
How do people exercise slowly?

author:The dream of being a writer

1. Learn to speak

Instead of speaking straightforwardly, we no longer say what comes to mind, but we think about what we can say, what we can't say, and how we want to say what we can't. Even if you are chatting with others, you will not say it all at once, let alone say it without reservation, but listen to what others say, and then analyze it, and your own information will not be revealed.

How do people exercise slowly?

2. Learn to manage interpersonal relationships

In the past, I was always self-centered, never considered the feelings of others, and never thought about how to manage interpersonal relationships, but then I slowly learned to manage interpersonal relationships, because people are profit-seeking, and you can buy people with a little favor, and many times interpersonal relationships are good, which can bring a lot of convenience to yourself.

How do people exercise slowly?

3. Learn to create a persona

A good character is half the battle, so a good character not only does not reveal his true situation, but also allows himself to retreat when he encounters difficulties and problems, so that people can't find fault.

How do people exercise slowly?

4. Don't lose your temper

will not show their joys, sorrows and sorrows on their faces, let alone let their own temperament come, but will take into account the overall situation when encountering major events, hide their emotions, and hide their thoughts.

How do people exercise slowly?

5. Stay sane

will make your emotions very stable and will not lose your temper in front of others, because you know that there are no permanent friends, only eternal interests. Judge the situation, don't let yourself be swayed by emotions, and don't be more emotional slaves.

How do people exercise slowly?

6. Be your own master

Many people begin to really grow up and begin to understand the sophistication of human feelings, all of which start from being in charge of their own homes, and slowly explore after starting a family, and slowly understand the sophistication of human feelings.

How do people exercise slowly?

7. See through the essence and suffer appropriately

When you learn to suffer, you will no longer show dissatisfaction in the face of some losses, but can accept them calmly. In the face of strong people, learn to show weakness to achieve their goals, and when you meet people who like to show off, you will boast a few more words against your will.

How do people exercise slowly?

8. You can't see through it

When a person can see through everything, but pretends not to know anything, and does not understand anything, it means that she has understood the world.

How do people exercise slowly?

9. Academic and Corporate Relations

Socializing effectively can bring a lot of convenience to oneself, so people who understand the world will not come by their own temperament, but learn to socialize, because socializing, others can help them when they need others.

How do people exercise slowly?

10. Be able to observe words and looks

A person who can observe words and colors, will know other people's thoughts through other people's words and deeds, will follow other people's intentions, will also follow other people's ideas, no matter what, can give people enough face on the surface, and will also give others the answers she wants.

How do people exercise slowly?

11. Don't make enemies of others

Our biggest enemy is ourselves, except for ourselves, everyone is a relationship of interest, so we must not make the wrong object, we will manage the relationship with others, and achieve a win-win situation, so that we can get along forever.

How do people exercise slowly?

12. Know how to keep your mouth shut

Learn to speak in three years, and learn to shut up in a lifetime. As a person who understands the world, he will not say much, will not tell his secrets to others, because if he does, it will no longer be a secret, and he will not tell other people's shortcomings in public, because that will make everyone embarrassed.

How do people exercise slowly?

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