
Huang Shengyi's live broadcast with Yangzi caused controversy, the merchant reported fraud, and the police intervened in the investigation

author:Love life respects each other

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Introduction: Recently, Huang Shengyi and Yang Zi sparked a controversy because of a live broadcast with goods.

Huang Shengyi's live broadcast with Yangzi caused controversy, the merchant reported fraud, and the police intervened in the investigation

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More than 60 merchants have reported the two celebrities for suspected fraud. The live stream is not effective, and the refund will be issued after only one item is sold.

Huang Shengyi's live broadcast with Yangzi caused controversy, the merchant reported fraud, and the police intervened in the investigation

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Merchants claim to have paid a hefty fee for live streaming services, but sales have not met expectations. Both sides have their own opinions on the matter, and the police have stepped in to launch an investigation. The incident sparked a reflection on the star effect and called for the protection of the rights and interests of merchants and consumers.

Huang Shengyi's live broadcast with Yangzi caused controversy, the merchant reported fraud, and the police intervened in the investigation

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Huang Shengyi and Yang Zi are well-known stars and have a wide fan base on social media. Recently, they ran a live streaming campaign to promote and sell some products of specific brands through live streaming. However, this event has sparked huge controversy.

Huang Shengyi's live broadcast with Yangzi caused controversy, the merchant reported fraud, and the police intervened in the investigation

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According to reports, more than 60 merchants filed reports against Huang Shengyi and Yang Zi, accusing them of alleged fraud.

Huang Shengyi's live broadcast with Yangzi caused controversy, the merchant reported fraud, and the police intervened in the investigation

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Merchants said that they paid a fairly high amount of live streaming service fees and had high expectations before participating in this live streaming.

Huang Shengyi's live broadcast with Yangzi caused controversy, the merchant reported fraud, and the police intervened in the investigation

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However, the actual sales were far lower than expected, and refunds were made after only one item was sold. Merchants are very disappointed and angry about this.

Huang Shengyi's live broadcast with Yangzi caused controversy, the merchant reported fraud, and the police intervened in the investigation

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In response to the accusations of merchants, Huang Shengyi and Yang Zi issued a statement, saying that they did not have any fraud in the process of live streaming, and said that they attach great importance to the rights and interests of merchants and consumers.

Huang Shengyi's live broadcast with Yangzi caused controversy, the merchant reported fraud, and the police intervened in the investigation

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They explained that there are inherent risks associated with live streaming, and that sales that do not meet expectations do not represent fraud, but may be caused by the unpopularity of the product itself or other factors.

Huang Shengyi's live broadcast with Yangzi caused controversy, the merchant reported fraud, and the police intervened in the investigation

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Police involvement in the investigation:

As the number of reports has increased, the police have stepped in to investigate the matter.

Huang Shengyi's live broadcast with Yangzi caused controversy, the merchant reported fraud, and the police intervened in the investigation

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The police will investigate Huang Shengyi and Yang Zi's livestreaming process and the cooperation agreement with the merchant to determine whether there is fraud or other illegal acts.

Huang Shengyi's live broadcast with Yangzi caused controversy, the merchant reported fraud, and the police intervened in the investigation

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The police said they would handle the case fairly in accordance with the law and ensure that the rights and interests of merchants and consumers are protected.

Huang Shengyi's live broadcast with Yangzi caused controversy, the merchant reported fraud, and the police intervened in the investigation

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Huang Shengyi's live broadcast with Yangzi caused controversy, the merchant reported fraud, and the police intervened in the investigation

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This incident has sparked reflections on the star effect. The star effect refers to the fact that celebrities use their own influence and appeal to promote products and attract consumers to buy

Huang Shengyi's live broadcast with Yangzi caused controversy, the merchant reported fraud, and the police intervened in the investigation

However, this effect does not always lead to the expected sales. Some merchants may rely too much on the star effect, ignoring the quality of the product itself and the market demand. Therefore, the businesses involved in the incident also need to reflect on their own business strategies and avoid over-relying on star effects.

Huang Shengyi's live broadcast with Yangzi caused controversy, the merchant reported fraud, and the police intervened in the investigation

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The incident also calls on all sectors of society to protect the rights and interests of businesses and consumers.

Huang Shengyi's live broadcast with Yangzi caused controversy, the merchant reported fraud, and the police intervened in the investigation

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As a new type of marketing, celebrity live streaming needs to establish a corresponding regulatory mechanism to ensure that merchants and consumers are reasonably protected in the process.

Huang Shengyi's live broadcast with Yangzi caused controversy, the merchant reported fraud, and the police intervened in the investigation

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Relevant departments should strengthen supervision of livestreaming activities, regulate the cooperative relationship between celebrities and merchants, strengthen the binding force of contracts, and prevent the occurrence of similar fraudulent acts.

Huang Shengyi's live broadcast with Yangzi caused controversy, the merchant reported fraud, and the police intervened in the investigation

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Huang Shengyi and Yang Zi's live-streaming activities sparked a controversy, and merchants reported suspected fraud.

Huang Shengyi's live broadcast with Yangzi caused controversy, the merchant reported fraud, and the police intervened in the investigation

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The Police have intervened in the investigation to protect the rights and interests of traders and consumers. This incident has also triggered a reflection on the star effect, calling for the establishment of a corresponding regulatory mechanism to ensure the fairness and transparency of live streaming activities.

Huang Shengyi's live broadcast with Yangzi caused controversy, the merchant reported fraud, and the police intervened in the investigation

The picture comes from the Internet

Only on the premise of protecting the rights and interests of merchants and consumers can celebrity live streaming better play its positive role in promoting economic growth and consumption.

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