
Folk tale: The widow pretended to be crazy and was entangled by the man, the widow: You forced me

author:Fat man science

In a corner of Qingshi Town, Chen Shufen lives alone in an old courtyard. Since her husband's death, her life has been like an old tree in this courtyard, although it still stands, it has lost its former vitality. However, Chen Shufen's beauty is well-known in the town, which makes some unscrupulous people often spy in the dark.

One evening, Chen Shufen was sorting out the poems and books left by her husband in the courtyard, when suddenly, there was a violent knock on the courtyard door. Her heart tightened, and through the crack in the door, she saw Zhao Si's face full of alcohol. She knew that the scoundrels of this town were not good today.

Zhao Si shouted outside the door, his words full of lightness. Chen Shufen was flustered, she knew that her strength could not compete with Zhao Si, and in a hurry, she thought of a plan - pretending to be crazy.

She grabbed the ashes from the stove and wiped them on her face, and laughed maniacally. Then, she slammed open the door and rushed out. Zhao Si was taken aback by her appearance, and most of the wine woke up. He thought that Chen Shufen was a weak woman and could easily take it, but he didn't expect her to become like this.

Chen Shufen's "madness" made Zhao Si frightened, he was afraid that if the people in the town knew that he was bullying a madman, his reputation would be completely ruined. So, he hurriedly took a few steps back, turned around and ran. Chen Shufen was relieved to see that Zhao Si was scared away, but at the same time she felt a sense of sadness. She knew that although her plan worked for the time being, Zhao Si would definitely not give up.

However, it didn't take long for Zhao Si to come back to his senses, and he felt that he was scared away by Chen Shufen, which was really embarrassing. He concluded that Chen Shufen was pretending to be crazy and stupid, trying to get rid of him. So, he decided to go to Chen Shufen for trouble again, this time he wanted to be more ruthless.

Folk tale: The widow pretended to be crazy and was entangled by the man, the widow: You forced me

Zhao Si gathered a few fox friends in the town and went to Chen Shufen's house together. They planned to forcibly break into Chen Shufen's house, arrest her, and force her to comply.

Chen Shufen heard the movement outside and knew that Zhao Si was here again. She panicked and didn't know what to do. She knew that Zhao Si came prepared this time, and no matter how much she pretended to be crazy and stupid, she probably wouldn't be able to hide it from him.

Just when Chen Shufen was helpless, there was a sudden commotion from outside. She looked through the crack in the door and saw a group of people fighting with Zhao Si and the others. It turned out that it was the town's patrol who heard the movement and rushed over.

Folk tale: The widow pretended to be crazy and was entangled by the man, the widow: You forced me

The patrol arrested Zhao Si and the others and brought them to the yamen. After some interrogation, Zhao Si and others confessed to their crimes. Eventually, they were sentenced to heavy prison sentences and put in prison.

After Chen Shufen learned the news, she was full of emotion. She knew she was able to get out of danger thanks to the patrols. She decided to go to the yamen to thank them herself.

When Chen Shufen came to the Yamen, the patrolmen were very surprised by her arrival. They didn't expect this seemingly weak widow to have such courage and wisdom. Chen Shufen told them what happened to them and expressed her gratitude.

After listening to Chen Shufen's story, the patrols expressed their admiration. They said, "Widow Chen, you are such an amazing woman. Not only did you save your innocence, but you also did the town a disservice. We will definitely protect you and let you not be harmed in any way. ”

After listening to the words of the patrols, Chen Shufen was moved in her heart. She knew that she would never have to worry about Zhao Si's entanglement in the future.

Folk tale: The widow pretended to be crazy and was entangled by the man, the widow: You forced me

She decided to continue to live her life and manage the land and poetry books left by her husband.

However, it didn't end there. Although Chen Shufen got rid of Zhao Si's entanglement, her life did not calm down because of this. Because of her beauty and talent, she has attracted more people's attention and pursuit. Among them, there are some people who really like her, but there are also some people with ill intentions.

Chen Shufen knew that her situation had not changed completely because of a victory. She must always be vigilant in order to protect her safety and well-being. As a result, she began to work harder to learn and improve her abilities, hoping to be able to thrive in this complex world.

At the same time, she began to pay attention to other widows and vulnerable people in the town. She found that these people face a lot of difficulties and challenges in their lives and need more help and support. So, she decided to use her resources and abilities to provide them with some help and care.

Chen Shufen's actions have been supported and praised by many people. Her acts of kindness not only brought more respect and recognition to herself, but also brought more harmony and warmth to the town. Under her leadership, Bluestone became a caring and caring community.

And Chen Shufen herself has also grown and improved more in the process. She grew from a weak widow to a wise, courageous, and caring female leader. Her story has been told in Bluestone and has become an inspiring legend.

Of course, Chen Shufen will inevitably encounter some setbacks and difficulties in her life. But she has always maintained an optimistic and strong mindset and bravely faced every challenge. She knows that as long as she does not give up her efforts, she will be able to overcome all difficulties and realize her dreams and pursuits.

With Chen Shufen's efforts, her life is getting better and better. Not only did she keep her happiness and safety, but she also brought more hope and warmth to those around her. Her story tells us that no matter what difficulties and challenges we encounter, as long as we have courage, wisdom and love, we will be able to overcome all difficulties and create a better life of our own.