
Confused! Dare to break into important military places, and regard national security as a traffic password?

author:Scholar of literature and history
Confused! Dare to break into important military places, and regard national security as a traffic password?

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Text丨Scholar of literature and history

Editor丨Scholar of literature and history

Since the popularity of self-media, traffic has become a measure of value, which makes some so-called bloggers take risks and do many ridiculous things. A Xiaohongshu blogger posted a post titled "Crossing the Wuhan Forbidden Zone", which sparked heated discussions among netizens: How dare you trespass when you know that it is a forbidden area?

Confused! Dare to break into important military places, and regard national security as a traffic password?

Military powerhouse, not child's play

"Internet celebrity" and "punch in" have become a new trend pursued by contemporary young people, but in this trend, many people have begun to touch the red line. A male college student, who entered the high-speed rail station at night and climbed onto the track, was accidentally hit by high-voltage electricity and was seriously injured. The female blogger of Xiaohongshu took the lead in making a strategy to cross the Wuhan Forbidden Zone, and this measure of teaching people how to break the law has attracted the attention of relevant departments.

Confused! Dare to break into important military places, and regard national security as a traffic password?

The two people who made the dangerous move were not "ignorants". Students sneak into the station at night, and there is a clear indication in front of the station that non-professional workers are not allowed to enter. The blogger's trespass on the forbidden place was hung with a warning of "military location", but she had to break through the layers of barbed wire to enter. These not only reflect the weak moral and legal awareness of the self-media, but also show the evil consequences brought about by the "traffic first" doctrine. There is still a long way to go in cultivating the concept of national security.

National security is a matter of interest to you and me

In some important national management areas, such as military regions, military forbidden places, etc., the relevant responsible departments will post some warning signs outside to remind unsuspecting citizens or tourists. Some embassies and political centers in Beijing also have conscientious guards standing guard. Whatever the form, this underscores the importance we attach to national security.

Confused! Dare to break into important military places, and regard national security as a traffic password?

Since the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the country has made new strategic arrangements for national security, and President Xi Jinping has stressed that national security is an important cornerstone of national stability. At present, the mainland is in a stage of high-speed development, the world situation is changing, and China's rapid progress has also attracted the attention of some foreign spies.

Confused! Dare to break into important military places, and regard national security as a traffic password?

National security has become an important topic in the orientation of new students at major colleges and universities, or in mid-semester lectures, precisely because these young people who are not familiar with the world will become the first point of entry for spies.

Spies often lower the other party's guard on the grounds of elaborate packaging, and tempt them to sell state secrets with high remuneration or other benefits, which will bring irreparable losses to the state and also bury the hidden danger of breaking the law and committing crimes to individuals.

Confused! Dare to break into important military places, and regard national security as a traffic password?

New era, new means

When the Qing Dynasty invaded China by the Eight-Nation Alliance, the foreigners did not know the topography and orientation of China at all, and they gave the local villagers some small remuneration to trick them into guiding their way, and the villagers also provided relevant tools to help the foreigners who invaded China. Even though these stories are heard now, we wonder how these people could do such stupid things. But today, in modernization, it is even more necessary to be vigilant, because espionage methods have become increasingly hidden. It is very likely that in the absence of defense, you and I have become sinners who betray information.

Confused! Dare to break into important military places, and regard national security as a traffic password?

Just like the female blogger we mentioned, according to the current laws and regulations, she has broken the law. The provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Military Installations clearly stipulate that the act of transmitting information is also illegal. Female bloggers produce and upload internal pictures of military important places and action strategies, which have met the standard of information transmission.

Confused! Dare to break into important military places, and regard national security as a traffic password?

The content she publishes will not only attract follow-up behavior in the society, but also bring safety risks to the local community. Most importantly, she leaked clear internal pictures of the important place, giving spies a chance to take advantage of it, what is the difference between this and the villagers who "turned their elbows out" back then?

I believe that the local national security department will have a fair investigation into this matter, and we also hope that this bad atmosphere of "Internet celebrities" can be stopped in time to prevent future troubles.

The law is the norm

In modern society, competition between countries is no longer dominated by firepower, and there is an undercurrent surging in places we do not know, which concerns the interests of every Chinese. Nowadays, it is very simple to sell intelligence, everyone has a high-definition mobile phone in their hands, and trains and high-speed trains extend in all directions. If people's hearts are shaken, who will protect national security?

Some people may ask, can you betray intelligence by taking a photograph? This is natural. For ordinary people, they may be just flowers and plants, but in the hands of spies, they can analyze all kinds of information they want, and then adversely affect our country. The Counter-Espionage Law has been enacted for almost a decade, and we hope that this law will be useless, and that fewer and fewer Chinese will be used by lawbreakers.

Confused! Dare to break into important military places, and regard national security as a traffic password?

Today's "spy warfare"

Netizens often jokingly refer to some people as "walking 500,000", and whistleblowers become "bounty hunters". Although sometimes this is some of the words in the online public opinion melee, it is also a good phenomenon, proving that more Chinese have a more serious understanding of national security. Moreover, there are many successful cases in the report.

"Thousands of precautions, home thieves are difficult to prevent. This is the most appropriate way to describe the current spies. In 2022, the national security department successfully dismantled a gang that stole the mainland's marine data. The gang has been carrying out activities in the name of "marine public welfare", placing surveying tools near important maritime military sites, stealing a variety of marine monitoring data on the mainland, and threatening the security of the mainland's coastal areas.

But these people are not blond foreigners, they are our compatriots, ordinary people around us. With the funding of foreign forces, they have been carrying out illegal espionage activities along the coast for a long time, and they have been completely arrested after being reported by the masses on the mainland.

Burns, director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), has said that a "China mission center" will be set up to radiate all areas of the CIA's mission. They openly recruited spies who could speak Chinese and could understand various dialects such as Cantonese and Shanghainese.

They understand that the people who know China best are the best at dismantling China from within. Espionage activities also involve all aspects, including the economy, politics, military, education, and so on, and the mainland has always had administrative regulations on civil servants and other personnel going abroad, and this is precisely the reason why the mainland has always attached great importance to counter-espionage activities.

Confused! Dare to break into important military places, and regard national security as a traffic password?

"It's easy to dodge with open guns, but it's hard to defend against hidden arrows. "The best way for every Chinese to raise their security awareness, regard national interests as personal interests, and actively crack down on foreign forces is to eradicate spies at the root." It is incumbent upon us to defend national security. We media platforms should also take advantage of this incident to reflect on themselves, strengthen content review, strengthen the supervision of content output, and take the law as the bottom line of action is the obligation of every citizen.

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The article was originally published by the "Literary and Historical Scholar", and the whole network has been opened to protect rights, without permission, no one is allowed to reprint or carry it in any way, and the infringement must be investigated!

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