
Shen Mengchen's lumbar vertebrae bones were permanently broken! Wiping tears and crying in the hospital, the cause was that he was dropped while recording a show

author:Momoko 看法
Shen Mengchen's lumbar vertebrae bones were permanently broken! Wiping tears and crying in the hospital, the cause was that he was dropped while recording a show


I blinked, as if I had seen something unbelievable. Shen Mengchen actually broke a bone in a difficult action? The fourth lumbar vertebra actually played "Brokeback Mountain"?

Shen Mengchen's lumbar vertebrae bones were permanently broken! Wiping tears and crying in the hospital, the cause was that he was dropped while recording a show

This makes me feel that the life of a star is really not something that we mortals can understand.


A thousand words, not a sigh. The ancient Dongfeng sent this incredible report, Shen Mengchen actually suffered an unhealable injury during the recording of a difficult program, and the fourth lumbar vertebra could not be regained with the help of the doctor's skill. The aftermath is still in my ears, and I can't help but sigh that the lives of the stars are so bizarre.

Shen Mengchen's lumbar vertebrae bones were permanently broken! Wiping tears and crying in the hospital, the cause was that he was dropped while recording a show

I couldn't help but think about this vision. Shen Mengchen, how tenacious he is, even under the haze of fractures, he still insists like a star and does not regret it. I couldn't help but listen to the rumors on the Internet, some calling it heroic, and some questioning why it didn't notice it sooner. At this seemingly delicate moment, I saw the other side of the risk in the entertainment industry, and Zeng Liu Yifei's experience has been a lesson from the past.

Shen Mengchen's lumbar vertebrae bones were permanently broken! Wiping tears and crying in the hospital, the cause was that he was dropped while recording a show

At the end of the song, I fell into deep contemplation. Why are such bizarre accidents so common? And I can't help but think of a real case in history, Gu Amo was once injured in the neck by a difficult action in the show, this experience can be described as vivid and unforgettable.

Shen Mengchen's lumbar vertebrae bones were permanently broken! Wiping tears and crying in the hospital, the cause was that he was dropped while recording a show

This incident has been full of twists and turns, but it has also brought profound enlightenment. The entertainment industry may need to re-examine the setting of the show to avoid similar tragedies from happening again. We can enjoy the pleasure of entertainment stars, but we should also be aware of the risks behind them. Only in this way can we avoid a tragic encounter similar to Shen Mengchen. We need to protect the celebrities who dedicate happiness to us and make the entertainment industry safer and healthier

Shen Mengchen's lumbar vertebrae bones were permanently broken! Wiping tears and crying in the hospital, the cause was that he was dropped while recording a show

In the ever-changing entertainment industry, we should learn how to balance the brilliance of stars with their safety. Perhaps, this is a moment when we need more than just entertainment, but responsibility. A philosopher once said, "A spark can start a prairie fire." "The entertainment industry is undoubtedly a shining star, but we can't let the flames get out of control and burn the stars who are quietly giving.

Shen Mengchen's lumbar vertebrae bones were permanently broken! Wiping tears and crying in the hospital, the cause was that he was dropped while recording a show

From a male point of view, perhaps we should pay more attention to the health of celebrities. They are not superhuman, and they are also exhausted from high-intensity work. We should pursue a balance that allows celebrities to pursue their dreams while also taking care of their own health. After all, a strong body can hold up more brilliance.

Shen Mengchen's lumbar vertebrae bones were permanently broken! Wiping tears and crying in the hospital, the cause was that he was dropped while recording a show

From a woman's point of view, we may be able to understand Shen Mengchen's tenacity more. Her unbowed and unrepentant attitude in the face of adversity is like a mirror that reflects the courage in each of us. Perhaps this is the secret of their survival in the entertainment industry, brave, tenacious, and fearless. They not only have the halo of stars, but also the responsibility of life.

Shen Mengchen's lumbar vertebrae bones were permanently broken! Wiping tears and crying in the hospital, the cause was that he was dropped while recording a show

There was once a proverb: "The times make heroes." "The risks in the entertainment industry are not problems that can be solved overnight, but we can start with every small detail to make the sky of this star clearer. We need to understand that they are not only lights on the stage, but also individuals who are independent and working hard in their daily lives. Through this incident, perhaps we can realize this more deeply.

Shen Mengchen's lumbar vertebrae bones were permanently broken! Wiping tears and crying in the hospital, the cause was that he was dropped while recording a show

"When celebrities break out of their dreams, we also have to give them warm shelter. This is a deep reflection on the risks of the entertainment industry, and it is also a reminder for every audience. Celebrities are not only tools to present us with wonderful performances, but also ordinary people in life, who need to be cared for and cared for. Let us also be able to pray for their health while we appreciate their brilliance.

Shen Mengchen's lumbar vertebrae bones were permanently broken! Wiping tears and crying in the hospital, the cause was that he was dropped while recording a show

Life is like a dream, stars are like shadows, and behind every shining light there may be hidden tenacity that no one knows. The entertainment industry may need more care, and the audience's eyes should not only stay on the lights on the stage, but also illuminate the tranquility in the hearts of every star.


In this spiritual journey of stars, we jointly understand the risks and tenacity behind the entertainment industry. Life is like a dream, stars are like shadows, and every shining moment is the crystallization of hard work. Shen Mengchen's tenacity and courage make us feel that behind the glamorous and glamorous, there is also a real and fragile life.

Shen Mengchen's lumbar vertebrae bones were permanently broken! Wiping tears and crying in the hospital, the cause was that he was dropped while recording a show

Here, we call for more care and understanding, not only for the admiration of the stars, but also for the recognition of the hard work behind them. Stars are the light in our hearts and the people in our lives. Every celebrity deserves our attention, let us pray for their health and happiness together.

Shen Mengchen's lumbar vertebrae bones were permanently broken! Wiping tears and crying in the hospital, the cause was that he was dropped while recording a show

In the future, may the entertainment industry be safer, and may every star be able to shine on the stage of their dreams, and at the same time be able to be safe and happy on the stage of life.

Shen Mengchen's lumbar vertebrae bones were permanently broken! Wiping tears and crying in the hospital, the cause was that he was dropped while recording a show

Let's move forward hand in hand and build a better star world with love and understanding. On this star-studded stage, let's work together to create a warm and humane world of entertainment.

Shen Mengchen's lumbar vertebrae bones were permanently broken! Wiping tears and crying in the hospital, the cause was that he was dropped while recording a show

"Fractures are like dreams, and celebrities have a bad fate. In addition to the sorrow, let us pray for Shen Mengchen and send a concern to the stars in the entertainment industry.

Leave your opinion, let's pay attention to the safety of celebrities, and jointly build a safer entertainment world. ”

Article disclaimer: The text of this article has a certain literary color and imprecision, and the pictures in this article come from the Internet. The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If there is any copyright or character infringement issue, please contact me in time, I will delete the content! If there is any doubt about the incident, delete or make changes after contacting.

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