
The Inter Milan big man dreams of returning to the Manchester United era seven years ago, and the model of reverse growth in football has hit the highest record of his career

The Inter Milan big man dreams of returning to the Manchester United era seven years ago, and the model of reverse growth in football has hit the highest record of his career

Before Inter Milan's fierce match against Fiorentina, Zazaroni, editor-in-chief of "Roma Sport", said: Make a bold prediction that Inter will lose points in this game!

This bigwig, who is extremely proficient in the narrative of the media industry, has been reporting in a style for many years: Inter wins, let's talk about finance, and Inter loses, let's talk about football. Acting against Inter's reporting camera, but if it's Juventus, it's right to blow a wave first, and the position is clear and don't forget the roots!

But the Nerazzurri and Fiorentina have not yet started, Juventus lost points first, the big guy was angry, like a cat that was stepped on its tail, completely broke the defense, and turned to hype the referee too black, Juventus is more wronged than Dou E, and it is considered that the organ is exhausted.

The Inter Milan big man dreams of returning to the Manchester United era seven years ago, and the model of reverse growth in football has hit the highest record of his career

This is a reminder that there are many people in Italy who do not want to see Inter win the title.

For Inter, who are about to embark on a cruel schedule, although they have received the "unexpected joy" sent by Milik, if they can't get 3 points, it is "you don't use it if you give you a chance".

The Inter Milan big man dreams of returning to the Manchester United era seven years ago, and the model of reverse growth in football has hit the highest record of his career

But the difficulties in front of Inter have intensified.

On this side, the media is still talking about "the low winning rate of the Nerazzurri without Calhanoglu and Barella", and on the other side, the Sky TV team reporter confirmed that in the pre-match training, Inter Milan had another problem.

The Inter Milan big man dreams of returning to the Manchester United era seven years ago, and the model of reverse growth in football has hit the highest record of his career

Dimarco has had some minor problems with his body and Augusto could start.

After such a change, based on the need to attack and control the field on the left side, Bastoni, who may not be in good physical condition and is not bloody, can only put on the battle, and the chain reaction.

The Inter Milan big man dreams of returning to the Manchester United era seven years ago, and the model of reverse growth in football has hit the highest record of his career

As we enter the mid-to-late stages of the season and the accumulated fatigue is taking its toll on most players, it is not surprising that there have been some attrition at this time. Inter Milan is not bad, such as AC Milan, and the recent absence of 6-8 players is not news at all.

Before the game, the Italian media pointed out that with Calhanoglu and Barella suspended, and with the possible situation of Dimarco and others, the value of a player is highlighted, and this is Mkhitaryan.

The Inter Milan big man dreams of returning to the Manchester United era seven years ago, and the model of reverse growth in football has hit the highest record of his career

Mkhitaryan is on the verge of hitting a seven-year record that he tied for the first place in his career: three consecutive top-five league assists.

In the previous two rounds, Mkhitaryan provided assists against Verona and Monza. Three assists in a row has only happened once in his career, when in August 2017 he provided back-to-back assists against West Ham, Swansea City and Leicester City.

At that time, it was considered the peak of his career - at least his value (37 million) and age (28 years old) were at the peak of his career.

After 7 years, Mkhitaryan is a 35-year-old veteran, but at this time he saw the opportunity to tie the career record, or even surpass, I have to say that the Armenian has written another "reverse growth" story in football.

The Inter Milan big man dreams of returning to the Manchester United era seven years ago, and the model of reverse growth in football has hit the highest record of his career

Lately, journalists have been asking Mkhitaryan, "Is it the best of your career right now?"

Mkhitaryan said that maybe, but he thinks he can still improve!

In his 20s, Mkhitaryan played as a winger, midfielder and even a striker, and his efficiency in the Premier League was 78 games, 4,830 minutes, 13 goals and 14 assists, an average of 178.9 minutes for one goal.

Today's Mkhitaryan, who has changed to a midfielder or even a defensive midfielder (under Mourinho), is already a veteran of the "Running Four", but he has scored 32 goals and 31 assists in 10,389 minutes in Serie A, with an average efficiency of 164.9 minutes to participate in one goal.

is getting older and older, the position is getting further and lower, but the power is increasing, I have to say that it is a little unscientific.

The Inter Milan big man dreams of returning to the Manchester United era seven years ago, and the model of reverse growth in football has hit the highest record of his career

At the end of 2023, after Mkhitaryan completed the renewal of his contract with Inter, he said at the time that he has been the happiest and most comfortable in the Nerazzurri now after he has been in force with many big names (such as Borussia Dortmund, Arsenal, Manchester United, Roma, Inter).

He also pointed out that the key reason for his good performance now is that "I am cherishing every minute of my appearance", a veteran mentality who knows that he may retire soon, and enjoys every appearance as if it were his last performance.

But Mkhitaryan has two regrets.

First of all, he performed well in the Champions League last season (scoring in the crucial game of qualifying in the group stage and contributing to the semi-finals) to help the team reach the final, but he was injured before the final and could not fight to the fullest, which is likely to be a regret that he will not have a chance to make up for in his life.

In addition, Mkhitaryan feels that his stats at Inter are a little lacking, the fierce player who has scored 137 goals and assisted 110 times for Borussia Dortmund, Arsenal, Manchester United, Roma and Donetsk, and has only scored 7 goals during his time with Inter (5 in Serie A and 2 in the Champions League).

The Inter Milan big man dreams of returning to the Manchester United era seven years ago, and the model of reverse growth in football has hit the highest record of his career

This is also because after he joined the Nerazzurri last season, his initial positioning was not an absolute mainstay, and it took some time for the coach to find the best way to use him.

Mkhitaryan has improved a lot this season, and in half a season, he has collected nine statistics (two goals, seven assists), more than in the whole of last season (five goals and two assists).

However, Mkhitaryan is not satisfied, he believes that he has had a lot of scoring opportunities lately, but he has not been able to take advantage of them, and his exact words are: "Although it feels good to assist my teammates, although the most important thing is for the team to win, I think I should have done better." ”

The Inter Milan big man dreams of returning to the Manchester United era seven years ago, and the model of reverse growth in football has hit the highest record of his career

Mkhitaryan's correct mentality and sense of responsibility are more admirable than his successes.

The loss of war losses is certainly a crisis for Inter, but it can also be an opportunity for him. Now is Mkhitaryan's chance to take advantage of the victory and chase down the data. Let's see what kind of answer he will hand in if he has the opportunity to hit the strongest record in his career 7 years ago.