
Schizophrenia is actually caused by the stagnation of qi and blood, and the imbalance of yin and yang

author:Dr. Li Ming, Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Schizophrenia is actually caused by the stagnation of qi and blood, and the imbalance of yin and yang

Schizophrenia is known as "madness" in Chinese medicine. The main causes of madness are internal injuries to the seven emotions, uncontrolled diet, and insufficient endowment, which lead to the imbalance of yin and yang in the internal organs, and then produce qi stagnation, phlegm knots, depression, fire depression, blood stasis, etc., which blinds the mind or disturbs the mind, and the gods are rebellious, thus causing abnormal mental disorder.

I have treated a patient who suffered from schizophrenia due to the imbalance of yin and yang, which caused phlegm to block the heart.

Schizophrenia is actually caused by the stagnation of qi and blood, and the imbalance of yin and yang

Lao Yang, 43 years old, has been ill for more than 1 year, and used to be the owner of a factory, but he went bankrupt due to the unsalable materials produced, and he also owed a lot of debts and had no ability to pay. His spirit became abnormal, and he sometimes fantasized that he was a bird, and often found some branches to build a nest for himself. He also likes to talk to himself.,Lack of concentration.,Often feel like someone is watching you.。 I also like to sigh, I can't sleep well at night, and I'm prone to insomnia. His family inquired about me and wanted me to help them.

Diagnosis: The pulse is tight and numerous, the moss is yellow and dry, the tongue is red, the behavior is strange, likes to look around, and sometimes makes a chirping sound. Diagnosis: schizophrenia. I wrote a recipe for him: Crazy Dream Awakening Soup It is composed of Banxia, tangerine peel, Bupleurum, Xiangfu, green peel, peach kernel, red peony, Mutong, big belly skin, mulberry white bark, Suzi, licorice, etc.

After taking it for one month, the patient was less self-talking, no longer making chirping sounds, and the quality of sleep improved. After the prescription was prescribed for a month, the patient said that he was able to sleep peacefully and that he would find a way to figure out how to pay off his debts. It indicates that the patient has begun to be conscious and can take the initiative to think about problems. There are no more sighs and the act of finding branches to build nests. In order to consolidate the treatment, according to the patient's condition, it was added or subtracted, and after taking it for more than half a month, it returned to normal without any adverse reactions. After one year of follow-up, there has been no recurrence so far.

Schizophrenia is actually caused by the stagnation of qi and blood, and the imbalance of yin and yang

Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to the harmony of yin and yang, and the simplest understanding is the balance of yin and yang, which is a dynamic balance. Yin and Yang are not isolated and static, but are reconciled in a relative, dependent, ebb, and transformative relationship. Problems with any part of yin and yang will bring different symptoms to the human body.

Schizophrenia, on the other hand, is caused by a deficiency of yin and yang qi. Symptoms such as liver drainage, qi stagnation and blood stasis are that the liver qi cannot find a vent and is blocked in the body, the liver is damp in the drainage, and the dampness is the qi knot. Then this qi will be condensed, and after it is condensed, if you can't follow your heart, your liver qi will stagnate and your spleen will be committed. The insufficient transformation of qi and blood in the body is equivalent to forming a thin film in the liver, so that the liver qi cannot be discharged and thus become ill. The use of this recipe is caused by the patient's liver qi drainage, so it is necessary to relieve liver depression and achieve the state of yin and yang.

I'm Dr. Li, follow me and help you solve the problems of the patients around you.

Schizophrenia is actually caused by the stagnation of qi and blood, and the imbalance of yin and yang