
Marcos understood China's bitter words, and after a week of hard work, all his Taiwan-related remarks were correct

author:Wenchang talks every day

A few days ago, the Philippines, which had been engaged in peace in the South China Sea for three days, had an unprecedented change in its attitude toward China and was still changing for the better. In a recent interview with the media, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. was asked what he thinks of today's "Taiwan issue."

First of all, this question is very embarrassing, and the reporter who asked it obviously has bad intentions. I clearly know that a few days ago, Marcos Jr. was severely criticized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the mainland for sending congratulations to Lai Qingde, but now he even wants Marcos Jr. to express his stance on the "Taiwan Strait issue".

Marcos understood China's bitter words, and after a week of hard work, all his Taiwan-related remarks were correct

At that time, spokesman Mao Ning said that he wanted Marcos Jr. to read more books and learn more about the history of Taiwan. Such remarks are not common in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and they are almost merciless. When this sentence spread to the Philippines, it immediately caused an uproar, and the Philippine defense secretary directly stood up to accuse China, saying that China had insulted the Philippine president.

Therefore, at this juncture, in the face of the "Taiwan Strait issue", Marcos Jr. should be most cautious in his words and deeds, otherwise the diplomatic crisis between China and the Philippines will escalate again. But here's what's interesting, Marcos Jr.'s statement on the "Taiwan Strait issue" this time turned out to be all correct, which can be called a standard answer.

First of all, Marcos Jr. first explained why he sent congratulations to Lai Qingde in the first place. Because Taiwan had previously accepted 200,000 workers from the Philippines, Marcos Jr. took the initiative to congratulate Lai Qingde on his election out of recognition and courtesy.

Marcos understood China's bitter words, and after a week of hard work, all his Taiwan-related remarks were correct

After the explanation, Marcos Jr. changed his tone again and said in a stern manner: "The Philippines has always strictly adhered to the one-China principle! In the Philippines, the one-China policy has never been changed! The Taiwan region is only a province of China! Therefore, how to resolve the Taiwan Strait issue is China's internal affair and has nothing to do with the Philippines."

Listen, Marcos Jr.'s answer is not wrong at all. They not only reaffirmed their adherence to the one-China principle, but also bluntly said that the Taiwan region is a province of China. The former is not unspoken by the United States and Western countries, while the latter, I have rarely heard the leaders of other countries express their positions in this way.

Marcos understood China's bitter words, and after a week of hard work, all his Taiwan-related remarks were correct

This is strange, could it be that China had been bitter in the past, advising Marcos Jr. to read more, and this guy really listened to it? Then, after a week of painstaking reading of the history books, Marcos Jr. actually gave a fluent answer to the "Taiwan Strait issue," which he was deliberately embarrassed about, and it can be called a standard answer.

Of course, this is a joke, we certainly don't know whether Marcos Jr. made up for Chinese history, but at least the attitude of the people is here, and the words are not wrong. In my opinion, instead of joking that Marcos Jr. really went back to read books, it is better to say that China's statement, Marcos Jr. really understood.

Marcos understood China's bitter words, and after a week of hard work, all his Taiwan-related remarks were correct

As the saying goes, listen to their words and watch their deeds. Is it really a literal meaning for the mainland Ministry of Foreign Affairs to let Marcos Jr. read more books? Actually, it is not, it is more of an expression of attitude. Roughly speaking, if China still talks to you, it means that China is still patient, and you still have room for maneuver. But if China doesn't talk to you properly, it means that China has lost patience, and you'd better weigh yourself a few pounds and taels.

Marcos Jr. obviously understood, China is really angry this time, and if he continues to toss like this, he can't tell how China will act in the future and give the Philippines a "surprise". That's why Marcos Jr. has reversed his attitude 180 degrees on the "Taiwan Strait issue" today.

Therefore, for Marcos Jr.'s "full score answer sheet" this time, everyone should listen to it, and there is no need to fully believe it. In fact, it does not matter how the Philippines views the "Taiwan Strait issue." After all, in the face of the great cause of reunification, China does not have the slightest room for negotiation, and it does not matter what the United States thinks, let alone the Philippines.

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