
The war in Gaza saw the dream-shattering moment of the global dream of the empire on which the sun never sets!

author:Science and technology A Bing


Britain and the United States have gone to fight the Houthis in Yemen, and I really don't know what they are thinking. They said that it was to protect shipping in the Red Sea, but in fact they were afraid that their business would be affected, and they also wanted to show the Americans that Britain was still a useful little brother.

The war in Gaza saw the dream-shattering moment of the global dream of the empire on which the sun never sets!

Britain is an island nation that cannot live without the sea, so they are particularly concerned about the Red Sea, an important waterway. The Houthis have been bombing ships in the Red Sea lately, which has upset the British, so they have followed the Americans to retaliate. They also say that they want to uphold international law and order, but in fact they want to seize control of the Red Sea.

The war in Gaza saw the dream-shattering moment of the global dream of the empire on which the sun never sets!

The first Type 26 frigate of the British Navy "Glasgow".

Britain is a former empire that wants to regain its strength, so they have come up with the dream of "global Britain", which is to play a role in the world again. When they leave the EU, they want to get closer to the United States, to make Americans feel that they are the most reliable allies, and they also want Europeans and other countries to see that they are an assertive and capable country that will not become weak because of Brexit.

The war in Gaza saw the dream-shattering moment of the global dream of the empire on which the sun never sets!

The aircraft carrier HMS Prince of Wales will not be able to sustain Britain's global dream

However, Britain's military strength is actually not very good, although they have two aircraft carriers and some fighters, but their military spending is insufficient, the size of their army is constantly shrinking, their equipment is aging and difficult to maintain, and their combat preparation and efficiency are not high. No, two days ago, they also staged to the world the scene of two minehunters colliding! Their military action has also met with opposition and questioning from many people, some say they are daydreaming of the empire, and some say they are blindly following the interests of the United States.

The war in Gaza saw the dream-shattering moment of the global dream of the empire on which the sun never sets!

The UK needs to build a point of trust between strengthening cooperation with the US and respecting the wishes of other countries. Otherwise, Britain's imperial daydream might soon come to wake up!