
Drone Wars: How Can China Tear the U.S. Government Apart from the Military?

author:A big beautiful woman who likes the smell

The U.S. government's ban on drones seems to be a thing of the past. Who will know what kind of twists and turns and stories are behind it?

Let's talk about the conflict between the U.S. government and the military, and we can also explore how Chinese technology dwarfs the U.S. government and makes it an object of pursuit.

Let's give a thumbs up to DJI drones first, after all, it is an outstanding representative of China's drone field. Whether it's for aerial photography, farmland irrigation, or emergency plant rescue, DJI drones are up to the task.

However, the U.S. military has a soft spot for DJI drones, and even though they have been facing the U.S. government's trade war policy and constant security warnings, they still ignore everything and still use these drones without hesitation.

What is the charm of DJI drones that makes the US military so obsessed, and why do they turn a blind eye to the government's ban?

It turned out that the U.S. federal government was concerned that the use of Chinese drones by all levels of government could pose a threat to national security. However, it is eye-popping that the American military, which should pay the most attention to security and secrecy, has turned a deaf ear to this.

It has to be said that the contradictions between the US government and the military are really ironic. They seem to be immersed in an inexplicable embarrassment that makes one wonder. Alas, the world is unpredictable. "If you don't see it, you don't know, you will be shocked when you see it!" The government provoked a trade war with great fanfare, blacklisting DJI drones in an attempt to restrict the sale of Chinese goods. However, on this issue, the military is completely on the side of DJI drones and is unwavering.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the high-quality shooting experience and a variety of application functions that a great power like the US military cannot resist its appeal.

The U.S. government's inability to stop the military from continuing to use DJI drones not only demonstrates the strength of China's technology, but also highlights the weakness and incompetence of the U.S. government.

In fact, behind the scenes lies the rapid development of drone technology and the rise of China's technology industry. As a representative of the Chinese brand, DJI drones enjoy a good reputation in the domestic and foreign markets.

The allure of DJI drones and their widespread use in the U.S. military have created an embarrassing situation for the U.S. government and military. Whether it's aerial photography or emergency rescue, DJI drones are up to the task. At the same time, the U.S. government's ban is nothing more than an insignificant piece of paper. It has become the norm for the military to confront the government, which makes the ban a joke. Still, we already know that Trump knows all about national security issues, and he even says he knows best.

The story has just begun, so let's wait and see. The gist of the article was that the U.S. government blacklisted DJI drones, but this decision did not cause much concern. The article describes the situation in a commentative tone and uses different rhetorical devices and expressions to rephrase it.

In fact, in order to ensure safety, the U.S. government decided to start with the most basic connections, blacklisting DJI drones in one fell swoop, prohibiting Americans from buying and using them. This decision does not seem to have attracted much attention, and people are still buying and using DJI drones. People don't actually take this ban to heart, and even think that the ban of the US federal government is a joke for the White House. This situation has arisen mainly because the U.S. military and local governments have been openly defiant of this regulation. Their loyalty to DJI drones is incredible, and it's really admirable. The U.S. Department of Defense even opened a back door for DJI, announcing that the two drones had passed the Pentagon's security inspections and advising the government and military to cooperate with U.S. services. This is actually a way for the military to express its position on the government, which is really alarming! After this practice, the stability of DJI drones has been verified, and the advantages of this product are indeed undoubted. I highly recommend you to use a DJI drone as well. After all, how could the U.S. government not know about DJI's inexpensive product?

As a leader in China's drone industry, DJI has a huge market share in the global civilian drone field, which is undoubtedly a fact. After all, who can not be attracted by the powerful power of this drone? The United States is also very strong in military drone technology, and their drones are mainly used in the supply of military equipment. This is definitely the top strategy in the UAV world, and the American reconnaissance aircraft represent the pinnacle of their UAV technology. In contrast, in the civilian sector, China has an incomparable advantage. Although there is a certain gap between China and the United States in the development of sophisticated high-end large UAVs, China is undoubtedly in a leading position in the field of small and lightweight civilian UAVs.

Although originally designed for civilian use, DJI drones are loved by many governments and militaries as a weapon for military reconnaissance and special operations. This is a testament to the brand's strong position and influence around the world.

Considering the context of competition between China and the United States, a ban on the purchase of drones has become an inevitable option. During the India-Pakistani conflict in Kashmir in February 2019, both sides frequently used drones for cross-border reconnaissance, and in some cases even provocatively. This incident fully demonstrated the potential and importance of UAVs. In the Pakistani army, DJI's drone brand dominates exclusively, and surprisingly, the Indian army has also fully adopted DJI's products. DJI's global leadership in drones has aroused the envy of India, and Chinese-made drones are undoubtedly sought after in terms of performance, price, and reliability.

I have to say that it makes sense that DJI drones have become a brand that the Indian army has been forced to choose.

Despite the U.S. government's ban and pressure, the U.S. military has stood firm and believes that the purchase of DJI drones is inevitable in the event of urgent mission needs.

The United States must not be an example, and this is far from the case.

Between August and November, when the U.S. government publicly announced the purchase ban, the U.S. Navy still purchased DJI drones at a total cost of $190,000, and the Air Force was not far behind, investing $50,000 in DJI drones. This is indeed a clear demonstration of the US Government's good use of political maneuvers.

However, it is essential for the military to equip a reliable portable individual drone.

Compared with American-made drones, Chinese-made drones undoubtedly have obvious advantages in terms of performance and price, especially DJI drones have unique functions and performance.

Practice has proved that DJI drones have an indispensable place in the arsenal of the US military, which cannot be ignored. Drone manufacturer DJI is penetrating the U.S. military market, and some soldiers have even taken the initiative to buy DJI drones and become their loyal comrades-in-arms. However, the US military serving on battlefields such as Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria cannot accept such an outcome because their lives are closely tied to these drones, and they will never tolerate political tactics leading to the sacrifice of soldiers. This is exactly what they can't stand anymore.

The essence of the problem is that there is no communication barrier between the U.S. military and senior officials, but the government has shown immaturity on this issue, ignoring the lives of soldiers and using military action to meet the needs of political interests.

Such a result will cause serious problems for the business, for example, the number of purchases may be reduced, and the quality may also be reduced. While this may be acceptable for businesses, they will undoubtedly face the challenge of rising costs, and the U.S. government is likely to agree to such an impact.

Therefore, if people choose to boycott Chinese goods, there will undoubtedly be fewer drones for the same price and a decrease in quality, which is an unavoidable result. Perhaps we need to rethink whether we should put political interests above life and quality. Imagine that a recent report by the US Department of the Interior revealed a shocking truth. It was discovered that the fire department had repeatedly reported to the federal government about serious wildfires! One can't help but wonder if these wildfires were simply natural disasters.

Back in ancient China, it was said that natural disasters were seen as a warning or punishment to rulers to prompt them to reflect on their actions. Does this mean that the U.S. government has somehow neglected the safety of its people, has it failed to take proper precautions to reduce the frequency of these disasters, and if so, is the U.S. government responsible?

Surprisingly, Trump gave his own explanation for the wildfires, not hesitating to say that these large-scale wildfires were caused entirely by aging California's power facilities and leaking power lines. That sounds far-fetched, but is he really the only one who knows about it?

If the U.S. government fails to respond to these disasters and does not act in a timely manner, ordinary people will be the most affected. They may face threats to their lives and even lose their homes and property. Under such circumstances, we expect the government to take proactive measures as soon as possible to ensure the safety and well-being of the people. After all, as national leaders, their primary responsibility is to ensure the safety and well-being of their people.

For those residents of California, who have been plagued by wildfires, they undoubtedly expect the government to take care of and address the issue. They don't want to live in fear and insecurity anymore, and they want to live safely in their homes. The government should be fully aware of this and take concrete actions to address the problem, rather than simply passing the buck.

These wildfires are not just an environmental problem, they are a test of government responsibility. The government should face up to this problem and take swift measures to protect people's lives and property. Otherwise, it will become a serious question about the government's capacity and commitment. We expect the government to recognise the urgency of this issue and take proactive action to safeguard our safety and well-being. After flashback analysis, we can see that there has been a series of misunderstandings between the United States and China. After all, the so-called excuse that it may pose a threat to national security has been refuted by the US government itself for some time. The U.S. federal government had to lend troops to find a staircase for itself. The U.S. government must take these wildfires seriously and take effective measures to prevent similar disasters from happening again. Otherwise, whether they will be able to protect their land and the safety of their people will become a big question. It's worrying that the average drone enthusiast in China has access to the same equipment as the U.S. military, and they can easily use this advanced equipment to respond to emergencies.

This also confirms the fact that DJI drones are highly valued in the U.S. Air Force and Navy. Not only the military, but also the population should have the right to use advanced equipment like DJI drones to respond to emergencies. However, the U.S. government does not seem to have a clear solution to this situation. They can ban civilians from buying these equipment, but they can't stop them from using DJI drones. This gives a clear signal to the average drone enthusiast in China. It's really unbelievable that there are still people who are too naïve, firmly believing that there is just a misunderstanding between China and the United States, and not believing that the United States is really as bad as imagined. Perhaps because of cultural differences, the United States missees China's peaceful rise as a threat. However, police and firefighters in the United States complain about the government's ban every day, but they are still quite polite.

Drone Wars: How Can China Tear the U.S. Government Apart from the Military?
Drone Wars: How Can China Tear the U.S. Government Apart from the Military?
Drone Wars: How Can China Tear the U.S. Government Apart from the Military?
Drone Wars: How Can China Tear the U.S. Government Apart from the Military?
Drone Wars: How Can China Tear the U.S. Government Apart from the Military?

In fact, many state and local governments ignore this ban and still vigorously purchase and use DJI drones, which is already an open fact, and it is entirely due to the hegemonic interests of the United States itself. Speaking of the consequences of the ban on the purchase of drones, the fire department's duty to patrol the mountains and forests cannot be fulfilled, and potential hidden dangers are not detected in time, fires will continue to spread, and small fires will turn into large fires. In other words, if the fire department can buy DJI drones and use them, this problem can be solved. Fortunately, Chinese products stand up to scrutiny and will never be used to spy on the United States. The U.S. government is actually very aware of this. But who would have thought that the US government would have the idea of suppressing the Chinese people in DJI, which is really shocking. However, it is ironic that their actions are completely inconsistent with their purported cost-saving policies.

And it's incredibly strange that not only the government and the military, but even ordinary businesses and individuals can't use Juxing. I can't imagine how bizarre this scene is. Today's topic, let's talk about DJI drones. Recently, there was news that led us to believe that the absolute superiority of the United States was being broken when it came to stardom. In fact, U.S. leaders are beginning to see this fact, and they are realizing that Chinese companies need strength to gain a foothold in the international market. As a representative of Chinese companies, DJI has given us a lot of inspiration. When the U.S. imposed a ban three years ago, DJI's response was very calm.

We can see that DJI has great confidence and is not afraid at all in the face of US suppression and blockade. This confidence comes from leading design concepts, reliable manufacturing technology, and relatively low prices. In fact, at the time of the ban, DJI had a 75% share of the U.S. market. And when the U.S. government and military tried to find a replacement, they found that there was no product that could replace the DJI drone.

The United States, so to speak, gave itself a resounding slap in the face. The ban and lifting of the ban on DJI drones is just a microcosm of the U.S. trade war with China. This result is really embarrassing. However, we must refuel the rise of Chinese enterprises! More and more Chinese products are gradually surpassing the domestic market demand and becoming pressure within the United States. And a series of recent events, such as the lifting of the ban on DJI, the overseas version of WeChat and the overseas version of Douyin, can also be seen as a manifestation of this trend. In this era of change and challenge, let us work together and move forward hand in hand! After all, the United States has been trying its best to maintain its world hegemony, but unfortunately the problems of domestic manufacturing have become serious and difficult to solve. Not only that, but in the field of communications and the Internet, the United States has also lost its absolute superiority in the past. If you're interested in my article, you might as well like me and follow me, so you can get more high-quality content!

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