
Don't show these in the circle of friends, it seems to be very face-saving, but in fact it is very cheap

author:Jingqiu reads

In this era of information explosion, WeChat Moments has become a part of our lives.

We share joys, sorrows, and sorrows in our circle of friends, record the moments of life, and at the same time observe the lives of others.

However, some people pursue the superficial glamour too much in the circle of friends, but ignore the true feelings in their hearts, and the result is often counterproductive, allowing themselves to fall into endless embarrassment.

1. Show off your wealth

Some people are keen to display their luxury cars, mansions and various luxury goods in their circle of friends, as if they want to highlight their wealth and social status in this way.

However, this kind of behavior is often counterproductive, and not only does not win the respect and envy of others, but can instead invite resentment and discomfort.

People who are truly connotative will not prove their worth by flaunting their wealth.

Wealth is important, but more important is a person's quality, cultivation and connotation.

A person with a rich heart, even if he lives a simple life, can exude a unique charm.

Don't show these in the circle of friends, it seems to be very face-saving, but in fact it is very cheap

2. Show off your connections

Some people post photos with celebrities and bigwigs in the circle of friends at every turn, in order to show off their network resources.

However, this practice often comes across as vain and pompous.

Real connections are not maintained by group photos, but by sincerity, trust and strength.

If you don't have enough strength and integrity, no amount of connections will be fleeting.

3. Show off your talents

Some people like to publish some opinions and articles that they think are advanced in the circle of friends, as a way to show their talent and wisdom.

However, this practice often comes across as conceited and arrogant.

True talent is not shown by boasting, but by practical actions and results.

If you are really talented, you should use it to create value for society, not to show off in the circle of friends.

Don't show these in the circle of friends, it seems to be very face-saving, but in fact it is very cheap

Fourth, show happiness

Some people always post sweet photos and happy times with their partners in the circle of friends to prove how happy their love is.

However, this practice often comes across as contrived and hypocritical.

True happiness is not made by exposure, but by two people working together and cherishing.

If your love is really happy, you should cherish and protect it well, instead of showing it off in the circle of friends.

Fifth, show success

Some people like to post their transcripts, award certificates and other honors in the circle of friends to prove their success and strength.

However, this practice often comes across as utilitarian and impetuous.

Real success is not achieved by exposure, but by down-to-earth and hard work.

If you do succeed, you should stay humble and keep a low profile and keep trying.

Showing these seemingly face-saving things in the circle of friends is actually very cheap.

We should learn to maintain inner peace and indifference, and not to pursue the superficial glamour too much.

Don't show these in the circle of friends, it seems to be very face-saving, but in fact it is very cheap

The truly good life is not proven by showing off, but by our own inner feelings and practical actions.

When we learn to cherish every beautiful moment around us and experience and feel the bits and pieces of life with our hearts, we will find that life is full of surprises and touches.

Instead of showing off your vanity and pompousness in your circle of friends, you should devote your time and energy to something more meaningful.

For example, we can read more, travel more, and make more friends, all of which can make our hearts richer and fuller.

When we have enough connotation and cultivation, we will naturally exude a unique charm and attract more like-minded people.

Don't show off those things that seem to be very face-saving, but are actually very cheap.

We should learn to keep a humble and low-key heart, and use practical actions to prove our worth and strength.

Only in this way can we find our own peace and happiness in this complex world.