
My boyfriend suffers from "gigantism", and I heard that it has an impact on life expectancy, is it true? Can it be cured?

author:Urology care doctor Bian

Xiaoli's boyfriend, Xiao Li, suffers from a rare endocrine disease - gigantism. Reaching a height of 2 meters, his size stands out from the crowd.

"You know what?" Xiao Li whispered to her friend, "Xiao Li's body type and sexual desire are very strong, which makes our relationship very special. But I've heard that gigantism may shorten lifespan, and I'm worried. ”

Her friend comforted her: "Maybe you can consult a specialist to see if there is a possibility of treatment." ”

My boyfriend suffers from "gigantism", and I heard that it has an impact on life expectancy, is it true? Can it be cured?

Xiao Li nodded and decided to go to the hospital with Xiao Li for help. At the hospital, they met a young endocrinologist.

"Gigantism is usually due to an overproduction of growth hormone due to a pituitary adenoma," the doctor explains, "but every case is unique. We need to do some tests to determine the specific situation of Xiao Li. ”

After a series of tests, the doctor determined Xiao Li's condition and discussed the treatment plan. Although there is no complete cure for gigantism, the progression of the disease can be controlled and quality of life can be improved through surgery and medication.

"The operation sounds scary," Li said worriedly.

The doctor smiled and replied, "Although there are risks associated with each surgery, the technology is very mature. We have an experienced team and advanced equipment to minimize risks. ”

My boyfriend suffers from "gigantism", and I heard that it has an impact on life expectancy, is it true? Can it be cured?

Xiao Li held Xiao Li's hand tightly and encouraged: "No matter what, let's face it together." ”

The preparation before surgery is tedious. The doctor explained the procedure and possible risks in detail and arranged a series of preoperative tests. Xiao Li and Xiao Li were lying in bed talking the night before the operation.

"Actually, I've been worried that my size will cause you trouble," Xiao Li whispered.

"Fool," Xiaoli stroked his cheek, "you are you, and I will accept you no matter what." ”

On the day of the operation, the atmosphere in the hospital was extremely tense. The doctor and his team were well prepared, and the surgery went well. A few hours later, the doctor walked out of the operating room with a relaxed smile on his face.

Gigantism, also known as "acromegaly" or "pituitary gigantism", is a very rare disease with a global incidence of approximately 3 to 4 cases per million people. To understand the condition better, we need to explore its causes, symptoms, effects, treatment, and impact on patients' lives.


Gigantism is usually caused by excess growth hormone (GH) production in the anterior pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is a small gland located at the base of the brain that controls the secretion of several hormones and plays a vital role in the growth and metabolism of the entire body. Most people with gigantism have an uncontrolled production of growth hormone due to a pituitary adenoma – a benign tumor. This excess of growth hormone stimulates the overgrowth of various parts of the body, especially bones.

My boyfriend suffers from "gigantism", and I heard that it has an impact on life expectancy, is it true? Can it be cured?


Symptoms of gigantism include rapid increase in height, abnormal enlargement of hands and feet, rough and protruding facial features (such as a protruding chin and forehead), thickening of the skin, and the appearance of rashes and moles.

In addition, the disease can also lead to a range of health problems, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and joint pain. Patients may also experience persistent headaches and vision problems, which are caused by the pituitary adenoma pressing on the surrounding tissues.

Does it affect lifespan?

Gigantism can indeed have an impact on longevity. Untreated gigantism increases the risk of several health problems, especially heart disease and diabetes, all of which can shorten lifespan. However, with the advancement of modern medicine, timely and effective treatment can significantly improve the quality of life and life expectancy of patients.

My boyfriend suffers from "gigantism", and I heard that it has an impact on life expectancy, is it true? Can it be cured?


Treatment for gigantism mainly includes surgery, medication, and radiation therapy. Surgery is usually the treatment of choice, especially if the pituitary adenoma is large. The goal of surgery is to remove or reduce the adenoma, thereby reducing excess production of growth hormone. However, not all patients are candidates for surgery, or surgery does not fully control the condition.

In these cases, medication becomes an important option. Currently available medications include growth hormone receptor antagonists, insulin-growth factor-1-like drugs, and dopamine agonists. These medications can help control the secretion of growth hormone and reduce symptoms.

My boyfriend suffers from "gigantism", and I heard that it has an impact on life expectancy, is it true? Can it be cured?

Radiation therapy is also an option for some patients, especially if surgery and medication do not fully control the condition. Radiation therapy uses high-energy rays to destroy adenoma cells to reduce the production of growth hormone.


All in all, gigantism is a complex endocrine disorder that has the potential to have an impact on the quality of life and longevity of patients. However, with advances in modern medical technology and integrative treatments, patients with gigantism can achieve effective symptom control and improved quality of life.