
With a thin back, a straight neck, and open shoulders, this set of moves makes it easy for you to build a good temperament

author:Dr. Liu Zhenkun

When you walk into a room, all eyes naturally turn to you, not just because of your appearance, but because of your impressive temperament. This temperament comes from your posture – your back is thin and straight, your neck is straight, and your shoulders are relaxed. It's not only a way to show confidence and energy, but also a way to take care of your health.

Tell you a story about Aunt Lee. Aunt Li is an ordinary retired teacher, and she used to feel back pain and lack of energy because of her hunched back and bowed head. However, through a series of simple but effective postural adjustment exercises, she not only improved her physical condition, but also won the "Best Temperament Award" among friends and family. This change not only boosted her self-confidence, but also gave her a new lease of life in social activities.

With a thin back, a straight neck, and open shoulders, this set of moves makes it easy for you to build a good temperament

To create a perfect temperament, start with a straight back, a straight neck, and a lower shoulder

In the pursuit of elegance, a person's posture plays a crucial role. It is not only an external manifestation of personal image, but also an internal reflection of health. This article will focus on the central role of the back, neck, and shoulders in building good posture, and how these areas can be improved with simple daily exercises.

Back: Solid support

The health of the back has a direct impact on the stability and aesthetics of the human posture. A strong back not only reduces the burden on the spine, but also effectively prevents various physical problems caused by poor posture. For example, hunchback not only affects the image, but can also lead to back pain, cervical spine diseases, etc. To maintain back health, you can use daily back stretching and strengthening exercises such as yoga poses such as cat-cow pose, pigeon pose, etc., which can help strengthen the back muscles and improve the flexibility of the spine.

Neck: an elegant turning point

The neck is a key part of the body that connects the head and body, and its posture directly affects the overall sense of coordination and balance. Using a mobile phone or computer with your head down for a long time can easily lead to tension and pain in your neck muscles, which can affect your overall posture. To improve the condition of the neck, you can pay more attention in your daily life, keep the head and neck in a straight line, and avoid bowing your head for a long time. In addition, gentle neck rotation and stretching exercises can be performed to help relax the neck muscles and reduce tension.

Shoulders: A show of confidence

The position and state of the shoulders directly reflect how confident a person is. People who often shrug their shoulders or buckle their shoulders often come across as lacking self-confidence and being closed-off. Through daily shoulder relaxation and adjustment exercises, such as shoulder wrapping, scapula squeeze, etc., you can effectively relax the shoulder muscles, improve the position of the shoulder, and make the whole person look more cheerful and confident.

A person's temperament is not just innate, but more of an acquired shape and maintenance. With the proper maintenance and exercise of our back, neck and shoulders, we can not only improve our own health, but also invisibly enhance our temperament and charm. Remember, good posture is the cornerstone of elegance, so let's start today by valuing and improving our posture.

With a thin back, a straight neck, and open shoulders, this set of moves makes it easy for you to build a good temperament

Changing postures, rejuvenating your temperament: a simple set of comprehensive exercises

In the pursuit of elegance, the right posture plays a key role. This section will introduce a comprehensive set of movement exercises designed to improve back, neck and shoulder posture to help you build your posture with ease.

1. Back stretching

The strength of the back is directly related to the stability of the overall posture. For a back extension, sit in a sturdy chair with your feet flat on the floor and your knees at right angles. Take a deep breath and slowly stretch your hands high above your head. You should feel a slight stretch in your back at this point. Hold the pose for 5 seconds, then slowly lower your hands. Repeat this 5 times.

2. Neck stretching

The flexibility of the neck and the upright posture are essential for the overall image. Sit in a chair with your back straight. Tilt your head slowly to one side, as close to your shoulders as possible, but avoid lifting your head with your shoulders. Feel the contralateral neck stretch for 5 seconds. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. Repeat 3 times in each direction.

With a thin back, a straight neck, and open shoulders, this set of moves makes it easy for you to build a good temperament

3. Relax your shoulders

Relaxation and sinking of the shoulders is the key to showing a confident temperament. Standing or sitting with your hands hanging down naturally. Take a deep breath while keeping your shoulders as close to your ears as you can. Exhale, relax your shoulders, and feel your shoulders sink and relax. Repeat this 5 times.

Fourth, comprehensive action

This is an exercise that combines the previous three movements. Start with a back stretch, followed by a neck stretch, and finally a shoulder relaxation. Hold each movement for 5 seconds, and do the whole set of exercises 3 times in a row. This set of combined movements helps to adjust the overall posture and enhance the temperament.

5. Daily posture reminders

In addition to specialized exercises, you should also pay attention to your posture. When sitting, keep your feet flat on the ground with your back straight, walk with your chin slightly tucked and your eyes straight ahead, and avoid keeping your head down for long periods of time when using your phone or computer and keeping your device at eye level.

With consistent practice and daily attention, you can gradually improve your posture and look your best. Remember, good posture isn't just a reflection of your appearance, it's an important part of a healthy lifestyle.