
The remains of 16 Qing Dynasty people were dug up from the Peruvian pyramids, and after the identities were confirmed, Chinese experts burst into tears on the spot

author:Yiren said history
The remains of 16 Qing Dynasty people were dug up from the Peruvian pyramids, and after the identities were confirmed, Chinese experts burst into tears on the spot


The pyramids are not only the pride of ancient Egypt, but also the guardians of ancient civilizations.

The remains of 16 Qing Dynasty people were dug up from the Peruvian pyramids, and after the identities were confirmed, Chinese experts burst into tears on the spot

However, the pyramids are not unique to Egypt.

The remains of 16 Qing Dynasty people were dug up from the Peruvian pyramids, and after the identities were confirmed, Chinese experts burst into tears on the spot

In the depths of the Peruvian pyramids on the other side of the ocean, there is a bitter journey of the Chinese soul.

In 1994, in the heart of this ancient complex, the remains of 16 Qing Dynasty souls were discovered.

The remains of 16 Qing Dynasty people were dug up from the Peruvian pyramids, and after the identities were confirmed, Chinese experts burst into tears on the spot

This is not only the intersection of history, but also the affectionate confession of civilization.

The Chinese experts who came to identify it couldn't help but shed tears......

What's going on here?

The remains of 16 Qing Dynasty people were dug up from the Peruvian pyramids, and after the identities were confirmed, Chinese experts burst into tears on the spot
The remains of 16 Qing Dynasty people were dug up from the Peruvian pyramids, and after the identities were confirmed, Chinese experts burst into tears on the spot

Ancient civilizations of the American continent: the mystery of the pyramids of the prehistoric civilization of Carral

The pyramid is no longer a unique symbol of Egypt, and the pyramid of Caral's prehistoric civilization in the coastal area of Peru is particularly mysterious under the carving of time.

The remains of 16 Qing Dynasty people were dug up from the Peruvian pyramids, and after the identities were confirmed, Chinese experts burst into tears on the spot

In 1965, archaeologists discovered traces of pyramids in that land, which were not imitations of ancient Egypt, but ancient civilizations of the American continent.

However, just as archaeologists marvel at the wonders of this New World, the secrets beneath the pyramids are far from being revealed.

The remains of 16 Qing Dynasty people were dug up from the Peruvian pyramids, and after the identities were confirmed, Chinese experts burst into tears on the spot
The remains of 16 Qing Dynasty people were dug up from the Peruvian pyramids, and after the identities were confirmed, Chinese experts burst into tears on the spot

The Colonial Powers Need Labor: The History of Chinese Labor's Blood and Tears

Peru, once a colony, was ravaged and oppressed by colonizers.

The Industrial Revolution of the 19th century made the colonizers greedily set their sights on distant China, and regarded the uncultivated land as a paradise of wealth.

The remains of 16 Qing Dynasty people were dug up from the Peruvian pyramids, and after the identities were confirmed, Chinese experts burst into tears on the spot

Under the enslavement of this commercial empire, the Chinese laborers became lowly laborers, they were bewitched, plundered, and became lonely ghosts on the ocean-going ships.

The cruelty of this history is an epic of blood and tears, and a nation's tragedy.

The remains of 16 Qing Dynasty people were dug up from the Peruvian pyramids, and after the identities were confirmed, Chinese experts burst into tears on the spot
The remains of 16 Qing Dynasty people were dug up from the Peruvian pyramids, and after the identities were confirmed, Chinese experts burst into tears on the spot

Inferior guests die in a foreign land: the endless lament of the soul of the Qing Dynasty

In this deadly domain of colonists, Chinese laborers were made into cheap tools and sold to the American continent in the hope of a better future.

The colonists used all kinds of despicable means to lure these laborers to the ship, but they did not tell them that it would be the last journey of their lives.

The remains of 16 Qing Dynasty people were dug up from the Peruvian pyramids, and after the identities were confirmed, Chinese experts burst into tears on the spot

Aboard the ship, Chinese laborers fell under the spell of the European slave trade, and many ended up silent at the bottom of the deep sea.

Their dreams, their homes, have been blatantly trampled on by the colonizers.

The remains of 16 Qing Dynasty people were dug up from the Peruvian pyramids, and after the identities were confirmed, Chinese experts burst into tears on the spot
The remains of 16 Qing Dynasty people were dug up from the Peruvian pyramids, and after the identities were confirmed, Chinese experts burst into tears on the spot

The Lament of the Soul of the Qing Dynasty: A Song of Farewell under the Pyramid

In 1965, under the ruins of the pyramids north of Lima, Peru's capital, experts found the remains of 16 Qing dynasty people.

Five bodies were buried with dignity, as if to declare their identities in a foreign land, while the other 11 bodies were hastily buried deep in this barren land.

The remains of 16 Qing Dynasty people were dug up from the Peruvian pyramids, and after the identities were confirmed, Chinese experts burst into tears on the spot

The long braids of the Qing Dynasty people were elongated in time, witnessing the departure of one life after another.

The expert moistened his eyes on the spot, facing this bitter history, as if he was witnessing the endless lament of the soul of the Qing Dynasty.

The remains of 16 Qing Dynasty people were dug up from the Peruvian pyramids, and after the identities were confirmed, Chinese experts burst into tears on the spot
The remains of 16 Qing Dynasty people were dug up from the Peruvian pyramids, and after the identities were confirmed, Chinese experts burst into tears on the spot


The 16 Qing Dynasty souls under the Peruvian pyramids are witnesses of history and bearers of civilization.

The remains of 16 Qing Dynasty people were dug up from the Peruvian pyramids, and after the identities were confirmed, Chinese experts burst into tears on the spot

Their tragic experience, like an ancient symphony, spans thousands of years, once again evoking people's deep thinking about history.

This discovery is not only a tragedy for the Chinese, but also a reflection on the entire history of mankind.

The remains of 16 Qing Dynasty people were dug up from the Peruvian pyramids, and after the identities were confirmed, Chinese experts burst into tears on the spot

Ending Interaction:

The remains of 16 Qing Dynasty people were dug up from the Peruvian pyramids, and after the identities were confirmed, Chinese experts burst into tears on the spot

How do you feel about the discovery that this history has been unveiled under the pyramid?

What do you think this story has taught us?

In the collision of civilizations, how do you think mankind should face the pain of history?

Feel free to leave your views and feelings.

The remains of 16 Qing Dynasty people were dug up from the Peruvian pyramids, and after the identities were confirmed, Chinese experts burst into tears on the spot


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