
At the age of 40 and not yet married, should I compromise? I will tell you from someone who has come over that I will resolutely not compromise

author:The sober person in the world GG

At the age of 40 and unmarried, should I compromise? As a person who has come from the past, I will tell you that I will resolutely not give in! Why? Because if you persist for the past few decades, it will be in vain.

It sounds like it just happened yesterday. I remember when I was forty years old, I was an older unmarried young man. At that time, my relatives and friends around me were anxious for me, saying, "Oh, you're so old, why don't you find someone to marry?"

At the age of 40 and not yet married, should I compromise? I will tell you from someone who has come over that I will resolutely not compromise

It's not that I'm picky, it's not that I'm high-minded, it's just that I think that marriage is not a child's play, and you have to find a really suitable one. You're right? A marriage that is about to be settled is like a pair of shoes that don't fit, it's uncomfortable to put on, and it's reluctant to take it off. So, I'd rather be single than compromised.

Some people may say, "Oh, you're all this age, what kind of love are you talking about? "But I don't think so. I think that no matter how old you are, you should believe in love and believe that the right person will definitely appear. You say, don't you?

In those years, I was doing well alone. When I have free time, I go on a trip to see the outside world, and when I have free time, I read a book and listen to music. I feel lonely at times, but overall I have a good time.

In this way, I have always adhered to my principles, and I will not compromise or compromise. It wasn't until later that I met him, my husband. He's a very ordinary person, but he just met my eyes. We get along very well and have a lot in common. Later, we came together naturally.

At the age of 40 and not yet married, should I compromise? I will tell you from someone who has come over that I will resolutely not compromise

Looking back now, if I had chosen compromise and compromise, I might still be struggling in that loveless marriage. So, I said, at the age of 40, you haven't married yet, don't worry too much, let alone settle down. Because if you are going to do it, these decades of perseverance will be in vain.

Someone might ask, "How do you know he's the right person?" But I think you should meet a better version of yourself before you meet him. Only if you are good enough can you attract that equally good person.

So, I say, no matter how old you are, don't give up the pursuit of a better life and the yearning for love. As long as you believe in yourself and stick to your principles, then the right person will definitely appear in your life at the most appropriate time.

Of course, marriage is not the whole story of life. Even if you don't meet the right person, don't be discouraged. Because there are many other good things in life that are worth pursuing and cherishing. For example, you can pursue your own career, cultivate your hobbies, and make more friends...... All of these can make your life more colorful.

At the age of 40 and not yet married, should I compromise? I will tell you from someone who has come over that I will resolutely not compromise

So, it's not a big deal that you're not married at the age of 40. It is important that you believe in yourself, stick to your principles and work hard to pursue the life you want. Only in this way can you live a happy life that is truly your own!

Finally, I would like to say a common saying: "It is better to have less than to have more". Although this sentence is simple, it expresses the hearts of many older unmarried young people. We all hope to meet the right person on the road of life, and then walk through every beautiful moment together. But if you don't encounter it, don't force yourself, because there are many other possibilities in life waiting for us to explore and discover!