
India has given Foxconn the highest honor award, which is a signal to China

author:Qi Ming talked

According to a recent report by the Observer, citing Hong Kong's English-language media "South China Morning Post", India for the first time awarded one of the highest civilian honors, the "Lotus Outfit Medal", to a person from Taiwan, China, that is, Foxconn CEO Liu Yangwei. The report mentioned that Liu Yangwei is also the only non-Indian who won the "Lotus Outfit Medal" this year.

India has given Foxconn the highest honor award, which is a signal to China

According to the Indian Embassy in China, the "Lotus Award" is one of the highest honors bestowed on citizens in India, and is divided into three levels: the Lotus Bestowal Medal, the Lotus Costume Medal and the Lotus Warrior Medal, which are awarded to people who have made outstanding contributions in different fields. The Lotus Outfit is an honor awarded to the senior service.

The South China Morning Post commented: This is a signal to China, so the question arises why India is giving this award to Foxconn? We cannot make a direct conclusion, but we can find the truth from the clues of Foxconn and India in recent years.

As we all know, the United States has always regarded China as an imaginary enemy, and the United States has always been willing to act as a "-stirring stick" in the fields of science and technology, military and other fields. When American companies wanted to sell high-performance chips to China, they received an open threat from U.S. Secretary of Commerce Raimondo the next day. When China developed high-tech weapons, the United States fanned the flames in the international community, saying that China was a huge "time bomb."

However, China's development has been in full swing in recent years, and the United States urgently needs a Chinese neighbor to distract China's huge international influence. India has always been hostile to China, and India's Chief of Defence Staff has publicly stated: "China is India's number one enemy." "Since Modi came to power, he has always had the ambition to surpass China.

India has surpassed China last year to become the world's most populous country, and India's development is not very good, which has brought India a lot of natural advantages, not only low labor, but also a large market size, and greater market potential.

India has given Foxconn the highest honor award, which is a signal to China

This gives the United States a brilliant option to counterbalance China, and with a little support for India, it can create a crisis for China.

As a result, the United States has strengthened its strategic partnership with India, not only providing military, economic, and technological support, but also actively investing in India. They hope to help India upgrade its infrastructure, improve its business environment, and promote India's rapid development.

Otherwise, the United States has also moved a large number of companies that have been stationed in China for decades to India, such as Dell, which has blatantly begun to plan to stop the use of Chinese chips and reduce China's share of business.

Apple even printed the four big words "de-sinicization" on the door of its head, and according to Bloomberg, Apple even has to produce even a screw in India. Apple has now set its sights on India, where it has begun production of iPhones, AirPods, Apple Pencil and other components.

And Taiwan's Foxconn saw that the financier went to India, and began to move the production chain to India. Such a move is actually expected, Guo Taiming publicly said earlier that the reason why he built a factory in the mainland was entirely to give them food.

In September last year, Apple announced plans to produce 14% to 5% of its new smartphone, the iPhone 10, in India. Foxconn will also partner with India's Vedanta Mining Group to invest US$20 billion (S$27 billion) in a semiconductor factory in India.

India has given Foxconn the highest honor award, which is a signal to China

In this line of India and Foxconn's embarrassment, not only Apple is in the matchmaking, but also the United States is secretly in it, and the purpose of the United States to support India is obvious, that is, to hollow out China.

However, the United States obviously underestimated India's greed, and it is not for nothing that India has been called the "graveyard of foreign capital" in recent years.

As for Chinese companies, India is even more ruthless, in India's new subsidy policy, Chinese companies are excluded, but the trap is not pulled to trap Chinese enterprises. Xiaomi is the best example, after working there for ten years, not a penny of money went to his own hands, and all went into India's pockets.

Foreign companies entering India are like rabbits entering a wolf's den, and the best outcome is for both sides to check and balance each other, but if they are not careful, they will be eaten and wiped clean by India.

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