
I spent 200,000 yuan in 4 years of college, but I couldn't find a job after graduation, I regretted it!

author:Dignified and elegant lark mLr

#WinterClock#I spent the most precious four years of my life at a prestigious university. This university is known for its rich history, deep cultural heritage, and reputation for academic excellence. And I, who used to be an ordinary student at this university, majored in computer science and technology.

I spent 200,000 yuan in 4 years of college, but I couldn't find a job after graduation, I regretted it!

The four years of college were like a long dream. In this school, I have seen all kinds of new things, met many classmates from all over the world, participated in various club activities and volunteer activities, and enjoyed the endless happiness brought by university life. At that time, I thought that I already had the whole world, but I didn't realize that there was a huge price behind it.

In order to pay for my tuition and living expenses, I applied for a student loan from the bank. Over the past four years, student loans, tuition, living expenses, and other miscellaneous expenses add up to a total of about 200,000. For an average family, this is a huge expense. Whenever I think about these debts, my heart is filled with stress.

When graduation season came, I, like many of my classmates, entered the army of job seekers with great anticipation. However, reality hit me hard. In a competitive job market, it was difficult for me to find my dream job, even though I had a degree from a prestigious university.

I submitted dozens of resumes and attended multiple interviews, but I never received the job offer I wanted. Watching my classmates find jobs one by one, my heart is mixed. I began to doubt my abilities and whether the four years of college were worth it.

I spent 200,000 yuan in 4 years of college, but I couldn't find a job after graduation, I regretted it!

As time passed, my anxiety grew. The pressure of debt, the expectations of my family, and my own future plans made me feel extremely lost and helpless. I began to regret my choice, regretting that I didn't study harder during my four years of college and didn't actively participate in more hands-on activities and internships.

In despair, I realized that I could not continue to sink. I started to re-examine my career plan and think about how to get out of it.

First of all, I reorganized my job search direction and goals. I realized that although I learned a lot of theoretical knowledge in college, there was still a big lack of practical experience in terms of practical experience. Therefore, I began to look for some relevant internship opportunities to accumulate practical work experience.

At the same time, I also actively participate in various networking activities and community organizations in the industry to expand my network. Through the exchange with the industry, I not only increased my knowledge, but also got a lot of valuable advice and opportunities.

In addition, I began to learn some skills and knowledge related to my major on my own. With the development of technology and the changes in market demand, I found that what I learned in college was a bit outdated. In order to improve my competitiveness, I began to use my spare time to learn new techniques and methods.

After a period of hard work, I finally received an offer from a well-known Internet company. Although the position was not the most ideal position for me, considering the reality, I decided to find a job first and then choose a career. In this company, I have been given great opportunities to exercise and grow. Through practical work, I have not only improved my professional skills, but also accumulated certain network resources and social experience.

After a period of hard work and accumulation, I finally jumped to a company of my choice and worked in the job I loved. Although I had a low starting point, I didn't give up pursuing my dreams. Today, I am firmly established in the company and gradually moving towards the peak of my career.

I spent 200,000 yuan in 4 years of college, but I couldn't find a job after graduation, I regretted it!

Looking back on those difficult times, I know that my four years of college were one of the most important times of my life. Although I have paid a huge price and hard work to get to where I am today, I have never regretted what I did. Because it was those experiences that honed my will, qualities, and abilities and made me stronger and more mature.

Now I have come to understand a truth: there is no road in vain in life, every step counts. No matter how many setbacks and difficulties we encounter, as long as we do not give up our efforts and pursuits, there will always be a door that will open for us. So please don't regret your choices and experiences, as they are all valuable assets and a source of motivation!

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