
What it's like to live on the 30th floor

author:Moon Shi Ko

Can you not buy a 30-story building? The most expensive one, the sale to you says that the view is good, the ventilation is good!

In fact, our Xinxiang is a great plain, when the wind blows, the wind sucks the door, and the door cannot be opened. When the wind is in the air, there are ghosts crying and wolves howling outside the high floors, and all kinds of strange sounds. You don't dare to open the window when the wind blows, because the wind can stir up the house and make a mess.

What it's like to live on the 30th floor
What it's like to live on the 30th floor

And the kitchen is on the north side, if you use a gas water heater, you will have an exhaust pipe in the north wall. Yuanyang County is located in North China with many north winds, the wind on the high floors is strong, the exhaust gas will pour into the room, and the gas water heater will be blown out, even if it is windproof, the amount of hot water in autumn and winter is large, and the wind is more, which is very troublesome.

In addition, if the wind is strong, there will be a shaking feeling, the shaking amplitude is about 10-20 cm, people with sensitive constitution will feel it, once I slept all night, it felt like doing a train all night.

What it's like to live on the 30th floor

People with fear of heights live in high-rise buildings, and they don't dare to get close to the window, and they have a sense of dizziness, and they can't use their vision at this time.

What it's like to live on the 30th floor
What it's like to live on the 30th floor
What it's like to live on the 30th floor

When there is a fire, the ladder can't go up, and the sales will say that our national fire ladder is up to 101 meters and can go up. However, most of the ordinary ones are 50 meters, and even if a 101-meter one is transferred, the elevation surface reserved for the building spacing may not be enough.

What it's like to live on the 30th floor

It is also a matter for high-rise houses to wait for elevators, the speed is slow, the waiting time is long, the speed is fast, it affects people's blood pressure, and the elderly can't stand it. When commuting to and from work, children go to and from school, they will concentrate on using the elevator, and some parents will press the elevator in advance when the child is packed, but it is not a thing, and the elevator is not timely, and the elevator is gone.

What it's like to live on the 30th floor
What it's like to live on the 30th floor

There are many high-rise households, and some people are of poor quality, stepping on the elevator door, not letting them go, they have to wait for his family to come, and some wait for five or six minutes, which is very dependent.

What it's like to live on the 30th floor
What it's like to live on the 30th floor

The forest is big, there are all kinds of birds, and some people smoke in the elevator, and the puppy pees, after all, it is difficult to manage when there are too many people. My child was on the elevator, and one of the dependents closed the elevator in a hurry and clamped the child's arm. Quarrels, police calls, and lawsuits are one-stop, and the property can't control this matter.

In a word, 30 floors of this kind of high-rise building, try not to choose, 15 floors below the best.