
When the marriage really came to an end, I had an epiphany: all questions can be answered from themselves

author:Motivated flower cat ofU

When the marriage really came to an end, I had an epiphany: all questions can be answered from themselves

When the marriage really came to an end, I had an epiphany: all questions can be answered from themselves

Marriage, a long march of life

It was a journey full of twists and turns, and we gained joy, understanding and support in our company, but also experienced arguments, run-ins and pain. And when the marriage came to an end, I finally understood a truth - all questions can be answered from themselves.

When the marriage really came to an end, I had an epiphany: all questions can be answered from themselves

Marriage crisis, where do we come from?

Crises in marriage often make us feel like there is nowhere to escape. Quarrels, betrayals, feelings of alienation, all plunge us into endless pain. We began to ask ourselves, why have we come to this point, why can't we understand and tolerate each other?

What is the source of the problem?

Problems in a marriage don't always come from the other person or the external environment, a large part of the source comes from ourselves. We are accustomed to blaming each other for our problems, but neglecting to reflect on our own responsibilities. We often get caught up in our own stubbornness and self-righteousness, and we lose sight of the importance of mutual understanding, support, and growth in marriage.

When the marriage really came to an end, I had an epiphany: all questions can be answered from themselves

What we need to change is ourselves

When marriage comes to an end, we can no longer escape reality. However, we should watch ourselves carefully before we lose it. We need to look at our own mannerisms, habits and attitudes to identify the root cause of the problem and change it. We must learn to express ourselves better, listen to our spouses, and be willing to compromise and change.

Marriage is a joint effort

Problems in marriage rarely have a single responsible party, it is a joint cause of two people. If we only focus on each other's shortcomings and ignore our own problems, then the marriage will eventually be in trouble. We need to treat each other with equality and respect, and work together to improve our marriage. Only by giving and understanding each other can we find the answer and defuse the crisis.

When the marriage really came to an end, I had an epiphany: all questions can be answered from themselves

Discover the power of answers within yourself

Finally, when the marriage really came to an end, we realized that the answer to the problem was there for us all along. We need to pause and reflect on our own actions and attitudes that will bring new vitality and hope to our marriage. And, when we discover the source of the problem and make positive changes, we will also find that all problems can be answered within themselves.

Marriage is a difficult quest, but it's also an opportunity for us to grow. When we are willing to look at ourselves and look for answers from ourselves, we can truly understand the meaning of marriage and achieve long-term happiness in it.