
James 36+20, Curry 46+3, Russell descended, and the Lakers bench was born

James 36+20, Curry 46+3, Russell descended, and the Lakers bench was born

On January 28, Beijing time, the NBA regular season Lakers challenged the Warriors away, before the game, the Lakers ranked 10th in the West with 23 wins and 23 losses, while the Warriors ranked 12th in the West with 19 wins and 23 losses. Lakers starters: Russell + Reaves + Prince + James + thick eyebrows, Warriors starters: Curry + Thompson + Wiggins + Kuminga + Green.

James 36+20, Curry 46+3, Russell descended, and the Lakers bench was born

In the first quarter of the game, the thick eyebrows made up for the dunk at the beginning, Green made a layup, James jumped, Kuminga made one of two free throws, the two sides played fiercely, James and thick eyebrows scored continuously, Kuminga, Green and Thompson teamed up to respond, James and Curry exchanged three points, Reaves jumped to overtake, Kuminga made a dunk and smashed it to the basket, James assisted Russell to make a layup, Wiggins also responded with a layup, the point difference still can't be opened, the Lakers are not allowed to go outside, so it is basically to play inside, Curry scored three consecutive points, James split with one arm, the Lakers fell behind by 5 points, Reaves made free throws, Van der Biao steals and layups, Russell makes fouls and overtakes, Saric makes a three-point shot, thick eyebrows throw, Hachimura dunks, 33-30 Lakers lead by 3 points in a single quarter。

James 36+20, Curry 46+3, Russell descended, and the Lakers bench was born

In the first quarter, the Lakers were inaccurate from the outside, and the Warriors were prone to errors. In the second quarter, Saric shot, Pojam made a layup, Wood, Hachimura and Van der Biao teamed up to respond, at this time the Lakers led by 5 points, and Pojam scored three points after a pause, James made a layup, Curry fired outside, Wood dunked to make 2+1, the score alternately led, Wiggins pulled out a three-point rush, thick eyebrows throw, the score was 47 drawn, Wiggins continued to cut points, Wood 2+1, Kuminga broke out and hit a three-pointer first, then scored a big windmill dunk, the Lakers were not to be outdone, Reaves finally scored three points, thick eyebrows received a violent dunk, Wiggins and Van der Biao took turns to make 2+1, James hit a three-point shot, and then shot in the whistle, and the Lakers beat the Lakers 68-63 Warriors at halftime.

Halftime statistics, James 18 points, 5 rebounds and 4 assists, thick eyebrows 15 points, 7 rebounds and 2 blocks, Reaves 7 points and 3 assists, Russell 4 points and 4 assists, Vanderbilt 8 points, 4 rebounds, 3 assists and 3 steals, Hachimura 6 points, Wood 8 points. On the Warriors' side, Wiggins scored 14 points, Kuminga 12 points and 4 rebounds, Dream Chase 6 points, 6 rebounds, 3 assists and 2 steals, Thompson 2 points, Curry 16 points, 2 rebounds and 5 assists, Podzemski 8 points, 3 rebounds and 2 assists, and Saric 5 points, 3 rebounds and 2 assists.

James 36+20, Curry 46+3, Russell descended, and the Lakers bench was born

Yibian fought again, Kuminga hit the shot at the beginning, Russell responded to the jumper, but then the Lakers suddenly suffered a scoring drought, Curry hit a three-point shot, Wiggins scored 5 points in a row, Green hat James, Kuminga ate cakes, Curry made a layup, Russell stopped the bleeding with three points, the Warriors continued to exert force, Thompson and Wiggins hit 3 three-pointers in a row, at this time the Warriors had a lead of 15 points, James made two free throws to stop the bleeding, Reeves and Russell took turns to play iron, the two couldn't attack and couldn't defend, the thick eyebrows were injured on the inner thigh and returned to the locker room, fortunately, James and Van der Biao led the team to chase single digits, Reeves made a layup and the difference was only 1 point, Joseph and Thompson hit three points in a row to stop the bleeding, and Hachimura dunked in the air, Pojam hit a shot at the buzzer, and the Lakers finished the third quarter 91-99 Warriors.

James 36+20, Curry 46+3, Russell descended, and the Lakers bench was born

In the crucial final quarter of the game, can the Lakers overtake the score? Hachimura fired outside, Warriors rookie Davis made a layup, Thompson jumped, thick eyebrows re-entered the field and scored continuously, Russell also threw in, the difference was only 2 points, Kuminga made up for the dunk, Curry made a layup, the Warriors stabilized the situation, Curry and Russell exchanged three points, Green hit the iron with three points, thick eyebrows were blown away, Curry missed three points, Reaves made free throws and the Lakers fell behind by 2 points, Russell went down to the three-point overtake, Wiggins actually missed two free throws, Russell made a pass error, Thompson hit the iron with three points, Wiggins did not make a basket, Reeves missed three points, thick eyebrows made one of two free throws, Curry made a layup, thick eyebrows were stealed by Curry in the last attack, and the game came to overtime (118 draws) 。

James 36+20, Curry 46+3, Russell descended, and the Lakers bench was born

The overtime continued to stalemate, James scored 6 points in a row, Green and Curry teamed up to respond, Reaves made a layup, Russell and Green almost clashed, Thompson missed three points, James walked, Curry scored three points to continue the life of the Warriors, the difference was 1 point, the thick eyebrows did not score three points, Curry did not make a jumper, Russell seized the opportunity with two free throws, but Thompson chased three points to 130 draws, James failed, and the game came to the second overtime.

In the second overtime, James stepped on the line and scored three points, Curry made two free throws, Russell hit three points, and Curry missed three points, James made a jumper, Thompson chased three points to another 1 point difference, Curry overtook three points, Russell overtook three points, Reaves made one of two free throws, Curry overtook three points and overtook again, James made a layup and caused a foul, and killed the Warriors with both free throws, and finally the Lakers defeated the Warriors 145-144 and won the reversal.

James 36+20, Curry 46+3, Russell descended, and the Lakers bench was born

Lakers stats: James was 14 of 25, 2 of 4 three-pointers, 6 of 6 free throws and got 36 points, 20 rebounds and 12 assists, scored a triple-double, and the number of rebounds also set a career high record. Brother Thick Mei had 29 points, 13 rebounds and 4 blocks, was injured in the third quarter, reappeared in the final quarter, and played poorly in two overtime games. Russell had 28 points, 5 assists and 2 steals, he was hot in the first few games, and he was able to stand up today, and he also hit a three-pointer in the final quarter, which is undoubtedly an important contributor to the win. Vanderbilt went on a rampage to create a miracle, contributing 14 points, 9 rebounds, 5 assists and 4 steals.

In this game, the Lakers have two people to criticize, first of all, Reaves, who got 17 points, 2 rebounds, 6 assists, 2 steals and 5 turnovers, and 4 of 14 felt bad, and no one could prevent it on the defensive end. Finally, there was Prince, who didn't score a point as a starter.

James 36+20, Curry 46+3, Russell descended, and the Lakers bench was born

Hachimura had 11 points and four rebounds, Wood had eight points and Christie had two points. Looking at the whole game, Brother Thick Eyebrows' injury in the third quarter must be an important reason why the Lakers are in a hard battle, but other problems cannot be ignored, such as Russell and Reaves, when these two are on the court at the same time, the Lakers' defense is simply a disaster, Russell is not defending at all, Reeves is no one can prevent it, and was scored casually by the Warriors, it turns out that Reeves is still suitable for playing on the bench, Vanderbilt mentioned that the starting effect may be better, and Ham can't be stubborn anymore. After defeating the Warriors, the Lakers enjoyed two consecutive wins, ranking 9th in the West ahead of the Jazz, but the record was the same as the Jazz, 2.0 wins ahead of the Rockets, and the Lakers were very stable in the top ten.

James 36+20, Curry 46+3, Russell descended, and the Lakers bench was born

Warriors stats: Curry scored 46 points, 3 rebounds and 7 assists, Wiggins scored 22 points, 5 rebounds, 3 rebounds and 2 steals. Thompson had 24 points, 4 rebounds and 4 assists, had no touch in the first half, and scored 12 points in the third quarter, and broke out in the final quarter and two overtime games but was powerless to save. Kuminga had 22 points, 9 rebounds and 2 assists, Green had 8 points, 14 rebounds, 11 assists, 3 steals, 2 blocks and 2 turnovers, Podemski had 10 points, 7 rebounds and 5 assists, and Saric had 5 points, 4 rebounds and 2 assists. After losing to the Lakers, the Warriors suffered two consecutive losses and remained 12th in the West.