
The journey back to my hometown

author:Idle old man

As planned, I will go back to my hometown today to visit the graves of my parents!

My parents are buried in the cemetery of my hometown, and I have to go back to my hometown every year before the year and during the Qingming Festival, and I will sweep the graves of my parents and burn some paper money. This year is no different.

Our brothers and sisters contacted us by phone early on, and whoever can go back will come back to see. Now my eldest brother still lives in the small county town of his hometown, and the other brothers and sisters are scattered all over the country. If it's too far, I can't go back, and I usually contact by phone, and I chatter on the video. Take this opportunity to meet and enhance family affection.

Every time I go back to my hometown on the first night, I don't know whether it is excitement or sadness, it is difficult to fall asleep last night, I haven't fallen asleep at two o'clock in the morning, I think a lot, it is the scene of living with my parents and siblings in the past. Warm and happy! When I was young, I didn't know the kindness of my parents, and many things at that time only now do I realize the deep love of my parents.

I woke up at 5 a.m. this morning, and it was less than half past when I was done. At this time, my daughter also got up and wanted to drive me to the subway station, I didn't want her to send it, it was very cold and I had to get up early in the morning, I took a taxi to the subway station in a few minutes. But she insisted on sending it, afraid that I would not be able to get out of the car so early and get cold outside. This is also the child's intention, and I am not insisting.

Out of the unit door, it was not yet dawn. There was no movement in the community except for the dim light of the street lamps. According to the Northeast dialect, this is the time when the ghost bars his teeth, which is the coldest time. The cold wind penetrated through the gaps in the clothes, and the body was cool and swishing. We went down to the underground parking lot, took out the car, and arrived at the subway station in five or six minutes.

The journey back to my hometown

After getting out of the car, my daughter told me a thousand times that the road was slippery in the cold weather, walk slowly, and don't fall. I was a little annoyed, and I had to hum and promise in my mouth. Didn't you think I was an old man? I always felt that I was not old, and I walked with the same dexterity on my legs and feet as a young man. Speak clearly, have a responsive brain, and have clear ideas. In addition to laughing, you can see wrinkles on your face, you usually don't see it, I usually like to wear jeans and sneakers, and people who are not familiar with me don't believe it when I say I'm seven, they all say that I'm less than sixty, and I don't feel old. So I don't like people to treat me like an old man.

The journey back to my hometown

I took the earliest subway to depart on time at 5:55 p.m., and then reversed again, and it only took 20 minutes to get to the train station. After leaving the subway station and entering the waiting room, brushing your face and entering the inside, it was less than 6:30 a.m. to pass through the security check. I took a glass of boiling water at the station and was about to get on the instant noodles because the boiling water on the train was not too hot to make instant noodles. Maybe the Spring Festival has begun, although it is very early, but there are still more people in the waiting room.

The journey back to my hometown

I found an empty seat and sat down, waited for a short time, and the difference was 10 minutes and 7 o'clock, and the ticket inspection began. After passing through the ticket gate, the train I was on had quietly stopped there, and I found the corresponding carriage and sat down. At 7:04, the train departed on time and left the station.

The journey back to my hometown

Along the way, the land is covered in white snow, presenting a northeastern winter scene that cannot be seen in the city.

The journey back to my hometown

The train runs along the way, and the scenery along the way is constantly changing, and there are many differences from the last time I went back to my hometown, and there is a booming new atmosphere everywhere. The houses in the village are becoming more and more uniform, and the small mud houses of the past are gone, and they have been replaced with new red bricks and blue tiles.

At 9:14 a.m., I arrived at my destination on time. Take a taxi to my eldest brother's house to meet the others. The small town in my hometown has changed a lot, with a lot of new roads, and the road surface is wider, clean and orderly. I couldn't tell where it was, but fortunately, the driver was very enthusiastic and told me where this was in the past. I am sincerely happy to see such great changes in my hometown, and I feel that the development of various parts of the motherland is really changing with each passing day.

When I arrived at my eldest brother's house, the brothers and sisters who came first came out to greet me, and they hadn't seen each other for a long time.

They had already prepared everything for the grave sweeping, and we got in the car and went straight to our parents' cemetery.

Due to the proximity of the Spring Festival, there are many people who sweep the tomb, the road to the cemetery is very narrow, the traffic flow is very large, and the car is blocked when there is still some distance from the destination. Fortunately, the driver was more familiar with the road, so he turned back and went around to a small road, and we walked a little more and finally arrived at the place.

There are many grave sweepers in the cemetery, and instead of the usual solemnity and quiet, there is the explosion of fireworks and floating paper ashes everywhere.

We came to the grave of our parents, we all worked together, swept the dust and snow, wiped the tombstone with wet wipes, placed the offerings in front of the tomb, we stood in a row to mourn our parents three times, the feelings of longing came to our hearts leisurely and couldn't help but burst into tears, and we will never forget the kindness of our parents. According to the custom of our hometown, we burned some more paper money and said goodbye to our parents.