
A set of long-lived photos of the past and the present, feel the shock of the changes of the years!

author:Bingbing Storytelling 12M2

Time flies, like a white horse, leaving behind the deep traces carved by the years on everyone's face, the corners of the city, and the natural landscape. Those photos of the past seem to be a window that allows us to get a glimpse of the past, and compared with today's scenes, we can't help but feel emotional.

A set of long-lived photos of the past and the present, feel the shock of the changes of the years!
A set of long-lived photos of the past and the present, feel the shock of the changes of the years!
A set of long-lived photos of the past and the present, feel the shock of the changes of the years!

Imagine you are holding a yellowed photograph of you when you were younger, standing on that old street, surrounded by old brick houses and paved with bluestone slabs. Turning his head to look out the window, the old street has been transformed into a bustling business district with modern high-rise buildings towering and neon lights flashing. This is not only a comparison of photos, but also a microcosm of the development of the times.

A set of long-lived photos of the past and the present, feel the shock of the changes of the years!
A set of long-lived photos of the past and the present, feel the shock of the changes of the years!
A set of long-lived photos of the past and the present, feel the shock of the changes of the years!

Another example is this photo of a park taken decades ago, where children are laughing on swings and young men and women are chatting leisurely in the shade of a tree. Today, that park may have been renovated, with more rides and wider trails, but is that innocence and laid-back still there?

A set of long-lived photos of the past and the present, feel the shock of the changes of the years!
A set of long-lived photos of the past and the present, feel the shock of the changes of the years!
A set of long-lived photos of the past and the present, feel the shock of the changes of the years!

Not only the man-made environment, but also the changes in the natural world are remarkable. The old photographs of mountains, rivers, forests and grasslands are now dried, some rivers have dried up, and some cities are surrounded by forests. Each change is a testimony to the self-renewal of the earth and a warning of the impact of human activities on the environment.

A set of long-lived photos of the past and the present, feel the shock of the changes of the years!
A set of long-lived photos of the past and the present, feel the shock of the changes of the years!
A set of long-lived photos of the past and the present, feel the shock of the changes of the years!
A set of long-lived photos of the past and the present, feel the shock of the changes of the years!

The wheel of history rolls forward, and we cannot stop the pace of change, but we can find our place in the change. Those contrasts not only make us feel the shock of the years, but also inspire us to imagine the future. We look for the footprints of the past in our memories, and at the same time, we look forward to the scenery of the future.

A set of long-lived photos of the past and the present, feel the shock of the changes of the years!
A set of long-lived photos of the past and the present, feel the shock of the changes of the years!
A set of long-lived photos of the past and the present, feel the shock of the changes of the years!

Every past and present photograph is a story, they tell the passage of time, the change of life. They are a testimony to history and a revelation for the future. In front of these photos, we may feel a touch of nostalgia, but more often than not, we have hope and longing for the future.

A set of long-lived photos of the past and the present, feel the shock of the changes of the years!
A set of long-lived photos of the past and the present, feel the shock of the changes of the years!
A set of long-lived photos of the past and the present, feel the shock of the changes of the years!

Time is like a song, we are changing, the world is changing, the only thing that remains unchanged is our pursuit and yearning for a better life. Let us cherish the present, embrace change, and use our hands and wisdom to create a better tomorrow together.