
DNF: The February version of "6 major events" is updated!

author:Gaming Esports Express


The exclusive event for the Spring Festival in February is coming, and the experience server is planned to be launched the day before the weekend, which is basically fried cold rice activities, version-related optimizations and large-scale krypton gold activities. Let's take a closer look:

DNF: The February version of "6 major events" is updated!

DNF: February version "6 Events" update!

First, the Spring Festival 11th sign-in activity. This year's Spring Festival event has been extended again, but the ultimate cumulative reward is still 7 days. Valuable rewards are: Master Equipment Grade Adjustment Box, Lock 1 Entry Laundry Detergent, Perfect Upgrade Coupon, and Epic Optional Box. The rest is of little value,

Second, there are many rewards for teaming up to challenge, requiring players to team up to farm high-level dungeons and Dark Islands. To be honest, the current dungeon is basically a stand-alone game, and in order to attract players to form a team, there are also special activities, and the rewards are not bad, laundry detergent, shimmer stone, and dark island materials are very practical.

DNF: The February version of "6 major events" is updated!

Third, the growth plan activity officially revealed is an exclusive large-scale long-term event for the Spring Festival, the purpose of which is to give away 1,000 shimmer stones for the materials of "Great Change" and two "coordinated mist crystals", and laundry detergent of your choice. For all players, this undoubtedly adds hope for a perfect graduation.

The fourth is the adjustment of the Dark Island, which directly synchronizes the latest harmonious version of Hanbok. Some of the key mechanics have been adjusted to take into account player needs. For example, Largo's skill model in Causal Destruction mode has been tweaked to make it more balanced. At the same time, shield skills can't easily crack the mechanics that players have worked hard to master, and the era of the former Cover Soldier has now quietly come to an end.

DNF: The February version of "6 major events" is updated!

The Spring Festival login reward is coming, and you will team up to send a variety of materials

In the end, the remaining 2 activities are the krypton gold series.,The magic box adds dream platinum.,And the Spring Festival version of the cumulative kryptonite earthen pot activity.,In other words, the country has issued a policy.,Can't induce consumption.,DNF planning is still coming out of this kind of cumulative kryptonite activity.,It's really ignoring the call of the country.。 For his own year-end bonus, I really have no conscience!"Dungeon and Warriors Game E-sports Jun Kuai Information" 3451 "DNF: February Version "6 Major Activities" Update! Spring Festival Login Reward is coming, team up to send a variety of materials", the old rule is to hurry up, and directly go to the actual screenshot of the characteristic BUG of the Bakar Raid version of the national server:

DNF: The February version of "6 major events" is updated!

The above content is purely the personal opinion of the game e-sports, and the views have nothing to do with the platform! Players who like it can like and follow, there are new game information and skills every day, and at about 10 o'clock every night, reply to players' messages and questions in a unified manner!

DNF: The February version of "6 major events" is updated!

Overall, the Spring Festival version is another large-scale krypton gold version, and I hope that the country's new online game recharge regulations will be implemented as soon as possible, so that the dungeon can return to the previous pure gameplay, and will not be brought into the abyss by big anchors and planners.