
Dietary Wisdom: Master the balance of heat and cold, the cold is hot, the hot is cold, and the body is cold, so as to promote physical health.

author:Director Shi said medicine

In TCM treatment, the use of food to regulate the state of the body is an important auxiliary means, and its core concept is "the hot is cold, and the cold is hot", that is, the body is corrected by different attributes of food to achieve health. This theory is based on the theory of the five elements of yin and yang in traditional Chinese medicine, which holds that human health depends on the balance between yin and yang. When there is an imbalance of cold and heat in the body, it can be adjusted by eating foods of the corresponding nature to restore balance and assist in the treatment of related diseases.

Dietary Wisdom: Master the balance of heat and cold, the cold is hot, the hot is cold, and the body is cold, so as to promote physical health.

The ideal state of the body is neither cold nor hot, that is, the balance of cold and heat, which represents the harmony of yin and yang. When there is a deviation between cold and heat in the body, it means that there is an imbalance between yin and yang, which in turn affects health. The goal of treatment is to restore this balance of yin and yang so that a healthy state can be achieved. Food has the same cold and heat properties as traditional Chinese medicine, and Chinese medicine uses these characteristics to adjust the imbalance of cold and heat held by the human body.

Dietary Wisdom: Master the balance of heat and cold, the cold is hot, the hot is cold, and the body is cold, so as to promote physical health.

Specifically, warm foods are suitable for regulating cold constitutions, such as ginger, brown sugar, longan, etc., which can harmonize the spleen and stomach and enhance the yang energy in the body. For people with yang deficiency constitution, in addition to these foods, traditional Chinese medicine treatments such as traditional Chinese medicine conditioning, warm acupuncture, and moxibustion can also be used to improve physical fitness and enhance yang qi in the body, so as to prevent and treat diseases caused by cold constitution, such as cold abdominal pain, diarrhea, stomach cold, etc. Ginger, garlic, Sichuan pepper, chili pepper and other ingredients are used in a timely manner, which can dissipate cold in temperature and reconcile the imbalance of the body. At the same time, the intake of cold food should be appropriately reduced, and a large amount of raw and cold food and drinks should be avoided to avoid damaging the spleen, stomach and yang qi.

Dietary Wisdom: Master the balance of heat and cold, the cold is hot, the hot is cold, and the body is cold, so as to promote physical health.

On the other hand, cold foods are suitable for regulating heat constitution, such as green leafy vegetables (celery, mustard greens, watercress, bitter gourd, loofah, etc.) and fruits (dragon fruit, watermelon, pear, kiwi, banana, etc.), which help to clear away heat and detoxify and nourish yin and reduce fire. Traditional Chinese medicine methods such as traditional Chinese medicine conditioning, acupuncture, and cupping can also help to adjust the balance of yin and yang, improve thermal constitution, and prevent related diseases. Watermelon, cucumber, bean sprouts and other ingredients help to clear heat and detoxify, and are suitable for regulating thermal diseases, such as fever, thirst, irritability, etc. At the same time, excessive intake of spicy and greasy foods should be avoided to avoid aggravating the fire in the body. It is advisable to eat more light, easy-to-digest foods and reduce the intake of foods such as meat that can cause heat and dryness.

Dietary Wisdom: Master the balance of heat and cold, the cold is hot, the hot is cold, and the body is cold, so as to promote physical health.

TCM also emphasizes the adoption of individualized dietary treatment strategies according to the individual's different constitutions and conditions. When applying the principle of "the hot is cold, and the cold is hot", it should be combined with the individual situation to treat the syndrome differentiation.

Dietary Wisdom: Master the balance of heat and cold, the cold is hot, the hot is cold, and the body is cold, so as to promote physical health.

To sum up, TCM adjusts the bias of the human body through the bias of food to assist in the treatment of diseases. This principle embodies the idea of syndrome differentiation and treatment in traditional Chinese medicine, emphasizing individuality and holistic concepts. In practical application, appropriate foods should be selected according to the individual's physique and condition to achieve a balance of yin and yang and maintain good health.

The following is a very complete collection of common food cold and heat attributes and effects for easy reference.

Dietary Wisdom: Master the balance of heat and cold, the cold is hot, the hot is cold, and the body is cold, so as to promote physical health.
Dietary Wisdom: Master the balance of heat and cold, the cold is hot, the hot is cold, and the body is cold, so as to promote physical health.
Dietary Wisdom: Master the balance of heat and cold, the cold is hot, the hot is cold, and the body is cold, so as to promote physical health.
Dietary Wisdom: Master the balance of heat and cold, the cold is hot, the hot is cold, and the body is cold, so as to promote physical health.
Dietary Wisdom: Master the balance of heat and cold, the cold is hot, the hot is cold, and the body is cold, so as to promote physical health.
Dietary Wisdom: Master the balance of heat and cold, the cold is hot, the hot is cold, and the body is cold, so as to promote physical health.
Dietary Wisdom: Master the balance of heat and cold, the cold is hot, the hot is cold, and the body is cold, so as to promote physical health.
Dietary Wisdom: Master the balance of heat and cold, the cold is hot, the hot is cold, and the body is cold, so as to promote physical health.
Dietary Wisdom: Master the balance of heat and cold, the cold is hot, the hot is cold, and the body is cold, so as to promote physical health.
Dietary Wisdom: Master the balance of heat and cold, the cold is hot, the hot is cold, and the body is cold, so as to promote physical health.
Dietary Wisdom: Master the balance of heat and cold, the cold is hot, the hot is cold, and the body is cold, so as to promote physical health.
Dietary Wisdom: Master the balance of heat and cold, the cold is hot, the hot is cold, and the body is cold, so as to promote physical health.
Dietary Wisdom: Master the balance of heat and cold, the cold is hot, the hot is cold, and the body is cold, so as to promote physical health.
Dietary Wisdom: Master the balance of heat and cold, the cold is hot, the hot is cold, and the body is cold, so as to promote physical health.

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