
#Do you love or hate coriander#Do you love or hate coriander?As the saying goes, "turnip and cabbage, each has his own love", in terms of eating, everyone also has their favorite or most hated things

author:Orchid aftertaste


Do you love or hate cilantro?

As the saying goes, "turnip and cabbage, each has his own love", and in terms of eating, everyone also has their favorite or most hated things. When I was a child, I hated cilantro so much that I couldn't get used to the "stinky" smell, and I had to pick out a coriander leaf in the bowl.

However, I don't know when I don't hate coriander anymore, and then I like the unique taste of coriander. When coriander was particularly cheap, I also bought dumplings with stuffed buns.

In addition, when coriander is cheap, buy it and keep it in the refrigerator, and when you eat noodle soup, haggis soup and other soups, you must put some coriander and white pepper when eating, it will be particularly delicious.

#Do you love or hate coriander#Do you love or hate coriander?As the saying goes, "turnip and cabbage, each has his own love", in terms of eating, everyone also has their favorite or most hated things
#Do you love or hate coriander#Do you love or hate coriander?As the saying goes, "turnip and cabbage, each has his own love", in terms of eating, everyone also has their favorite or most hated things
#Do you love or hate coriander#Do you love or hate coriander?As the saying goes, "turnip and cabbage, each has his own love", in terms of eating, everyone also has their favorite or most hated things