family atmosphere has a profound impact on a child's mental health. A family that is full of repressive education and cares more about grades and results, children will become more fragile and sensitive inside, more likely to reject themselves to seek recognition and a sense of belonging from the outside world, and be induced by bad friends.

The "toxic friendship" of junior high school students spreads on campus, which has a greater impact than early love, but parents do not think so

Junior high school students are in a critical period of physical and mental development, their psychological development is not yet fully mature, and they lack sufficient judgment and self-control for external temptations and influences.

Middle school students are at a critical time to build their self-identity, and they crave the approval and friendship of their peers. In some cases, they may abandon their principles and values in order to "fit in" and blindly follow group behavior.

Junior high school students do not have a comprehensive understanding of society, and lack an in-depth understanding of the consequences and effects of some bad behaviors.

The "toxic friendship" of junior high school students spreads on campus, which has a greater impact than early love, but parents do not think so

They may only see the superficial "stimulus" and ignore the potential risks and harms behind these behaviors.

Every school has its own unique school culture, and this culture may sometimes have some undesirable factors, such as bullying, comparison, etc.

Although most schools attach importance to moral education, in practice, some educational methods may be too rigid or formal, and lack effectiveness. This can lead to a lack of sound judgment and coping skills in the face of real social problems.

The "toxic friendship" of junior high school students spreads on campus, which has a greater impact than early love, but parents do not think so

Certain crooked tendencies in society, such as extravagance and wrong views on money, may have a negative impact on the ideological values of junior high school students, prompting them to choose to associate with others with similar values.

The student's community environment, neighborhood relationships, etc., may have an impact on them. If there are some bad social circles or behavioral habits in the surrounding area, students are likely to be affected.

2. The negative impact of "toxic friendship".

Toxic friendship is often accompanied by bullying, comparison and other phenomena, and children who have been in this bad environment for a long time are prone to psychological problems such as anxiety, and may even lead to the deterioration of mental health.

The "toxic friendship" of junior high school students spreads on campus, which has a greater impact than early love, but parents do not think so

And at this time, it is in a critical period of physical development, and some bad lifestyle habits developed due to toxic friendships, such as smoking, drinking, staying up late, etc., may have a long-term negative impact on their physical health.

If junior high school students suffer from bullying, betrayal and other injuries in toxic friendships, it may lead to long-term or even lifelong psychological shadows, and in severe cases, it will cause depression, violence and other tendencies.

Poor social relationships can distract students from their studies and prevent them from focusing on their studies, which can affect the effectiveness of their learning.

The "toxic friendship" of junior high school students spreads on campus, which has a greater impact than early love, but parents do not think so

Under the influence of toxic friendships, some junior high school students may lose interest in learning and become disgusted with school, which in turn leads to a decline in academic performance.

Toxic friendships are often accompanied by some bad behavioral habits, such as bullying, lying, etc. Junior high school students who associate with these people for a long time are prone to distort their moral concepts and have a vague understanding of moral standards.

Under the influence of toxic friendships, some junior high school students may become selfish and indifferent, focusing only on their own interests and neglecting their responsibilities to others and society.

The "toxic friendship" of junior high school students spreads on campus, which has a greater impact than early love, but parents do not think so

Under the influence of toxic friendships, some junior high school students may develop fear or resistance to establishing trusting relationships, which will have a negative impact on their future social interactions.

Toxic friendships are often unhealthy social relationships, and junior high school students who have been in this environment for a long time may not be able to learn correct social skills and experience with others, which will affect their future social skills.

Some junior high school students may develop distorted values, believing that the pursuit of material comforts and the neglect of morality and the law are signs of "handsomeness".

The "toxic friendship" of junior high school students spreads on campus, which has a greater impact than early love, but parents do not think so

This distortion of values can have a negative impact on one's future life and career development. It may also cause it to form a biased outlook on life, which will have a negative impact on life attitude and direction of life.

If a junior high school student is too immersed in toxic friendships, it can lead to strain in family relationships. They may have conflicts with their family members and even develop a rebellious mentality, further exacerbating family problems.

Long-term exposure to toxic friendships may lead to reduced communication between junior high school students and their families, and their reluctance to share their inner world and experiences. This poor communication problem can have a negative long-term impact on family relationships.

The "toxic friendship" of junior high school students spreads on campus, which has a greater impact than early love, but parents do not think so

3. How to effectively avoid "toxic friendship"

1. Family education

Parents try to establish good communication channels with their children. Make it a habit to listen to your child's monologue and help them solve their confusion in terms of daily life and emotional needs.

Pay more attention to children's moral concepts and help children form good three views. Guide children to pay attention to the positive energy of society and encourage them to actively participate in beneficial social activities.

Parents are the best role models for their children, whether it is daily speech, action or behavior, or how to behave in the world, all of which will affect their children's perception and learning of things.

The "toxic friendship" of junior high school students spreads on campus, which has a greater impact than early love, but parents do not think so

2. School education

Schools should attach importance to moral education and strengthen the cultivation of students' moral character. Through classroom education, campus cultural activities and other forms, students are guided to establish correct values and outlook on life.

Teachers should establish a good teacher-student relationship with students and respect children's real ideas. Communicate with students in a timely manner and be able to provide reasonable assistance.

Schools can also provide mental health education to help students understand ways to develop a positive mind. Create a dedicated team of teachers to provide psychological support and help students solve psychological problems.

The "toxic friendship" of junior high school students spreads on campus, which has a greater impact than early love, but parents do not think so

3. Students' self-improvement

Middle school students should learn to protect themselves from the influence of bad social interactions. Improve your discernment and self-control, and say no to bad phenomena.

Students can participate in a wide range of sports, arts, discipline competitions and other activities of the school to expand their interests and hobbies and enrich their life experience. Learn to communicate with other people around you in the right way and find skills to get along with others.

4. Social support and supervision

The government and social organizations should strengthen the supervision of the Internet, film and television, and other media to curb the spread of negative information. Strengthen the rectification of the surrounding environment of the campus to eliminate the influence of bad social circles.

The "toxic friendship" of junior high school students spreads on campus, which has a greater impact than early love, but parents do not think so

The government and social organizations may set up special institutions or programs to provide professional psychological counseling and legal aid to junior high school students affected by toxic friendships. Provide them with a safe place to shelter and necessary support for their lives.

Through the media, community activities, and other forms, carry out education and publicity activities on the healthy growth of adolescents.

Raise public awareness of adolescent mental health and social problems, and promote social participation in solving them.

The "toxic friendship" of junior high school students spreads on campus, which has a greater impact than early love, but parents do not think so

Families, schools and communities should form a joint force to pay attention to the social problems of junior high school students and jointly create a healthy environment for children to grow up.

Communities can organize beneficial activities, provide suitable venues, and encourage middle school students to participate in healthy and beneficial social activities.


As a child's enlightenment education, family education should strengthen communication with children, pay attention to children's emotional needs, and give sufficient care and support.

The "toxic friendship" of junior high school students spreads on campus, which has a greater impact than early love, but parents do not think so

As an important place for children's growth, schools should also strengthen moral education, strengthen communication between teachers and students, and carry out mental health education to help students solve psychological problems.

At the same time, junior high school students should also learn to improve themselves, enhance their sense of self-protection, actively participate in beneficial activities, and learn to handle interactions correctly.

In the face of the serious problem of toxic friendship, each of us should shoulder our responsibilities and work together. I hope that this article can arouse more people's attention to the social problems of junior high school students and jointly contribute to their healthy growth.

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