
Giving up alcohol in the elderly is equivalent to chronic suicide? Should I quit drinking when I am old? Doctors give advice

author:Huang said

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Uncle Zhou and Uncle Wang met in the park after dinner at night, Uncle Zhou has always had good living habits, and he doesn't smoke or drink.

Giving up alcohol in the elderly is equivalent to chronic suicide? Should I quit drinking when I am old? Doctors give advice

And Uncle Wang usually no one likes to drink some wine, he has this hobby since he was young, and the older he gets, the more he drinks.

Uncle Zhou and Uncle Wang have also been old neighbors for many years, after the two met this day, Uncle Zhou saw that Uncle Wang was drinking again, and his face was a little red, so he persuaded Uncle Wang to say:

"You're so old, don't drink like this, your body will have problems sooner or later. ”

Uncle Wang knew that Uncle Zhou was kind, so he also smiled and said, "I've been drinking for so many years, and it's fine, and I'm so old that I can't quit drinking." ”

Giving up alcohol in the elderly is equivalent to chronic suicide? Should I quit drinking when I am old? Doctors give advice

Uncle Zhou seemed to have heard something incredible, and asked Uncle Wang in surprise: "What does this abstain from drinking have to do with age?"

Uncle Wang said: "Haven't you read what it says on the Internet, when you are older, quitting alcohol is equivalent to chronic suicide, and drinking is also beneficial, you don't like to drink, you don't understand." ”

After Uncle Zhou heard these remarks, he shook his head very helplessly, sighed and said to Uncle Wang: "Wine is nothing good, you better drink less!"

Is it really like what Uncle Wang said, quitting alcohol when you are old is equivalent to chronic suicide?

Giving up alcohol in the elderly is equivalent to chronic suicide? Should I quit drinking when I am old? Doctors give advice

1. The harm of long-term drinking

Liver disease, the number of people suffering from liver cancer in mainland China is increasing year by year, and one of the major causes of some liver cancer patients is long-term alcoholism.

Liver diseases are more or less related to excessive alcohol consumption, after a large amount of alcohol enters the body.

The liver is unable to metabolize alcohol in time, which can easily cause the death of liver cells and necrosis.

It directly increases the risk of liver diseases, such as fatty liver and cirrhosis, and alcoholic liver disease.

Giving up alcohol in the elderly is equivalent to chronic suicide? Should I quit drinking when I am old? Doctors give advice

These liver diseases are not treated or controlled in a timely manner, changing the amount of alcohol consumed.

Then it will further induce more serious diseases, the liver cannot ensure normal function, and there are more and more harmful substances in the body, which can easily cause liver cancer.

The gastric mucosa is damaged, and alcohol will irritate the stomach to a certain extent, mainly because it will irritate the gastric mucosa.

Especially after drinking a lot of alcohol quickly and without eating any food, long-term stimulation of the gastric mucosa by alcohol can easily lead to gastric mucosal lesions.

In particular, if you drink some alcohol with high concentration, the damage to the gastric mucosa after drinking alcohol is almost immeasurable.

Giving up alcohol in the elderly is equivalent to chronic suicide? Should I quit drinking when I am old? Doctors give advice

Once the stomach is inflamed and not treated in time, gastric ulcers appear, and the area continues to expand, it will cause gastric function to be impaired, unable to digest normally, and unable to maintain a healthy state.

High blood pressure has become a very common chronic disease in middle-aged and elderly people.

As people age, their blood pressure is unstable, and if they are not controlled, high blood pressure can easily lead to many complications.

If you drink a lot of alcohol in this situation, your blood pressure will continue to rise, and you will have problems such as chest tightness and chest pain.

Giving up alcohol in the elderly is equivalent to chronic suicide? Should I quit drinking when I am old? Doctors give advice

In cardiovascular disease, under the stimulation of alcohol, people's blood vessels will show a state of dilation, and in the long run, the blood vessel walls will become thinner and weaker.

Once it is more stimulated, it is easy to cause blood vessels to rupture, and if it is acute, it is easy to cause death.

At present, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in middle-aged and elderly groups have become a high-incidence disease.

Some diseases are sudden and can be fatal once they occur, and alcohol plays a very big role in this.

In fact, a large number of people know the dangers of alcohol, but they find that there is no problem after drinking for a long time, so they don't care.

Giving up alcohol in the elderly is equivalent to chronic suicide? Should I quit drinking when I am old? Doctors give advice

However, as we get older, these problems may become more prominent.

However, for some older people, it is true that they have been drinking for many years and that quitting alcohol is equivalent to chronic suicide?

2. Is alcohol cessation equivalent to chronic suicide in the elderly?

In many people's cognition, drinking, especially liquor, will have certain benefits for the body, but doctors do not completely agree that drinking alcohol is good for the body.

For the elderly, the physical condition is much worse than before, especially the metabolic function of the organs, which is much worse than before.

Giving up alcohol in the elderly is equivalent to chronic suicide? Should I quit drinking when I am old? Doctors give advice

Once you drink alcohol for a long time or drink too much, it is easy to cause health problems, such as common high blood pressure and liver disease.

Moreover, studies have shown that after the age of 60, if people continue to drink alcohol for a long time, the risk of suffering from diseases is twice as high as that of ordinary people.

In other words, for the elderly, the amount of alcohol should be reduced or not drunk.

For the elderly, drinking alcohol is an issue that needs to be carefully considered, and it may be that for some bodies, drinking a moderate amount of alcohol does have a certain positive effect.

But more often than not, it triggers some health problems. Make appropriate adjustments according to your physical condition.

Giving up alcohol in the elderly is equivalent to chronic suicide? Should I quit drinking when I am old? Doctors give advice

Therefore, for the elderly, not abstaining from alcohol is equivalent to chronic suicide, because as they age, various underlying diseases of the elderly will follow.

Alcohol will stimulate the body more heavily, and it cannot be metabolized in the body, which is a major threat to the liver and kidneys.

So many people may ask, if you have been drinking alcohol for many years, what should you do when you want to quit drinking?

3. Methods for the elderly to quit drinking

Be prepared to reject all temptations. If you really want to quit drinking, then you must first hold back your strength and make quitting alcohol the only goal at this stage.

Giving up alcohol in the elderly is equivalent to chronic suicide? Should I quit drinking when I am old? Doctors give advice

Try not to go to some dinners or drinking parties, in this kind of environment, many people are easy to resist the temptation of others to persuade them to drink at once.

Therefore, when faced with such a scenario, the most fundamental solution is to refuse directly, and when you have no interest in alcohol at all, you can consider participating again.

You can also tell your friends about your decision and let them supervise you, which can not only ensure that you are not tempted, but also be able to supervise you.

Make a well-developed plan. Many people quit drinking more casually, just endure it stubbornly. In fact, it is very important to have a well-developed plan for abstinence, and clear goals.

Giving up alcohol in the elderly is equivalent to chronic suicide? Should I quit drinking when I am old? Doctors give advice

You may not be able to completely quit drinking at the beginning, you can consider how much to reduce each day, how much you can drink, and have a clear mark, you will have a better motivation.

In addition to reducing the amount of alcohol you drink, you should also take care to participate in as many physical activities as possible.

Engaging in activities that are good for your health can be a substitute for keeping your body and mind happy.

In this process, the pain caused by withdrawal can be reduced, and it may be that for long-term drinkers, headaches and insomnia may occur during the process of quitting alcohol.

If you have such symptoms, you can join some alcohol withdrawal organizations or medical groups that can support each other and give you fair advice.

Giving up alcohol in the elderly is equivalent to chronic suicide? Should I quit drinking when I am old? Doctors give advice

Change the lifestyle of the individual. Making a plan is an important step, and one of the most important things in the plan is to change your lifestyle, including your eating habits.

You may eat more in the process of quitting alcohol, because you need to take in more nutrients and energy, so that the body has the energy to repair the part of the body that has caused damage to the body.

It is recommended that you can consume a moderate amount of protein, which can help the liver recover when it enters the body.

The vitamins in food contain minerals, which have a good effect on the body's immunity.

Giving up alcohol in the elderly is equivalent to chronic suicide? Should I quit drinking when I am old? Doctors give advice

In terms of diet, you can also choose a healthy drink to replace alcohol, which will simulate the feeling of drinking, and this substitute can reduce personal suffering.

For example, you can choose tea or milk, and try these kinds of drinks when you want to drink alcohol to relieve them, which can also reduce the anxiety caused by quitting alcohol.

The help of professionals, many people may not know that there are professionals who can help you quit drinking or smoking.

In addition to the comfort that can be given by the family, I want to quit drinking more quickly and scientifically.

It is also possible to consult a professional for medical intervention, including medication and psychotherapy.

Giving up alcohol in the elderly is equivalent to chronic suicide? Should I quit drinking when I am old? Doctors give advice

Nowadays, some hospitals provide relevant drugs that can make it easier to quit drinking.

The above methods can make it easier to quit drinking, and the same is true for the elderly.

The older you get, the more obvious the damage of alcohol to your body will become, so be sure to quit drinking as soon as possible.

However, many people are still numbing themselves and believing a lot of lies about liquor health.

Fourth, the lie about the health preservation of liquor

Lie one, liquor anti-tumor. According to one study, 740,000 people in 2020 were cancers caused by long-term alcohol consumption.

Giving up alcohol in the elderly is equivalent to chronic suicide? Should I quit drinking when I am old? Doctors give advice

Therefore, there is no scientific basis for saying that liquor is anti-tumor, and alcohol is even one of the causes of cancer.

Lie two, liquor invigorates blood and dispels blood stasis. Many people think that baijiu also has the effect of invigorating blood and removing blood stasis, but this is not the case, which has no scientific basis.

It can even be said that when the alcohol is too high, it will cause blood pressure to be out of control, which will lead to the deposition of calcium on the blood vessel wall.

It can cause hardening of the arteries to become more severe, without any health benefits.

So don't believe in some health knowledge about liquor, especially for middle-aged and elderly people, don't use this reason to deceive yourself.

Giving up alcohol in the elderly is equivalent to chronic suicide? Should I quit drinking when I am old? Doctors give advice


To sum up, the negative impact of alcohol on people's bodies is very large, and this effect will become more and more obvious with age.

Many elderly people always feel that there is no need to quit drinking at this age, and even quitting alcohol will definitely cause harm to the body, which is equivalent to chronic suicide.

And this perception is completely wrong, no matter how old you are, quitting alcohol is good for the body. Because when the body no longer consumes alcohol, the cells will slowly restore the function of various organs and gradually return to normal, which is beneficial to the body in any way.

Giving up alcohol in the elderly is equivalent to chronic suicide? Should I quit drinking when I am old? Doctors give advice

Although it is not easy to quit drinking, there are many scientific ways to quit drinking, which can reduce the withdrawal reaction in the process of quitting alcohol, and can also shorten the time of quitting.