
"Mom, what is a dragon?" could have "copied the answer"!

author:Three-five hoe education
"Mom, what is a dragon?" could have "copied the answer"!

After a while, we will usher in the Year of the Dragon! Every Year of the Dragon is regarded as a year of auspiciousness, happiness and happiness~

So, children, do you know why we are called "descendants of the dragon"?

"Mom, what is a dragon?" could have "copied the answer"!

In ancient times, people lived in tribes, each with its own totem, and the Fuxi clan used the snake as a totem and eventually defeated all the other tribes. In order to unify the tribes, the Fuxi clan combined the totems of other tribes with snakes to create a new divine beast - the dragon. It has a snake body, antlers, fish scales, tiger claws, ox ears, etc., which are all kinds of beautiful meanings.

Due to its beautiful image and rich meaning, the dragon was chosen by the emperor as a symbol of power and status.

"Mom, what is a dragon?" could have "copied the answer"!

Although dragons play an important role in Chinese culture, there is always a veil of mystery about their true appearance.

What does the Chinese dragon look like in children's hearts?

"Mom, what is a dragon?" could have "copied the answer"!

This popular science picture book "There Are Dragons in the East" will unveil the mystery of the dragon family for children!!

5-12 years old

"There is a Dragon in the East"

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"Mom, what is a dragon?" could have "copied the answer"!

At the end of the article, there are reading tips and purchase entrances

"Dragon in the East" is the second book in the blockbuster "Chinese Symbol Series", the first book in this series is well-known, and the phenomenal original book "Giant Panda" that detonated the book industry when it was released (click 👆 on the picture to buy these two books together)

"Mom, what is a dragon?" could have "copied the answer"!

"Giant Panda" not only won the award for its cute painting style and excellent production, but also became a "resident" on the bookshelf of many panda fans. This time, "There is a Dragon in the East" continues the excellent quality of "Giant Panda", and it finally took two years to restore the momentum of the Chinese dragon with the most realistic colors and artistic paper.

"Mom, what is a dragon?" could have "copied the answer"!

There are many allusions about dragons, these stories and legends reflect the worship and admiration of the dragon in our Chinese nation, and also show the diversity and cultural connotation of the dragon, and the stories of dragon boats and dragon lanterns show the influence of dragons in folk customs and artistic creation.

This book details the origin, evolution, legend, and cultural connotations of dragons.

The trifold shows the dragon in its entirety ⬇️

"Mom, what is a dragon?" could have "copied the answer"!

From ancient times to the present, the image of the dragon has a unique charm in various periods, from the simple and mysterious period of the Xia and Shang periods to the complex and gorgeous period of the Ming and Qing dynasties, the image of the dragon has continued to develop and evolve, becoming one of the most representative symbols of the Chinese nation.

"Mom, what is a dragon?" could have "copied the answer"!

"Dragons in the East" is not just a book, but more like a cultural journey, with curiosity about dragon culture, we start from the legend of the dragon 8,000 years ago, and establish a comprehensive "dragon" system for children.

"Mom, what is a dragon?" could have "copied the answer"!

The book is beautifully bound and designed with high-quality paper to show the charm of dragon culture to the fullest.

This book is suitable for all friends who are interested in dragon culture, whether it is children or adults, you can find your own touch in this book, which can be used as a family collection or as a gift for relatives and friends.

"Mom, what is a dragon?" could have "copied the answer"!

In the name of the dragon, the pursuit of Chinese civilization

When I was a child, I wondered why the text said that we are all "descendants of the dragon"?

"Mom, what is a dragon?" could have "copied the answer"!

However, there are very few children's books about "Chinese dragons" on the market, and even fewer books that can combine the traditional culture of dragons with modernity.

Finally, "There Are Dragons in the East" has done it!

At first glance, the title of this book shows that it belongs to the romance of the Chinese for 5,000 years. As the heritage and spirit of Chinese culture, the dragon is rooted in the heart of every Chinese.

The ancients believed that the dragon was a mythical beast with mysterious power. Since the time of the Yellow Emperor, the dragon has been a symbol of the Chinese nation, and from the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties to the Ming and Qing dynasties, the dragon has been a special totem for the royal family, symbolizing supreme power.

"Mom, what is a dragon?" could have "copied the answer"!

In the long history, the figure of the dragon is not uncommon, and the clothing, utensils, and buildings of the ancients all reflect the culture of the dragon. There are countless cultural relics about dragons in various dynasties and dynasties in the mainland, and the images of dragons in different periods also have their own characteristics.

▼ When cultural relics meet dragons

"Mom, what is a dragon?" could have "copied the answer"!
"Mom, what is a dragon?" could have "copied the answer"!
"Mom, what is a dragon?" could have "copied the answer"!

The eaves, bridges, and murals in the Forbidden City hide the imprints of countless "dragons", and dragons shine brightly in classical architecture.

The ancients used dragons as the theme to create countless popular poems, legends and stories, making dragon culture ever-changing and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"Mom, what is a dragon?" could have "copied the answer"!

If the first thought of the dragon is the evil dragon that the princess has been taken away by the West, then you must not hurry up and take the child to know our Eastern dragon! The Eastern dragon is not the same as the Western dragon!

There are myths and legends about dragons in both the East and the West, but different cultural backgrounds make the origin, image, and symbolism of dragons different in the East and West.

In the East, the dragon is a symbol of auspiciousness, while in the West, the dragon is a symbol of evil, and the image of the Eastern dragon is a collection of animal features, but the Western dragon is more like a winged lizard.

"Mom, what is a dragon?" could have "copied the answer"!

The book "There Are Dragons in the East" not only contains the content of dragon culture, art, legends, etc., but also involves the knowledge of history, geography, ethnicity and other aspects.

The dragon, as the totem of the Chinese nation, has rich symbolic meanings.

First and foremost, the dragon symbolizes authority.

"Mom, what is a dragon?" could have "copied the answer"!

Secondly, the dragon symbolizes auspiciousness.

The ancients believed that the dragon was a good luck that could ward off evil spirits and bring good luck.

In addition, the dragon also symbolizes the national spirit.

The descendants of the dragon are not only the identity of the Chinese nation, but also the inheritance of the national spirit.

"Mom, what is a dragon?" could have "copied the answer"!

While this popular science book introduces dragons, various modern cultures related to dragons appear in turn, such as the four sacred beasts that children are familiar with - the green dragon, the white tiger, the vermilion bird, and the Xuanwu.

"Mom, what is a dragon?" could have "copied the answer"!

For children, by reading the encyclopedia of dragons "There Are Dragons in the East", they can not only deeply understand the cultural connotation of dragons, deepen their understanding of traditional culture, but also enhance their sense of identity with national culture and cultivate their feelings for their family and country!

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Rigorous and elegant, the statue of the god is transformed into a figurative image

"Dragons in the East" makes dragons come from distant myths and become within reach, and it uses unique perspectives and vivid brushstrokes to allow children to establish a deep emotional bond with dragons.

"Mom, what is a dragon?" could have "copied the answer"!

In this book, the dragon is no longer a god high in the sky, but a "dragon" with a vivid image that children can truly understand.

"Mom, what is a dragon?" could have "copied the answer"!

It is said that the appearance of the dragon contains the characteristics of a variety of animals, and each feature has a special meaning, and the image of the Chinese dragon is rich and diverse, with both mysterious and simple atmosphere, and majestic and majestic spirit.

The dragon's "Nine Likes". 👇

How is the bloodline of the ancient dragon clan recorded?

By reading this book, children can learn that "dragons give birth to nine sons, and each has its own good".

In the book, the image and hobbies of the nine dragons will be revealed, and the number of "nine sons" will be explained, so as to further unveil the mystery of the "dragon family" for children.

"Mom, what is a dragon?" could have "copied the answer"!

Everyone must be familiar with the "Five Directions Divine Dragon" - the golden dragon in the center, the green dragon in the east, the white dragon in the west, the red dragon in the south, and the black dragon in the north, the dragons of five different colors represent different meanings, and the book gives a detailed introduction.

"Mom, what is a dragon?" could have "copied the answer"!

"There Are Dragons in the East" not only allows children to understand the origin of dragons, but also knows a lot of trivia about dragons. It uses its objective attitude and detailed information to give children a comprehensive understanding of dragons.

Children will find traces of dragons, build a world view and values belonging to the Chinese, and establish their own national pride, after all, for the Chinese nation, the dragon is not only a symbol, but also a symbol of our cultural self-confidence!

"Mom, what is a dragon?" could have "copied the answer"!

"There is a Dragon in the East" is a unique New Year's gift for all the sons and daughters of China.

This is an encyclopedia depicting Chinese dragon culture, with its unique painting style and profound cultural connotation, showing a new world of dragons for children.

It is not only a picture book, but also a cultural inheritance, which allows children to establish a three-dimensional dragon culture system through various knowledge related to "dragon", leading children to understand the meaning and symbolism of the oriental dragon, to have an in-depth understanding of Chinese dragon culture, and to feel what is "the descendant of the dragon".

"Mom, what is a dragon?" could have "copied the answer"!
"Mom, what is a dragon?" could have "copied the answer"!

In this fast-paced era, children need traditional culture more to nourish their souls.

Whether it is a New Year's gift for your own children, a gift for relatives and friends, or an auspicious baby dragon, it is very suitable!


The main direction of the book:

Absorb encyclopedic knowledge

Feel the traditional culture

Develop cultural self-confidence

Which babies are suitable for reading: 5-12 years old

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