
Biguan County Education Science and Technology Bureau 2024 Winter Vacation "A Letter to Parents"

author:Xinzhou loves headlines

Parents and friends in Biguan County:

The winter vacation of 2024 is coming, the Spring Festival is approaching, in order to jointly do a good job in the management of safety education during the student holiday and the Spring Festival, fulfill the responsibility of parental supervision, and ensure that students spend a safe, healthy, happy and fulfilling holiday, the winter vacation and Spring Festival safety education management is hereby notified as follows, please keep in mind the majority of parents and students to abide by:

Pay attention to hygiene

1. Maintain a scientific and regular work and rest, exercise appropriately, and have a balanced diet.

2. Pay attention to personal hygiene, avoid touching the mouth, eyes and nose with unclean hands, cover the mouth and nose with a tissue or use elbows to cover the mouth and nose when sneezing and coughing.

3. Try to minimize going to crowded and poorly ventilated places, and reduce gathering activities.

4. When traveling to and from campus, be sure to wear a mask when taking public transportation. After wearing the mask for a certain period of time, wet or dirty, pay attention to changing it in time.

5. Pay attention to self-health monitoring daily, and seek medical attention in time when fever, cough and other suspicious symptoms appear.

Ensuring traffic safety

1. Take regular vehicles, not unlicensed and unlicensed vehicles, and illegal vehicles. Especially when you are not accompanied by your family, you should be vigilant.

2. Under the age of 12 are not allowed to ride a bicycle on the road, under the age of 16 are not allowed to ride an electric vehicle, under the age of 18 and without a driver's license are not allowed to drive a motor vehicle. Those who are at least 16 years old riding an electric vehicle, or parents who ride motorcycles or electric vehicles to take students out, must wear a safety helmet.

3. Ride or walk on the right side of the road, do not chase and play on the highway, do not ride two or more people side by side, hook shoulders or race cars, and do not pass through the motor lane. Do not drive with a zigzag "S" to avoid hitting other vehicles and pedestrians.

4. Pay special attention to passing vehicles when crossing the road and encountering intersections, so as to "pass slowly, look at three times".

5. If there is a zebra crossing, you must take the zebra crossing, and if you do not have a zebra crossing, you must make sure that you do not violate the traffic rules, pay attention to the surroundings, and confirm the safety of traffic. Don't scramble, including when the traffic light changes.

6. Be vigilant and prevent traffic accidents caused by slippery roads in ice and snow weather.

Take precautions against fire

1. Safe electricity use at home, no overload of electricity. Some electrical equipment cannot be left when it is in use. Pay attention to the safe use of kettles, irons, rice cookers, etc.

2. Do not leave when using gas, do not cover or block the gas stove pipes and equipment, and do not hang items on the gas pipeline. Do not place flammable and combustible materials such as paper, wood, and plastic around the gas stove.

3. Don't play with lighters, matches, and don't light fires in the wild.

4. Fire extinguishers, fire blankets, gas alarms, escape ropes and other fire self-rescue supplies can be prepared at home. Gas alarms must be properly activated at all times.

5. Own vehicles and other items shall not occupy the fire escape.

6. When going out to shopping malls, hotels and other places, you need to be familiar with the emergency exits and evacuation channels in advance.

Beware of carbon monoxide poisoning

1. To prevent carbon monoxide poisoning, pay attention to ventilation and open the window for ventilation at least twice a day.

2. For heating, be sure to wait until the coal is completely burned out to confirm that it is safe to go to sleep, and at the same time keep ventilation. Gas alarms should be installed as required and kept in a normal state.

3. Choose a stove and chimney with qualified quality, and replace it in time when it is found to be damaged, rusty, leaking, etc.

4. The interface of the chimney leading to the outdoor should be strict, and cracks and damages should be repaired in time to prevent air leakage.

5. Do not put the coal stove in the bedroom.

Prevention of winter drowning

1. It is strictly forbidden to go to ponds, rivers and other wild waters for winter fishing and winter swimming.

2. Do not skate and play ice easily, the ice surface may be light and thin, the bearing capacity is low, and it is easy to fall into the water when stepping on it. In particular, the county is close to the Yellow River, and parents living in towns and villages along the river must educate their children not to skate or play on the ice of the Yellow River without authorization.

3. Do not play water or ice sports without parental accompaniment or without wearing life-saving equipment.

4. Parents must accompany you to the swimming pool. Before and during swimming, take various safety precautions according to professional guidance, and keep your child in the sight of parents at all times.

5. When others fall into the water, they can call for help or call the police for help, and do not blindly rescue.

Beware of cyber risks

1. Parents should lead by example and don't indulge in the Internet.

2. Conduct more parent-child interaction and appropriate outdoor sports activities to dilute the attraction of the Internet.

3. Get healthy and beneficial information from the Internet, and don't play or play less games.

4. Prevent online harassment and avoid meeting with netizens.

5. Resolutely prevent new types of online fraud, reminding teachers, students and parents to be vigilant against six types of frequent telecommunication network fraud, such as rebates, free game skins, false transactions of game accounts and equipment, impersonating teachers, impersonating acquaintances, and education refunds, and warning teachers, students, and parents not to click on unknown links or open illegal websites at will, let alone provide or participate in illegal and criminal acts such as buying and selling mobile phone cards and bank cards.

6. Correctly view the role of the Internet, identify bad information, refuse the temptation of harmful and vulgar information, learn to control desires, and learn self-discipline.

7. Do not quarrel or abuse others on the Internet, but do it healthily, greenly, civilly, and time-limited, and do not indulge in the Internet.

Master the common sense of daily safety

1. Pay attention to food hygiene, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and do not eat "three nos" (no production date, no quality certificate or production license, no manufacturer name) products and expired and rotten food. Eat less or no snacks such as fried, salt, and sugar. Although many snacks are delicious, they are unhygienic and harmful to health.

2. Do not enter e-sports hotels, bars, disco bars, game halls and KTVs and other places, and do not watch books and videos such as pornography, gambling, drugs, and cults.

3. Do not play along the railway, tracks, under elevated highways, construction sites, power facilities, culverts, and do not play on the road or other dangerous areas, play ball, roller skate, skateboard, etc.

4. Do not play dangerous games with your companions, do not play, do not carry knives, lighters and other dangerous goods.

5. Prevent crowding and stampede in crowded places such as scenic spots and shopping malls.

6. Don't easily "explore" into deserted areas or other areas that are forbidden to enter scenic spots.

7. Do not climb trees, power facilities and other buildings, structures and facilities that are prohibited from climbing.

8. Follow the safety tips and warnings everywhere.

Keep your home safe

1. Check the potential safety hazards at home and around to prevent accidental falls.

2. Do not use food labeling utensils to pack other items to prevent children from eating by mistake without knowing it.

3. Prevent children from getting other dangerous goods, such as insecticidal sprays (pesticides) and other toxic and harmful substances. The electric converter should be placed in a hidden place to prevent young children from mistaking it for a toy.

4. Pay attention to the quality and safety of small electrical appliances such as chargers, power banks, and hand warmers.

5. Be wary of accosting strangers and don't open the door to strangers at home. Do not believe strangers' arguments to check water (electricity) meters, parents and colleagues, etc., and refuse strangers to enter the house when parents are away.

Prevent bullying and violence

1. Do not invite classmates or idle people to fight or bully.

2. If others make an appointment to commit bullying and violence, refuse to go, and inform their parents in a timely manner.

3. When encountering bullying and violent intimidation, resolutely do not follow others to a hidden place.

4. When you or your classmates are bullied and violent, call the police for help in time.

Safety is no trivial matter, accidents often occur in an instant, parents must accompany their children as much as possible, take care of young children throughout the process, and always keep in their sight. When children go out, parents should know "where to go, what to do, how to go, and who to go with", and avoid simple and crude preaching.

Here, the County Education Science and Technology Bureau wishes the county's teachers and students, parents and friends from all walks of life who care about and support the development of education a happy and prosperous New Year in advance!

Biguan County Education Science and Technology Bureau

January 25, 2024


Producer: Ma Xuxin

Intern Editor: Zhang Ying

Check: Chen Xia

Source: Hello Partiguan

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