
"If you are not afraid of eighteen showers, you are afraid of eighteen sunshines", today is the eighteenth day of the lunar month, why should you be afraid of sunny days?

author:Mr. Yuan's first lecture

Today is the eighteenth day of the lunar month, and it is also the January 28th of the solar calendar, and it is less than half a month away from the New Year.

There is a folk saying "the eighteenth day of the lunar month, plant melons and get melons", this sentence does not talk about spring sowing and autumn seeds, but describes the eighteenth day of the lunar month as an "auspicious day of the zodiac".

"If you are not afraid of eighteen showers, you are afraid of eighteen sunshines", today is the eighteenth day of the lunar month, why should you be afraid of sunny days?

In ancient times, it was important to "look at the yellow calendar", and the yellow calendar is now called the perpetual calendar, which is not called the perpetual calendar does not mean that he has a history of 10,000 years, but it is said that it was invented by a woodcutter called Wannian, and this calendar was named "perpetual calendar" to commemorate his achievements.

At that time, whether people were marrying and traveling, or paying money into the land, they had to look at the yellow calendar, and one of the days was the "auspicious day of the zodiac". The "auspicious day of the zodiac" is a unique word in the "yellow calendar" (perpetual calendar), which refers to the day when everything is appropriate.

"If you are not afraid of eighteen showers, you are afraid of eighteen sunshines", today is the eighteenth day of the lunar month, why should you be afraid of sunny days?

The Yellow Calendar (Perpetual Calendar) is called the six zodiac days in the "Twelve Divine Evils" of "Qinglong, Tiande, Yutang, Si Ming, Mingtang, and Jinkui", and the "Twelve Duty Days" in the "Elimination, Danger, Determination, Execution, Success, and Open" are the small zodiac days.

The theory of auspicious days of the zodiac is based on the ecliptic, the great circle in which the plane of the Earth's orbit around the Sun intersects with celestial constellations. The choice of auspicious days of the zodiac is related to the position of the constellations on the zodiac, and it is suitable to do different things when it is in different positions.

"If you are not afraid of eighteen showers, you are afraid of eighteen sunshines", today is the eighteenth day of the lunar month, why should you be afraid of sunny days?

Turning over the yellow calendar, we can see that today is the eighteenth day of the lunar month, and the value of God is "Tiande", so according to the folk saying, today "there are no taboos, everything is appropriate".

The Yellow Calendar (perpetual calendar) can be used not only to predict celestial phenomena, but also to measure agricultural hours, and is widely used in agriculture, astronomy, calendar, divination and other fields. At the same time, it has a far-reaching influence on East Asian culture, and has been borrowed and used by countries such as South Korea and Japan.

However, it should be noted that the auspicious day of the zodiac is not a scientific concept, but a folk belief and cultural tradition.

"If you are not afraid of eighteen showers, you are afraid of eighteen sunshines", today is the eighteenth day of the lunar month, why should you be afraid of sunny days?

Although the 18th day of the lunar month today is the "auspicious day of the zodiac" in the perpetual calendar, there is a saying in the countryside that "if you are not afraid of the 18 showers, you are afraid of the 18 sunny days." What does this mean? What is there to be afraid of on a sunny day? Let's find the answer from the agricultural proverb!

First, the eighteenth snow of the lunar month will close the door, and the five grains will be stable in the coming year

This agricultural proverb means that if there is heavy snow on the eighteenth day of the lunar calendar, it indicates that the crops will be harvested in the coming year, and there is a similar "frost on the eighteenth day of the lunar month, and the price of grain and rice in the coming year is not expensive", this agricultural proverb also indicates a good harvest.

"Snow Closed Door" vividly describes the scene of heavy snow on this day, and the snow on the 18th day of the lunar month may mean that the temperature is lower and the snowfall is abundant, which is beneficial for the growth of overwintering crops and spring planting in the coming year. At the same time, heavy snow can also play a role in heat preservation and moisturization, providing sufficient water and nutrients for the soil, which is conducive to the growth and development of crops.

"If you are not afraid of eighteen showers, you are afraid of eighteen sunshines", today is the eighteenth day of the lunar month, why should you be afraid of sunny days?

Second, eighteen rainy spring water is enough, and the fields are ripe for rice grandchildren

"Eighteen rainy spring water" refers to the eighteenth day of the lunar month if it rains, indicating that the spring rain will be abundant. The phrase "the fields moisten the rice and grow the rice grandchildren" describes that such rain moistens the fields and provides good conditions for the growth of rice and other crops, indicating that the crops will be harvested.

Moderate amount of rain can also improve the soil environment, improve soil fertility and air permeability. Rainwater can dissolve and remove harmful substances in the soil, increase the amount of organic matter and microorganisms in the soil, and provide a better soil environment for the growth of crops. At the same time, rain can also help the air circulation in the soil, increase the oxygen content of the soil, and benefit the root respiration and growth of crops.

"If you are not afraid of eighteen showers, you are afraid of eighteen sunshines", today is the eighteenth day of the lunar month, why should you be afraid of sunny days?

Third, the eighteenth day of the lunar month shines brightly, and the pest control and disease in the coming year will be heavy

This agricultural proverb means that if the sun shines on the 18th day of the lunar month, the crops may face more pests and diseases in the coming year, and farmers need to strengthen prevention and control.

Sunny weather usually means warmer temperatures and lower humidity, which can be conducive to the breeding and reproduction of certain pests and diseases. Therefore, if the sun is shining on the 18th day of the lunar month, it may indicate that there will be more warm and dry weather conditions in the coming year, which will increase the risk of pests and diseases in crops.

"If you are not afraid of eighteen showers, you are afraid of eighteen sunshines", today is the eighteenth day of the lunar month, why should you be afraid of sunny days?

Fourth, the eighteenth day of the lunar month is a sunny day, and the fruit trees in the coming year need to be managed

This agricultural proverb means that if the 18th day of the lunar month is sunny, then the growth of fruit trees in the coming year may face some challenges that require more management and care by farmers.

Specifically, sunny days usually mean dry climatic conditions, and dryness may affect the normal growth of fruit trees and the quality of the fruit. A dry climate can lead to a lack of soil moisture, affecting the uptake and nutrient supply of fruit trees. In addition, drying can also increase the risk of pests and diseases in fruit trees, as some pests and diseases are more likely to breed and spread in dry environments.

"If you are not afraid of eighteen showers, you are afraid of eighteen sunshines", today is the eighteenth day of the lunar month, why should you be afraid of sunny days?

5. Eighteen rainless soil flying, ploughing the fields to prevent sand famine in the coming year

This agricultural proverb means that if there is no rain on the eighteenth day of the lunar month, which causes dust to fly, it indicates that special attention should be paid to preventing desertification of the soil and desertification of the farmland when planting in the coming year.

If there is a dry and windy situation on the 18th of the lunar month, the soil conditions in the coming year may be more inclined to desertification and desertification, especially in areas with strong winds and insufficient precipitation. Such soil conditions are not conducive to the growth of crops, because the desertified soil has poor water and fertilizer retention capacity, which is not conducive to the development of the root system and the absorption of nutrients.

"If you are not afraid of eighteen showers, you are afraid of eighteen sunshines", today is the eighteenth day of the lunar month, why should you be afraid of sunny days?

In summary, although the eighteenth day of the lunar month is an "auspicious day of the zodiac" on the yellow calendar, it is not a good sign according to the production experience of farmers, and a sunny day may indicate a drought and sand famine in the coming year, which will reduce the harvest of the product, and farmers also depend on the weather for food, so the last thing they want to see is a poor harvest due to unfavorable weather.

Agricultural proverbs are farmers' production experience and a kind of cultural inheritance, do you think agricultural proverbs are still accurate now?