
Why does the United States always target China? British Scholar: China Has Committed an "Original Sin"

author:Lawyer Li Yang

China's rapid development has attracted increasing attention from the international community. Martin Jacques, a British scholar who has been tracking the China issue for a long time, once proposed that the reason why the United States has targeted China for a long time is because China has committed an unchangeable "original sin".

As the two major powers in the world, China has become its main threat in the eyes of the United States, and it has taken many measures to suppress China in a vain attempt to maintain its status as the world's hegemon.

Why does the United States always target China? British Scholar: China Has Committed an "Original Sin"

But there is nothing wrong with any country developing independently on its own, so why would Martin Jacques make such a statement?

Why does the United States always target China? British Scholar: China Has Committed an "Original Sin"

The Chinese path to modernization

At present, the world is in a period of turbulence and change, and contemporary China has embarked on a new path of Chinese-style modernization based on a new stage of development, taking into account the strategy of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the great changes in the world unseen in a century.

China's comprehensive strength continues to improve, which has attracted the attention of many countries and scholars. Due to the contradiction between the logic of capitalism and socialism, many scholars have put forward erroneous and extreme theories such as the "China threat theory" and the "China collapse theory".

Martin Jacques is a well-known British leftist political theorist, who served as the editor-in-chief of the British Communist Party's journal "Marxism Today" in the early days, and has a distinct Marxist political position.

Why does the United States always target China? British Scholar: China Has Committed an "Original Sin"

Martin Jacques is a scholar who makes a more objective and fair evaluation of China's modernization based on historical logic and objective reality. In 2016, he published Great Power Ambition: A Dream of a Great Power That Never Fading.

At the Guangzhou International Conference in the same year, Martin Jacques proposed that the world is in the midst of a trend of global integration, and that China has made an indelible contribution to this irreversible process.

However, there are flaws in any person's ideological theory, and although Martin Jacques can fairly and objectively review China's history and predict China's future rationally, there are its improprieties.

Chinese scholar Su Jingxiang argues in "Half Truths Are More Harmful Than Simple Fallacies" that Martin Jacques's "theory of Chinese domination" is a variant of the "China threat theory" and a misunderstanding of China's rise and influence.

Why does the United States always target China? British Scholar: China Has Committed an "Original Sin"

At the same time, the journal Theory and Contemporary published a review of Martin Jacques's work, arguing that "with the rise of China, the West will lose the power of civilization to manipulate, and the world will be shaped according to the Chinese idea." ”

Martin Jacques has a mistaken understanding of China's path to modernization. Due to the cultural differences between China and the West, the cognitive patterns and ways of thinking formed are also different.

He blames the reasons for other countries, such as the United States, on China's own development, and puts Chinese modernization and Western modernization in a hostile position, which is itself one of the limitations of Martin-Jacques's view of China's modernization path.

Over the years of reform and opening up, China's modernization has made development achievements that have attracted worldwide attention under the conditions of openness and inclusiveness, and the mainland's development and progress in the future will be carried out under the conditions of opening up with a larger scope, wider fields and deeper levels, which is an inherent requirement of the mainland's development and an important way for the mainland to actively strengthen exchanges and cooperation with other countries in the world and share development opportunities.

Why does the United States always target China? British Scholar: China Has Committed an "Original Sin"

On the contrary, the United States has vigorously promoted the "China threat theory", regarding China as one of the main threats to the United States to consolidate its hegemony and global leadership, and "great power competition" rather than "cooperation" has become the core theme of the United States, and it is precisely on this basis that the United States has launched a series of measures against China.

Why does the United States always target China? British Scholar: China Has Committed an "Original Sin"

U.S. targeting

In the past and in the future, China has always been committed to strengthening friendly exchanges with other countries and striving to achieve the great and sustained goal of building a community with a shared future for mankind.

The United States, on the other hand, has put China on the opposite side, believing that China's modernization will threaten or even eliminate Western modernization, so it has placed the source of the crisis on China.

Why does the United States always target China? British Scholar: China Has Committed an "Original Sin"

In the context of the national defense strategy of "great power competition", chips have become a key strategic resource, and they are a key area for the United States to suppress China's scientific and technological development and curb China's industrial upgrading, and the competition of chips has become the epitome of Sino-US scientific and technological competition.

The United States has adopted public opinion mobilization and other methods, with chips as the center, gradually radiating and spreading to other high-tech fields, focusing on export controls and investment restrictions, and creating a set of policies against China.

At the same time, China is not sitting still. The mainland has strengthened its own scientific and technological construction, promoted coordinated support in the fields of science and technology, education, and economy, and at the same time created a good environment for scientific and technological innovation and an atmosphere of international public opinion, thus successfully breaking the constraints of the United States.

After Biden took office, he organized an anti-China coalition in an attempt to rally other countries to jointly resist China's rise. Starting from the "China threat theory", the US policy has never stopped maliciously framing China, and the United States has tried to crush China and prevent China's rejuvenation in various fields such as economy, politics, and military.

Why does the United States always target China? British Scholar: China Has Committed an "Original Sin"

The United States has started a trade war and exerted pressure on mainland enterprises and property rights, which has been extremely targeted, imposing a large number of tariffs on major mainland products exported to the United States, including textiles, furniture, mechanical and electrical machinery, and non-ferrous metals, and at the same time reducing taxes on domestic enterprises, which has had an adverse impact on the mainland's attraction of foreign investment.

The Biden administration has a serious ideological bias against China, and its constant unreasonable accusations and attacks and demonization of China all demonstrate its vain attempt to win a competitive advantage against China and maintain US hegemony.

However, judging from the long history of human history, socialism will eventually defeat and replace capitalism in this competition and game, but it is still a long historical process for socialism to occupy a dominant position in the world.

Why does the United States always target China? British Scholar: China Has Committed an "Original Sin"

Measures taken by China

China has always seen and kept in mind the impact of U.S. competition with China, and has been accumulating experience in countering counterattacks. At the same time, the mainland has always adhered to its ideology and will never make concessions in the face of the export of values from the United States.

It is a globally recognized fact that the United States has attacked China in a state of annoyance, and China has always focused on its own development, strengthened its own advantages, overcome its weaknesses, and achieved development in the midst of competition.

Why does the United States always target China? British Scholar: China Has Committed an "Original Sin"

First of all, China will continue to strengthen dialogue and communication with the United States, uphold the concept of win-win cooperation, tell China's story well, eliminate prejudice against the United States, and use multiple platforms to create a positive image of China, so that China can have a voice in the world. We have always held a rational attitude high and suppressed the arrogance of the US side.

Second, China will continue to expand the level of opening-up, continue to promote the deepening of reform and opening up in various development zones, and promote the high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative.

At the same time, we will promote independent innovation in technology, so as to avoid the situation that our country is stuck in technology, realize path innovation, and give full play to the spirit of independence.

All in all, China opposes any form of hegemony, emphasizes equal cooperation, respect and win-win results, opposes interference in other countries' internal affairs, and advocates the advancement of multilateralism.

Why does the United States always target China? British Scholar: China Has Committed an "Original Sin"

If the US always adopts an attitude of wanton and reckless force, reckless use of force, cunning and reckless seizure, monopoly and suppression, China will spare no effort to express its strong opposition, respond tactfully and analyze rationally.

At present, the strategic competition between China and the United States is becoming increasingly fierce, but China will not be led by the nose by the United States, let alone accept the groundless accusations of the United States, and China has the right to develop and build its own country.

The U.S. vain attempt to use its own framework to limit China's development and rise is neither reasonable nor reasonable, highlighting the arrogance and prejudice of the U.S. side's own attitude.

What Martin Jacques called China's "original sin" is nothing more than a country's instinct to promote its own development and protect the interests of its people, and no country can hinder this legitimate development for any reason.

In the process of globalization, China has never wanted to compete for hegemony, but hopes that various countries can calm down and communicate with each other, and put their own development and the common development of the world in the first place.

Why does the United States always target China? British Scholar: China Has Committed an "Original Sin"

However, the United States has chosen to become a bandit and sees China's development as an obstacle to its own country, which is a completely wrong way of thinking.

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