
The old Chinese medicine doctor teaches you to distinguish between the false and the real, a powder, a tea and a soup, and prolong your life

author:Tomorrow will love yourself better

In the ancient temple deep in the mountains, an old monk sits quietly, with all kinds of herbs in front of him. He is not blindly blending medicinal herbs, but carefully selecting them according to each person's physique. It's not just an art, it's a science. In modern society, people are often lost in the ocean of health and wellness, blindly pursuing various supplements and healthy foods. However, like this old monk, the real wisdom is to understand your body, discern the reality of your constitution, and then make appropriate health choices.

In the pursuit of health and longevity, there is no one-size-fits-all medicine. As the ancient wisdom of Chinese medicine says, "there is a specialization in the arts", and each person's physical condition and needs are unique. In the past, people tended to think of tonic as replenishing all the elements the body needs, but this practice often ignored individual differences and sometimes backfired, bringing unnecessary health risks.

The old Chinese medicine doctor teaches you to distinguish between the false and the real, a powder, a tea and a soup, and prolong your life

Distinguish constitution: the distinction between the virtual and the real

The identification of physical constitution plays an important role in TCM health preservation, just like the foundation of a tree. Imagine a tree, the health of the roots determines the growth of the tree, and similarly, the physique of the person affects the overall health. The constitution is divided into "weak" and "real", the weak constitution is manifested as lack of physical strength and susceptibility to fatigue, while the solid constitution is the body with too many "diseases".

There are various ways to distinguish the constitution, from the tongue coating to the pulse. For example, a thin white tongue coating with thin veins is more likely to point to a deficiency, while a thick tongue coating with a deep vein may be substantial. In addition, reactions in daily life, such as sensitivity to climate change, appetite, sleep quality, etc., are all clues.

The old Chinese medicine doctor teaches you to distinguish between the false and the real, a powder, a tea and a soup, and prolong your life

The importance of understanding one's own physique lies not only in the correct choice of health regimen, but also in avoiding the adverse effects caused by blind supplementation. For example, blindly supplementing high-energy foods with a hypocrisy may lead to indigestion or overweight, while a person with a hypophysique, taking too much supplementation may lead to increased dampness in the body and induce other health problems.

The choice of one powder: a supplement powder suitable for the physique

Powders in Chinese medicine can be regarded as the essence of specific herbs, each with its own character and characteristics. For example, astragalus powder is suitable for nourishing qi and blood and is suitable for qi deficiency, while yam powder is suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach to help improve the digestive system.

Caution should be taken when choosing a powder to avoid discomfort. Imagine that each powder is a "guest" with specific tastes and needs, and only by properly satisfying the needs of these "guests" can the benefits be reaped. For example, the use of astragalus powder by people with qi deficiency is like providing nourishing food to tired travelers, while the use of yam powder by people with damp and hot constitution may be like providing greasy food to people who need a light diet, which is not only beneficial but harmful.

The old Chinese medicine doctor teaches you to distinguish between the false and the real, a powder, a tea and a soup, and prolong your life

The wisdom of tea: daily health tea

Tea, as a daily drink, occupies a unique position in traditional Chinese medicine health preservation. Different types of tea, like different musical melodies, can evoke different resonances in the body. Green tea is refreshing and suitable for hot and humid constitutions, while black tea is gentle and moisturizing for cold constitutions.

The selection and consumption of tea is likened to artistic creation, and every cup of tea is an opportunity to create. The process of drinking tea is like painting in the body, using different colors (the type of tea) and brushstrokes (the way it is drunk) to adjust the balance of the body.

For example, a cup of green tea is like providing a cool breeze on a hot summer day, bringing balance to the body's heat. And a cup of black tea, in the cold winter, is like a warm sun, giving the body warmth and comfort. Therefore, choosing the right tea according to one's physique is not only a wisdom for health preservation, but also an art of life.

The old Chinese medicine doctor teaches you to distinguish between the false and the real, a powder, a tea and a soup, and prolong your life

The Way of One Soup: The Wisdom of Healthy Soups

In TCM health preservation, soup can be regarded as a deep nourishing method. Each health soup is like an experienced physician, providing corresponding treatment and recuperation according to different physical conditions.

Imagine that each soup is a special "lube" that nourishes every corner of the body. For example, Siwu Tang is suitable for blood deficiency constitution, which is like a pipe to the body to deliver fresh blood, while Shenling Baizhu Powder is suitable for spleen deficiency constitution, which is like a source of energy for the digestive system.

The old Chinese medicine doctor teaches you to distinguish between the false and the real, a powder, a tea and a soup, and prolong your life

The selection and cooking of the soup is like a scientific experiment. It is necessary to accurately proportione the herbs and control the heat in order to give full play to the best effect. A good pot of soup is not only a collection of nutrients, but also the embodiment of the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine. It promotes the body's self-repair and balance through a gentle yet long-lasting action.

Knowing and respecting the properties of each herb when choosing and making a health soup is like performing a delicate dance. Each step needs to be precise and careful to ensure that the effect of the soup matches the physique.

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