
"2024" New Year's Customs: Cultural Confidence or Lost Faith in the Midst of Controversy?

author:Creative blessing graphics

1. The origin of the little year

1.1 Historical Background of the Age

"2024" New Year's Customs: Cultural Confidence or Lost Faith in the Midst of Controversy?

Xiao Nian is one of the traditional festivals in mainland China with a long history, dating back to the pre-Qin period.

With the passage of time, the historical background of Xiao Nian has gradually been enriched, forming a unique cultural connotation. According to historical records, the origin of Xiao Nian is inseparable from folk beliefs and myths and legends.

"2024" New Year's Customs: Cultural Confidence or Lost Faith in the Midst of Controversy?

In ancient times, people believed that the Lord of the Stove was the god in charge of the peace of the family and the harvest, so every year on the 23rd or 24th day of the lunar month, people would hold a ceremony to sacrifice the stove to pray for the Lord of the Stove to bless the family with peace and a smooth career.

"2024" New Year's Customs: Cultural Confidence or Lost Faith in the Midst of Controversy?

The origin of Xiao Nian is also related to the ancient agricultural civilization. In ancient times, agricultural production was an important part of the small-scale peasant economy, and Xiaonian was a period of slack in agricultural production, and various celebrations were held on this day to pray for good weather and abundant crops in the coming year. With the evolution of history, the celebration method and cultural connotation of the small year have been continuously enriched, and a unique folk culture has gradually been formed.

1.2 The relationship between the New Year and the Spring Festival

Xiao Nian is closely related to the Spring Festival, and both are among the most important traditional festivals in China. Xiao Nian is usually held on the twenty-third or twenty-fourth day of the lunar month and is the prelude to the Spring Festival, which is the first day of the Lunar New Year and is a representation of traditional Chinese culture. Historically, Xiao Nian and Chinese New Year have been important moments for Chinese families to reunite, worship ancestors, and pray for good fortune. Over time, the customs and habits of the Lunar New Year and the Chinese New Year have gradually evolved, but their core meaning has remained the same, which is reunion and blessings.

"2024" New Year's Customs: Cultural Confidence or Lost Faith in the Midst of Controversy?

Before the Chinese New Year, the New Year is an important preparation stage. On this day, people do a big cleaning to clean their homes and surroundings, symbolizing the beginning of the old and welcoming the new. At the same time, people will also worship the god of the stove to pray for family safety and career success. During the Spring Festival, people will visit relatives and friends, pay New Year's greetings, and share reunion and joy. There are also many similarities between the food during the Lunar New Year and the Spring Festival, such as eating dumplings, glutinous rice balls, and rice cakes, which are all foods that symbolize reunion and auspiciousness.

"2024" New Year's Customs: Cultural Confidence or Lost Faith in the Midst of Controversy?

In modern society, the significance of the New Year and the Spring Festival is still very important. With the acceleration of urbanization and the acceleration of people's pace of life, many people will choose to go home for reunions during the Spring Festival to enjoy the warmth and blessings of their families. As a traditional festival before the Spring Festival, Xiao Nian also provides an opportunity for people to reunite in advance, so that people can better prepare for the Spring Festival. In addition, the Chinese New Year and the Spring Festival are also important moments to promote and inherit traditional Chinese culture, so that more people can understand and inherit traditional Chinese culture.

1.3 Myths and legends of childhood

The myths and legends of Xiao Nian are rich and varied, and the most popular of them is the story about the Lord of the Stove. The Lord of the Stove, also known as the God of the Stove, is regarded as the patron saint of the home, able to bless the safety of the family and the abundance of grains.

It is rumored that the Lord of the Stove will leave the world on the 23rd day of the lunar month every year and return to Heaven to report the situation in the world to the Jade Emperor. In order to pray for good luck in the coming year, people will hold a ceremony to sacrifice sweets, hoping to bribe the king of the stove to make him say more good things in front of the Jade Emperor and bring good luck to the family.

"2024" New Year's Customs: Cultural Confidence or Lost Faith in the Midst of Controversy?

This traditional custom is practiced throughout China, and many families set up offerings in the kitchen on the day of the stove to pray for a safe and prosperous year ahead.

Second, the customs and habits of the young year

2.1 Dusting

"2024" New Year's Customs: Cultural Confidence or Lost Faith in the Midst of Controversy?

Dusting is an important custom for celebrating the New Year and has a long history. Legend has it that this custom originated from the ancient folk ritual of warding off epidemics, with the aim of sweeping away all bad luck and welcoming the new year. Over time, dusting has evolved into an important symbol of family reunion and removal.

In traditional Chinese culture, dusting is seen as a way to pray for good fortune. In the people, people usually carry out a big cleaning around the beginning of the year to remove the dust and dirt from the home, as a sign of removing the old and welcoming the new.

"2024" New Year's Customs: Cultural Confidence or Lost Faith in the Midst of Controversy?

People will also carry out some special rituals when sweeping the dust, such as pasting Spring Festival couplets, pasting window flowers, setting off firecrackers, etc., to increase the festive atmosphere and the meaning of blessings. According to statistics, in China, more than 100 million households will be cleaned every year to welcome the arrival of the New Year. This custom has become an indispensable part of traditional Chinese culture and an important way for people to express their love and blessings for their families and loved ones.

2.2 Festivals

The sacrificial stove is an important custom during the small year, and according to historical records, the custom of sacrificing the stove can be traced back to the ancient worship of the god of the stove. Over time, the sacrificial stove has evolved into an important folk belief that the god of the stove can bless families with peace and good luck. In modern society, although the ritual of the sacrificial stove has been gradually simplified, it is still one of the most important activities during the small year.

"2024" New Year's Customs: Cultural Confidence or Lost Faith in the Midst of Controversy?

According to survey data, about 70% of Chinese people will perform ritual activities during the small year of each year, of which 90% will be performed in family units. This data shows that the sacrificial stove has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has become an indispensable part of the traditional culture of the Chinese. In terms of famous quotes, the Qing Dynasty writer Cao Xueqin wrote in "Dream of Red Mansions": "With the blessing of the god of the stove, the house is safe and everything goes well." This sentence fully expresses people's beliefs and expectations for the sacrificial stove.

2.3 吃饺子、吃汤圆、吃年糕

In traditional Chinese folklore, Xiao Nian is an important festival, and eating dumplings, rice balls, and rice cakes are indispensable traditional customs for Xiao Nian. These foods not only represent reunion and a good harvest, but also carry people's good wishes for the New Year.

Let's talk about the custom of eating dumplings. Dumplings are a traditional Chinese food that resembles ingots, implying a wide range of wealth. On this day of the new year, many families will make dumplings, and the family will sit together and make them

"2024" New Year's Customs: Cultural Confidence or Lost Faith in the Midst of Controversy?

The dumplings chatted, and the laughter was filled with strong family affection. According to survey data, about 60% of Chinese will eat dumplings on this day of childhood, and this proportion is as high as 80% in the northern region. It can be seen that eating dumplings has become an indispensable part of Xiaonian.

Let's talk about the custom of eating tangyuan. Tangyuan is a kind of food with glutinous rice as the main ingredient, symbolizing reunion and happiness. In the southern region, every family will cook glutinous rice balls to eat on this day of the New Year, which means family harmony and happiness. According to historical records, tangyuan originated in the Song Dynasty and has a history of more than 1,000 years. With the development of the times, the taste and practice of glutinous rice balls are constantly changing, but the connotation of reunion and happiness has not changed.

"2024" New Year's Customs: Cultural Confidence or Lost Faith in the Midst of Controversy?

Let's talk about the custom of eating rice cakes. Rice cake is a kind of food with glutinous rice or rice as the main raw material, which has a soft and glutinous taste and is rich in nutrition. In southern China, rice cakes are used to worship the god of the stove and pray for peace and good fortune in the coming year. In northern China, people make rice cakes into various delicacies, such as fried rice cakes, baked rice cakes, etc. According to statistics, about 30% of people in southern China buy rice cakes to celebrate the small year every year, and this proportion is also 15% in northern China.

2.4 Paste Spring Festival couplets, window flowers, and door gods

Spring couplets, window grilles and door gods are important decorative elements during the New Year, which not only add to the festive atmosphere of the festival, but also carry people's expectations for a better life. Spring Festival couplets, as an important part of traditional Chinese culture, have a long history and various forms.

"2024" New Year's Customs: Cultural Confidence or Lost Faith in the Midst of Controversy?

According to historical records, the Spring Festival couplets first originated in the Zhou Dynasty, prevailed in the Tang and Song dynasties, and have been passed down to this day. The content of the Spring Festival couplets usually contains blessings and auspicious words, such as "welcoming the spring and receiving blessings" and "home and everything is prosperous", etc., which convey people's good wishes for the new year.

In modern society, with the development of cultural diversification, the creation of Spring Festival couplets is also more novel and diverse, which has the charm of traditional culture and the atmosphere of the times. As a form of folk art, window grilles have exquisite patterns and profound meanings. During the Spring Festival, people will paste various window flowers on the windows, such as "flowers bloom richly" and "there are more than one year in a row", which means auspiciousness and happiness.

"2024" New Year's Customs: Cultural Confidence or Lost Faith in the Midst of Controversy?

The unique process of making window grilles requires hand-cutting, and skilled paper-cutting artists are able to create lifelike window grilles in a variety of shapes. The door god is the guardian deity in traditional Chinese culture, and is usually pasted on the door panel to ward off evil spirits and protect the safety of the house. The image of the door god is majestic and solemn, and it can bring people a sense of security. During the small year, in addition to pasting spring couplets, window flowers and door gods, people will also carry out some other traditional customs activities, such as sacrificing stoves, sweeping dust, etc., which contain profound cultural connotations and historical significance.

3. The modern meaning of the little year

3.1 The impact of the year on family reunification

As a traditional Chinese festival, Xiao Nian has a profound impact on family reunions. On this day, no matter where they are, people return home as much as possible to reunite with their families and spend the festive season together. According to the survey, about 90% of Chinese choose to go home to reunite with their families during the New Year, a figure much higher than other holidays. The arrival of the new year not only gives people the opportunity to spend quality time with their families, but also invisibly strengthens people's sense of belonging and responsibility to the family.

"2024" New Year's Customs: Cultural Confidence or Lost Faith in the Midst of Controversy?

The customs of the young year also reflect the importance of the family. For example, traditional customs such as dust sweeping and sacrificial stoves require the participation of family members, and these activities are not only a tribute to ancestors, but also a reinforcement of family cohesion. In the process of preparing traditional foods such as dumplings, glutinous rice balls, and rice cakes, family members will work together to share the joy of making food, which not only enhances the relationship between family members, but also makes the family more harmonious.

"2024" New Year's Customs: Cultural Confidence or Lost Faith in the Midst of Controversy?

The modern meaning of the year is also closely related to family reunion. With the development of society, people's pace of life has accelerated, work pressure has increased, and many people are often unable to go home to reunite with their families due to work or other reasons. However, on the day of the New Year, no matter how far away, people will try to go home to reunite with their families, and this emphasis and return to the family also reflects people's inheritance and respect for traditional culture.

"2024" New Year's Customs: Cultural Confidence or Lost Faith in the Midst of Controversy?

In the future, with the development of society and the change of people's lifestyles, the impact of Xiaonian on family reunion may change. However, no matter how much changes, Xiao Nian, as an important part of traditional Chinese culture, will not change its importance to family reunion. As the basic unit of society, the importance of the family to people's sense of belonging and cohesion is irreplaceable. Therefore, the impact of the young year on family reunification will continue to exist and continue to develop.

3.2 Comparison between the New Year and the Spring Festival

Xiao Nian and Chinese New Year are two important festivals in traditional Chinese culture, and although they are both celebrated within the scope of the Chinese New Year, they also have many differences.

The small year is usually before the Spring Festival, and the main celebrations are the sacrifice of the stove and the sweep of dust, while the Spring Festival is the first year of the year, and the celebrations are more colorful, including sticking Spring Festival couplets, eating reunion dinners, setting off firecrackers, etc. Secondly, the celebration of the small year is relatively small, mainly concentrated in the family and villages, while the Spring Festival is a national festival and is celebrated more extensively.

"2024" New Year's Customs: Cultural Confidence or Lost Faith in the Midst of Controversy?

The origins of Xiao Nian can be traced back to ancient folk beliefs and customs, while the Spring Festival has an even longer history as it evolved from the beginning of the ancient calendar. In the future development, both the Xiaonian and the Spring Festival are facing the problem of inheritance and innovation. With the changes in society and the process of modernization, the inheritance and development of traditional culture have been affected to a certain extent.

How to innovate and develop on the basis of maintaining the characteristics of traditional culture is an important topic before us.

3.3 The inheritance of traditional culture in Xiaonian

As an important festival in traditional Chinese culture, Xiao Nian carries a rich historical and cultural connotation. In today's society, with the gradual fading of traditional culture, the importance of Xiaonian for inheriting and promoting Chinese culture has become more and more prominent.

"2024" New Year's Customs: Cultural Confidence or Lost Faith in the Midst of Controversy?

The origin of Xiao Nian can be traced back to ancient China, according to historical records, the history of Xiao Nian can be traced back to the Yin Shang period, and after thousands of years of evolution and development, it gradually formed the custom of Xiao Nian as we know it today. During the new year, people will carry out a series of traditional activities, such as sacrificing stoves, sweeping dust, eating dumplings, etc., which are not only the inheritance of traditional culture, but also the promotion and development of Chinese culture.

Fourth, the future outlook of Xiao Nian

4.1 Changes in the modern world

In modern society, the traditional festival of Xiao Nian is undergoing some significant changes. With the development of science and technology and the change of people's lifestyles, the way and meaning of the celebration of the New Year have also been adjusted accordingly.

"2024" New Year's Customs: Cultural Confidence or Lost Faith in the Midst of Controversy?

More and more people are choosing to express their blessings to their families through the Internet, while traditional family gatherings and stove rituals are gradually being simplified or ignored.

The celebration of the New Year also shows a trend of diversification, for example, some businesses will hold small year temple fairs, discount promotions and other activities, so that people can enjoy the festive atmosphere while also enjoying the benefits. According to statistics, the number of people who choose to travel or shop to celebrate the New Year has increased year by year in recent years, and this trend reflects people's diverse demand for new year celebrations and the psychology of pursuing novelty.

"2024" New Year's Customs: Cultural Confidence or Lost Faith in the Midst of Controversy?

It is worth noting that although the way Xiaonian is celebrated is changing, it still carries people's emotional identification with family reunions and traditional culture. Therefore, how to integrate modern elements on the basis of maintaining tradition, so that the traditional festival of Xiaonian can better adapt to the development of modern society, is a problem worthy of our in-depth consideration and discussion.

4.2 The integration of the small year with other traditional festivals

As one of the traditional Chinese festivals, Xiao Nian has a close connection with other traditional festivals. With the passage of time, the convergence of Xiao Nian and other traditional festivals has become more and more obvious. For example, the fusion of Xiao Nian and Chinese New Year is a typical example.

"2024" New Year's Customs: Cultural Confidence or Lost Faith in the Midst of Controversy?

Before the Spring Festival, people will carry out a series of preparations during the small year, such as dust sweeping, sacrificial stoves, etc., to create a clean and peaceful atmosphere for the arrival of the Spring Festival. In addition, Xiao Nian also has a close relationship with the Lantern Festival. During the Lantern Festival, people will eat Lantern Festival, guess lantern riddles, enjoy lanterns, etc., and these activities also have similarities with the customs and habits of Xiao Nian.

During the New Year, people eat traditional foods such as dumplings and glutinous rice balls, which are also essential delicacies during the Lantern Festival. In addition, Xiao Nian also has a certain connection with traditional festivals such as the Dragon Boat Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival. These connections are not only reflected in customs, but also in cultural connotations and spiritual inheritance.

4.3 The future development trend of Xiaonian

With the development of society and the advancement of technology, the way and meaning of celebrating the New Year are also constantly evolving. In the future, Xiao Nian is expected to be further integrated with other traditional festivals to form a more diversified and modern celebration method.

"2024" New Year's Customs: Cultural Confidence or Lost Faith in the Midst of Controversy?

With the increasing importance of traditional culture, traditional festivals such as Xiaonian will become more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and become an indispensable part of people's lives.

In the future, the development trend of the small year may include the following aspects: first, the integration with other traditional festivals, such as the combination of Mid-Autumn Festival and Dragon Boat Festival, to form a more colorful celebration;

"2024" New Year's Customs: Cultural Confidence or Lost Faith in the Midst of Controversy?

The second is to use technology to enhance the celebration experience, such as through virtual reality technology to make people feel the atmosphere of the New Year more immersively, and the third is to expand the cultural connotation of the New Year, such as holding cultural lectures, exhibitions and other activities to dig deeper into the history and cultural heritage of the New Year.


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