
Who is instructing the "Book of the People"? "The Ma Shushan Case"

author:Talk about life every day

Who is instructing the "Book of the People"? Pulling out the protective umbrella of the province! Follow-up report on the "Ma Shushan Case."

Months have passed since the outbreak of the "Ma Shushan case". This case, which involved a wide range of people and had a bad impact, not only broke the people's trust in the county-level leaders, but also shook the people's faith in the fairness of the judicial system. Regrettably, however, many key issues have not been properly resolved.

Who is instructing the "Book of the People"? "The Ma Shushan Case"

First of all, the county party committee office and other departments have a prevaricated attitude towards whether Secretary Li instructed the judicial organs to mishandle the Ma Shushan case. These departments have always denied that Secretary Li had instructed them, but if we scrutinize carefully, are their claims really credible? Given the motives that may obscure responsibility, their claims are doubtful. So the question is, what are they covering, and for whom?

Who is instructing the "Book of the People"? "The Ma Shushan Case"

Secondly, the authenticity of the "Book of the People" that appeared in large numbers to defend Secretary Li is also doubtful. These articles are obviously organized and planned to whitewash Secretary Li.

Who is instructing the "Book of the People"? "The Ma Shushan Case"

The professionalism of the article, as well as the courage to defy the wind in high-profile cases, make people feel that there must be a strong protective umbrella behind them.

Who is instructing the "Book of the People"? "The Ma Shushan Case"

So, who are the instigators behind these "Books of the People," and what are they trying to achieve with these articles?

Who is instructing the "Book of the People"? "The Ma Shushan Case"
Who is instructing the "Book of the People"? "The Ma Shushan Case"

Third, the review of the whistleblower materials has been delayed again and again, which has become a major omission in the progress of this case. Ma Shushan's report has exposed many derelictions of duty against the people, and if these reports are true, they can not only promote further clarification of the truth of the case, but also help the people rebuild trust in the leaders and the judiciary. However, why has the review of the whistleblower materials not been carried out so far? Is it due to negligence, or is there something else going on?

Who is instructing the "Book of the People"? "The Ma Shushan Case"

To sum up, the current progress of the "Ma Shushan case" is too calm and seriously inconsistent with the seriousness of the case itself. All the signs involved suggest that there may be some people behind the case, who are using their power for their own benefit and trying to cover up the truth.

Who is instructing the "Book of the People"? "The Ma Shushan Case"

If these people cannot be identified, it will be difficult for the case to be truly uncovered.

Who is instructing the "Book of the People"? "The Ma Shushan Case"

As the broad masses of the people, we have the right and obligation to urge the relevant departments to find out the truth of the case as soon as possible. Because this is related to the trust of the masses of the people in the state apparatus and to the fairness and justice of society. We must adhere to a rational attitude, continue to pay attention to the progress of the case, and express our opinions. It is believed that through the joint efforts of all walks of life, the fog of the case will eventually dissipate, and justice will eventually be revealed to the world under the sun.