
Trip to Singapore: Precautions to make your trip worry-free and keep you smiling!

author:Qi Yinan

#Singapore##Singapore Essentials##Singapore Life##Singapore Tips##新加坡旅游#

Trip to Singapore: Precautions to make your trip worry-free and keep you smiling!

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Trip to Singapore: Precautions to make your trip worry-free and keep you smiling!

Hello everyone, I am your travel expert, and today I am going to bring you an article on "Things to do when going to Singapore". As a humorous travel expert, I will introduce you to Singapore travel tips in a lively and interesting way, hoping to help you smile during your trip to Singapore!

Trip to Singapore: Precautions to make your trip worry-free and keep you smiling!

First, let's talk about the weather in Singapore in a light-hearted way. Singapore's climate is tropical rainforest, warm and humid throughout the year, with an average temperature of 23-32 degrees Celsius. So, when you go to Singapore, remember to bring light clothes and sunscreen! I once wore heavy jeans and a long-sleeved shirt in a summer in Singapore, and I ended up sweating like I had just come out of the water. So, friends, don't follow my example, bring the right clothes and enjoy the sun and beaches of Singapore!

Trip to Singapore: Precautions to make your trip worry-free and keep you smiling!

Next, let's talk about transportation in Singapore. Singapore is very well connected, with the MRT, buses and taxis all taking you to various attractions. However, I would like to remind everyone that taxis in Singapore are more expensive, so try to travel by MRT and bus. In addition, buses in Singapore have change, so it's best to prepare change before getting on the bus. I once was on a bus in Singapore, awkwardly asking passengers to borrow change, but luckily I met a kind person, otherwise I would have had to stand on the bus until the last stop.

Trip to Singapore: Precautions to make your trip worry-free and keep you smiling!

When it comes to Singaporean cuisine, chilli crab and Hainanese chicken rice come to mind. However, I would like to remind everyone that food in Singapore is spicy! If you're a non-spicy eater like me, make it clear to the waiter in advance so that you don't sweat and eat spicy food like me. In addition, the price of food in Singapore is relatively high, so you should have a good budget! I had a dinner in Singapore, because of the lack of budget, I could only watch the food and finally eat bread to satisfy my hunger.

Trip to Singapore: Precautions to make your trip worry-free and keep you smiling!

Apart from food, Singapore is also home to many famous attractions such as Gardens by the Bay, Universal Studios, and more. I recommend that you plan your itinerary before you go to Singapore, so that you don't end up thinking about going to Universal Studios on the last day like me, and end up missing out on a lot of great attractions in your hurry. So, friends, plan ahead to have a good laugh during your trip to Singapore!

Trip to Singapore: Precautions to make your trip worry-free and keep you smiling!

I would like to remind everyone that the laws in Singapore are very strict, such as no littering, no smoking in public places, etc. I was once fined for accidentally throwing trash in the wrong bin. Therefore, when you go to Singapore, you must understand the local laws and regulations clearly, so as not to suffer lawsuits like me.

Trip to Singapore: Precautions to make your trip worry-free and keep you smiling!

Also, the MRT in Singapore is very convenient, but it should also be noted that eating or drinking on the MRT is not allowed. Once, I ate a loaf of bread on the subway and ended up being fined. So, everyone should be quiet on the subway and do not eat or drink.

Another thing is that taxis in Singapore are very difficult to wait for, especially during rush hour. Therefore, I recommend that you try to use public transportation or book a taxi in advance. I once waited on the streets of Singapore for half an hour for a taxi and was denied a ride by the driver. So, be patient and don't get angry because you can't wait for a taxi.

Trip to Singapore: Precautions to make your trip worry-free and keep you smiling!

When it comes to Singapore's unique features, we have to mention Singapore's diverse culture. In Singapore, you can see people from all over the world and hear a wide variety of languages. I was at a subway station in Singapore, and I heard people say Chinese, some people said English, some people spoke Malay, and it felt like a little United Nations. Therefore, when you go to Singapore, you can try to learn and understand the local culture, so that you can better integrate into the local life.

Finally, I would like to remind everyone that although the weather in Singapore is warm and humid, it is very UV-rayed. Therefore, everyone must take sun protection measures when going out, wear sunscreen, and wear sunglasses and hats. One afternoon in Singapore, I got sunburned because I didn't take sun protection measures. Therefore, everyone should pay attention to sun protection and protect their skin.

Trip to Singapore: Precautions to make your trip worry-free and keep you smiling!

Now, I would like to ask you, have you ever encountered something similar and interesting during your trip, or what are your special experiences and opinions about Singapore?

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