
It's shameful to go to Yuhui, but it's too despicable to want to destroy Yuhui!

author:Phil talks about the world


In our lives, there are often unexpected things happening, and there are some confusing events among them. The small essay incident is one of them. Although this incident has passed, many people still have trouble letting go of it, including Mr. Yu Minhong.

The central characters of the small essay incident are Iron Rooster and Sun Hehui. The Iron Rooster is believed to be the mastermind behind the events, and all are under his control. And Sun is a gunner, helping others to load and release guns, and almost blew himself up as a result.

It's shameful to go to Yuhui, but it's too despicable to want to destroy Yuhui!

In the end, Hui preserved the interests of others through his kindness and compassion. With the assistance of Lao Luo, Du Zijian and other big names, Hui successfully robbed the law field, and Lao Yu had to put down the butcher knife.

However, it didn't end there. The iron rooster was still unwilling, so he openly said his "Huihua" idea. This caused dissatisfaction and disgust among many people, and one stone stirred up a thousand waves.

The question now is, why did Mr. Yu Minhong bring up this matter again, and will his remarks trigger a public reaction during the speech at Peking University?

We can look at this from a different angle. On the one hand, there is no shame in de-Yuhui, because Hui is a flawed person, and his actions are not always correct. If we just blindly worship a person and don't pay attention to what he says and does, then it is harmful, harmful to the individual, to society and to the country.

On the other hand, it would be despicable to want to ruin someone. We can't completely deny everything about a person just because he has made a mistake, otherwise it will be an extreme act that will cause great harm to this person and the people around him.

It's shameful to go to Yuhui, but it's too despicable to want to destroy Yuhui!

Therefore, we need to be rational about this issue. We should acknowledge Hui's strengths and try to learn from his shortcomings. We should also understand Mr. Yu Minhong's position, he is a person who attaches importance to morality and morality, and he has the right and obligation to question and criticize bad phenomena and behaviors.

However, we also need to maintain a balance, not to deny the whole of a person because of his behavior, and not to have excessive prejudice and misunderstanding of a person because of an event.

What we need to emphasize is that we should always be rational and kind. When faced with complex interpersonal and social problems, we should not blindly listen to the opinions of others, but should make decisions based on our own judgments and values. Only then can we make the right choices and move towards a better future.


From the incident of small compositions, we can discover an important question: human nature. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, but we should face the reality, recognize our own shortcomings and those of others, and strive to improve ourselves and become better.

On this issue, Mr. Yu Minhong has been leading the trend. He encouraged young people to face challenges and embrace change, while also advocating the importance of ethics and morality. He believes that only with these qualities can one be invincible in a highly competitive society.

Recently, however, there have been some surprising phenomena. Many netizens said that it was too good to watch people's literature, and Lao Yu was also jealous of the recent movies that had been looking for Youhui. This is a very bad emotion that can have a very negative impact on individuals and society.

It's shameful to go to Yuhui, but it's too despicable to want to destroy Yuhui!

We need to be clear that success is not a one-person thing, it's a team thing. Whether at work or in life, we all need to cooperate and support each other to achieve mutual success. If we are filled with jealousy and resentment, then we will lose the opportunity to help each other and end up reaping the consequences.

Instead of caring about whether others are more successful than you, you should focus on your own growth and progress. We should make unremitting efforts to keep learning new knowledge and improving our skills and abilities, so that we can gain more advantages in the competition.

At the same time, we also need to be kind and tolerant. If we meet people who are more successful than ourselves, don't be jealous or attack them, but learn from them and make ourselves better. If we encounter failure or setbacks, we should not be too frustrated or give up, but should face them bravely and find a way to solve the problem.

It's shameful to go to Yuhui, but it's too despicable to want to destroy Yuhui!

Finally, we need to remember that success and happiness are not static. Everyone has different life trajectories and goals, and we need to respect each other's choices and cherish what we have. Only in this way can we truly realize our ideals and goals and move towards a better future.