
More than 80% of cancer patients are taking traditional Chinese medicine? Experts bluntly said that these three types of cancer, traditional Chinese medicine has a significant effect

author:Spine surgery is the same

When we hear the word "cancer", many people may feel scared and helpless. But in this battle against disease, there is an ally that is often underestimated – Chinese medicine. Imagine an elderly liver cancer patient who turns to traditional Chinese medicine after a painful period of chemotherapy. After a few months of TCM treatment, not only did his symptoms improve significantly, but his quality of life also improved dramatically. This is not an isolated case. In fact, more than 80% of cancer patients choose TCM in their treatment process.

What is the reason behind this choice? Can TCM really play an important role in cancer treatment?

More than 80% of cancer patients are taking traditional Chinese medicine? Experts bluntly said that these three types of cancer, traditional Chinese medicine has a significant effect

Current Situation of Cancer and Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment: Why Do More Than 80% of Patients Choose Traditional Chinese Medicine?

Cancer, as a common and serious disease, poses great challenges to the physical and mental health of patients. In addition to traditional Western medicine treatments such as surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, more and more patients are turning to traditional Chinese medicine as an adjunct treatment. In fact, according to the survey, more than 80% of cancer patients choose to use traditional Chinese medicine during treatment.

First of all, the therapeutic philosophy of TCM focuses on holistic conditioning and balance. This means that TCM is not only for the cancer itself, but also for the whole body, helping to improve the overall health and quality of life of patients. Secondly, many TCM ingredients have been found to be effective in alleviating side effects in cancer treatment, such as alleviating symptoms such as chemotherapy-induced nausea and hair loss, making patients feel more comfortable during the difficult treatment process.

In addition, TCM also has the potential to improve the immune function of patients. Some studies have shown that specific Chinese herbal formulations can boost the immune system and help the body better fight cancer. This is especially important for patients who are undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy, which tend to weaken the patient's immunity.

However, choosing TCM treatment is not without risks. The use of Chinese herbs should be carried out under the guidance of a professional doctor to ensure safety and efficacy. Patients should pay attention to the quality and source of Chinese medicine when choosing it, and combine it with Western medicine treatment to achieve the best treatment effect.

The popularity of traditional Chinese medicine in cancer treatment reflects the trend of combining modern medicine with traditional medicine. The auxiliary role of traditional Chinese medicine plays a non-negligible role in improving the quality of life of patients and enhancing physical functions. However, it needs to be used with caution and should be done under the guidance of a doctor to ensure that it is safe and effective. Through this integrative treatment, we can provide a more comprehensive and humane treatment plan for cancer patients.

More than 80% of cancer patients are taking traditional Chinese medicine? Experts bluntly said that these three types of cancer, traditional Chinese medicine has a significant effect

The remarkable effect of Chinese medicine in cancer treatment: focusing on liver, stomach and lung cancer

The dawn of liver cancer patients: the adjuvant efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine

As a high-incidence malignant tumor, the treatment of liver cancer is often accompanied by a strong physical and psychological burden. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has shown its unique advantages in this regard. In traditional Chinese medicine, the liver is regarded as the "detoxification organ" in the body, and Chinese medicine aims to fight cancer by regulating qi and blood in the body and improving liver function. For example, certain herbal formulas can help alleviate side effects caused by chemotherapy, such as nausea and loss of appetite, while enhancing the liver's detoxification function. This treatment not only relieves the symptoms of liver cancer patients, but also improves their quality of life.

Gastric cancer treatment: the conditioning effect of traditional Chinese medicine

While gastric cancer patients are receiving traditional treatment, traditional Chinese medicine can play an important auxiliary role. Traditional Chinese medicine theory believes that stomach diseases are rooted in "spleen and stomach disorders", so traditional Chinese medicine treatment mainly focuses on harmonizing the spleen and stomach, so as to achieve the purpose of fighting cancer. Some traditional Chinese medicines, such as Astragalus membranaceus and Atractylodes macrocephalus, have been proven to enhance patients' immunity and help them better fight off diseases. In addition, TCM can also help alleviate symptoms such as stomach pain and indigestion, which are common in the treatment of gastric cancer, and improve the overall state of patients.

Lung Cancer and Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Natural Guardian of the Respiratory System

As one of the most common cancers, the role of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of lung cancer cannot be ignored. In TCM theory, the lungs are regarded as the organ of "main qi", so TCM focuses on regulating qi and clearing phlegm and dampness in the treatment of lung cancer. For example, some TCM formulations are effective in relieving cough and dyspnea in lung cancer patients while enhancing respiratory function. Through this method, TCM not only improves the patient's breathing condition but also helps to reduce the discomfort caused by chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

The TCM treatment of these three cancers demonstrates the profound connotation and practical application value of TCM theory. By harmonizing the balance of qi and blood in the human body, TCM can assist traditional cancer treatment to varying degrees, reduce patients' symptoms and improve their quality of life. However, it is important to note that TCM treatment should be carried out under the guidance of a professional doctor to ensure safety and efficacy. By combining modern medicine and traditional Chinese medicine theories, we are able to provide a more comprehensive and humane treatment plan for cancer patients.

More than 80% of cancer patients are taking traditional Chinese medicine? Experts bluntly said that these three types of cancer, traditional Chinese medicine has a significant effect

Experts' Golden Advice: A Smart Choice for Cancer and Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment

In the complex world of cancer treatment, TCM has attracted much attention as an adjunctive treatment. The advice of experts is a guiding beacon for patients, revealing the correct methods and precautions for TCM treatment.

1. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment requires the guidance of a doctor:

TCM treatment for cancer is not an overnight solution, it needs to be carried out under the guidance of a professional doctor. Each patient's situation is unique, so the treatment plan should be individualized.

Experts recommend a thorough medical examination and evaluation before using TCM. Ensure that TCM ingredients do not react adversely with existing treatments.

2. Understand the auxiliary role of Chinese medicine:

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is mainly used as an adjunct to improve quality of life and alleviate symptoms, rather than to cure cancer directly.

Certain herbal ingredients can help alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, such as reducing fatigue and increasing appetite.

3. Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine from a Scientific Perspective:

Current scientific research supports the potential effects of certain TCM ingredients in inhibiting tumor growth and promoting immune function.

However, patients should understand that TCM treatment is not universally applicable to all types of cancer, and its effects vary from person to person.

4. Avoid blindly following the herd:

In the face of the various TCM products and therapies on the market, patients should not blindly follow the trend. It should be considered critically to avoid falling into the trap of treatment that is not based on science.

Patients should consult their doctor for professional information and advice on Chinese medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine can be a valuable adjunct to cancer treatment. However, the key lies in rational choice and the scientific approach. Under the guidance of a professional doctor, each patient should carefully consider the feasibility of TCM treatment in light of their own situation. The correct application of traditional Chinese medicine can play an important auxiliary role in cancer treatment, improve the quality of life, and enhance physical and mental health.

More than 80% of cancer patients are taking traditional Chinese medicine? Experts bluntly said that these three types of cancer, traditional Chinese medicine has a significant effect