
Knee pain, joint ringing, leg weakness, seize the cartilage to save time, let the knee use for decades

author:Dr. Sun, Department of Cardiology

When you're walking down a park trail or busy at home, have you ever noticed a significant partner who is silently supporting you – your knees? For many people, knee health is often only noticed when there is pain, joint rings or leg weakness. However, knees are an indispensable and critical part of our daily activities, especially for middle-aged and elderly people, and a healthy knee is the cornerstone of enjoying life and maintaining independence.

Imagine a life without knee pain, being able to walk freely without the uncomfortable pain and limitations. This is not just a distant dream, but a reality that can be achieved with a few small changes we make every day.

Knee pain, joint ringing, leg weakness, seize the cartilage to save time, let the knee use for decades

Analysis of the causes of knee problems: Aging is not the only culprit

Knee pain is often blamed on aging. However, this is not the only reason. In fact, a variety of factors work together to work on the knee joint, resulting in pain and dysfunction.

Cartilage degeneration: Cartilage is a layer of smooth tissue that covers the ends of joints and acts as a cushion of pressure and friction. As we age, cartilage wears down, thins, and even cracks, leading to joint pain and limited mobility.

Decreased synovial fluid: Joint fluid is a viscous fluid that lubricates joints and reduces friction. Aging can lead to a decrease in synovial fluid, making joints more susceptible to injuries from friction and wear.

Lifestyle factors: Long-term poor posture, overweight, lack of exercise, etc., can have a negative impact on the knees. Being overweight increases the burden on the knee joint, causing cartilage to wear out more quickly. Lack of exercise can cause the muscles around the joints to relax and reduce support.

Recognize the early signs of knee problems: detect it early, stay away from the pain

Knee problems don't happen overnight, and early detection can help prevent the disease from progressing further.

Types of pain and its causes: Pain in the knee may be dull, sharp, or burning, and may worsen with activity or lessen with rest. Understanding the nature of the pain can help identify the source of the problem.

Warning of joint sounds: The knee makes a noise when it moves, usually a sign of cartilage wear and tear or a decrease in joint fluid. Although not all noises indicate a serious problem, persistent or painful noises should cause concern.

Causes of leg weakness: Leg weakness can be due to arthritis, muscle weakness, or nerve problems. Diagnosing these early signs can help you take steps to avoid worsening symptoms.

From the above, we can find that knee problems are not only related to aging, but also involve many causes. Recognizing these causes and early signs can help us better prevent and manage problems such as knee pain, maintain joint health, and enjoy a more active and comfortable life.

Knee pain, joint ringing, leg weakness, seize the cartilage to save time, let the knee use for decades

Save cartilage and keep your knees alive

The knee is an important weight-bearing joint of the body, and the deterioration of cartilage often becomes a problem for middle-aged and elderly people as they age. Understanding and taking appropriate measures is essential to maintaining the health of your knees.

Proper diet: a natural nourishing agent for cartilage

The health of cartilage is inseparable from the support of nutrition. We need to consume foods rich in collagen, vitamin C and calcium, which have a direct effect on the repair and regeneration of cartilage.

Collagen: Foods rich in collagen, such as fish and pig's trotters, help to restore cartilage.

Vitamin C: Citrus fruits, tomatoes, strawberries, etc., vitamin C is an essential factor for the synthesis of collagen.

Calcium: Calcium-rich foods such as milk and soy products help strengthen bones.

Moderate exercise: the best maintainer for your knees

Exercise is the key to keeping your knees healthy. Moderate exercise not only strengthens the muscles around the knees, but also promotes the secretion of joint fluid, thereby reducing the wear and tear of cartilage.

Walking: It is the easiest and most effective form of exercise. Walking for 30 minutes a day can help keep your knees flexible.

Swimming: It is a low-impact exercise that puts little pressure on the knees and effectively exercises the muscles of the whole body.

Tai Chi: Particularly suitable for middle-aged and elderly people, the slow movements of Tai Chi help to improve the flexibility and stability of the joints.

Knee pain, joint ringing, leg weakness, seize the cartilage to save time, let the knee use for decades

Weight management: Reduce the burden on your knees

Excess weight can put additional stress on the knee and accelerate the wear and tear of the cartilage. Therefore, weight control is an important aspect of protecting your knees.

Eat a balanced diet: Avoid high-calorie and high-fat foods and increase your intake of vegetables and fruits.

Regular physical examination: monitor weight changes and adjust diet and lifestyle habits in time.

The health of the knees should not be neglected. With a reasonable diet, moderate exercise, and effective weight management, we can effectively protect the knee and slow down the degeneration of cartilage. Regardless of age, caring for and maintaining knee health can have a profound impact on our quality of life. Remember, when you protect your knees, you're investing in your future.