
Speech at the launch meeting of the nine cultivation genealogy of the Xu family in Fenggang

author:Chinese celebrities online

Xu Guosheng

January 27, 2024

Speech at the launch meeting of the nine cultivation genealogy of the Xu family in Fenggang

Good morning, families!

At today's kick-off meeting of the Fenggang Xu family's nine cultivation genealogy, everyone had a heated discussion, extensive exchanges, decided on the plan, and the scheduled goal was successfully completed, which was very successful. Mainly embodied in:

1. The Nine Cultivation Genealogy Initiative was issued. When Vice President Xu Zhisong read out the proposal, it means that our Nine Cultivation Genealogy has been officially launched. Why do you want to issue a proposal, the main thing is that the genealogy of the Nine Cultivators is of great significance to our Fenggang Xu clan. It must be in the form of a proposal to gather strength and build momentum. Everyone gathers firewood and the flame is high, and it is recommended that all family members respond positively, have money to contribute, have strength, and wisdom to make their due contributions to the genealogy of the nine cultivators.

Second, a fund-raising programme has been launched. Xu Bangbing, the leader of the fundraising group, and Xu Guozhu, the deputy leader of the group, are very concerned about this work, and they are very family and country feelings, Fenggang Xu's consciousness, the courage to take responsibility, and the enthusiasm of being proactive. The soldiers and horses did not move, and the grain and grass went first. One of the keys to the successful completion of our Nine Cultivation genealogy is funding. In the past, we didn't lack money at all for anything, because when we didn't have money, we could turn on the machine at any time, called Xu Jiayin. Now, the family knows that it can't be printed. Coupled with the downturn in the world economy, it is necessary to introduce a fund-raising plan to mobilize the enthusiasm of your contributions to ensure the completion of the task of the Nine Cultivation Genealogy. We are a common ancestor, and we hope that all the clan relatives will complete their own fund-raising tasks, that is, 100 yuan per population, with no upper limit and lower guarantee, and the difficult households who are really unable to apply to the association for exemption. I believe that all family members will do their part to make a contribution. So far, more than 60,000 yuan of donations have been received.

3. Editorial and publication plans were made. Xu Bangxing, the leader of the editorial team, Xu Xuequn, the deputy leader of the group, and others have writing ability, editing level, and publishing experience. In order to complete our genealogy with high quality, they have been to Chenzhou twice to conduct field trips and on-site learning, and they have benefited a lot. We do things, we don't do them, we do them well. The editing and publication of the nine cultivation genealogy of the Xu family in Fenggang, whether it is from text editing to art typesetting, must have a new presentation, high specifications, and beautiful appearance. In order to meet expectations, the editorial team made a preliminary plan for the nine cultivation genealogy of the Fenggang Xu family, although it needs to be further improved, but it has a good foundation, and strives to finalize it within a year.

Fourth, he took out the action of Ai Fenggang and Ai Xu's family. Many people have made preparations for this meeting. Patriarch Xu Zhisong, the county magistrate, as the vice president of the association, not only took the lead in donating himself, but also mobilized several relatives to donate more than 5,000 yuan each, which is amiable and respectable. Xu Banghua, a clan relative, put the family business in the first place, generously donated 10,000 yuan, and is currently the one who has contributed the most. Grandmaster + consultant Xu Zhihui, nearly ninety years old, not only took the lead in donating this time, but also prepared the next step of donation for the temple. Xu Guojun, director of the county party history office, not only donated money, but also did a lot of specific things for the Jiuxiu genealogy in his busy schedule, presided over the daily work of the friendship association well, and performed the duties of the secretary general, which is remarkable. Xu Zhonglong is a young man, full of enthusiasm, cute and valuable. There are also Xu Xiaoming, the director and vice president of the association, and Xu Yiqing, the dean and vice president of the association, etc., who have been working tirelessly for the cultivation of the ancestral hall, and have been running around Chang'an many times, which is sighing. At today's meeting, everyone unanimously expressed that they should do their best to do a good job in the genealogy of the nine cultivators, and do a better job than the first eight cultivators, so as to be worthy of the ancestors and ancestors and the generations to come. The above is enough to show that our Nine Cultivation genealogy, due to the efforts of all the clansmen, has reached the right time and place.

Speech at the launch meeting of the nine cultivation genealogy of the Xu family in Fenggang

Today is a good day, the meeting has opened unity, determination, and auspiciousness. But the big things in the world must be done in detail, and the difficult things in the world must be done in the easy. In the future, our Xu family must be born upward, do good, and act beautifully.

1. Don't forget the original intention, keep in mind the roots, bloodline, and cultural context, and clarify where Xu's comes from, with its own development mission. We need to improve our awareness, we need to seek our roots and ask our ancestors, and we must not forget the way we came. From every point of view, the ancestral hall is the root vein, and we must share weal and woe, the genealogy is the bloodline, and the blood must be connected, and the learning is the cultural context, and we must be a cultural person. All of us must have cultivation rooted in our hearts, consciousness without reminders, freedom premised on restraint, and kindness for the sake of others.

2. Don't forget your ancestors, realize the cultivation of genealogy, ancestral halls, and tombs, clarify where you come from, and leave a mark of remembrance. When we build the ancestral hall of the Xu family, we have a holy place of yearning, we have compiled a genealogy of nine cultivators, and we have a spiritual highland; and if we build an ancestral tomb, we have a cemetery of gratitude. To build an ancestral hall, our current conditions are not sufficient, but it does not mean that we will not build it in the next few years; to continue the genealogy, we are now starting to swipe the screen, but it must be of high quality, the information collection must be accurate, the text composition must be fine, the art layout must be excellent, and the printing and publishing must be good. The genealogy of the Nine Cultivators should become the basis for seeking the roots and asking the ancestors (the origin and context of the Xu family), the inspirational reading materials for remembrance (family teaching, family training, family style), the tools for information about people (everyone and every family has a well-documented record), and the direction of development (the future can be expected). When the conditions are ripe, you can go online and offline, electronic version, QR code, and website at the same time, and the first step at present is to implement the training of information collectors;

3. Don't forget the family motto, launch the upward, good, and beautiful, clarify where the family motto comes from, and innovate the family rules and family style. In the past, there was a family and France had a national law, but now, we have no family law, only national law, but family education and family rules are still essential. Now we have set up a family motto of upwardness, goodness and beauty, which is to do a good job in tutoring and family style, in essence, it is also for our Fenggang Xu family to produce more talents, quickly produce talents, and produce good talents. I hope that everyone will make a wish and make meritorious contributions.

Fourth, do not forget to grow, enhance ability, financial resources, charm, clear where the future comes from, to achieve peace for all generations. In the past, Fenggang Xu's family was prosperous and full of talents, and the future will inevitably be politicians, entrepreneurs, scientists, writers, artists, medical scientists, thinkers, economists, etc. The poor should be left alone, at least they must be able to afford to live in a house, afford to be sick, and be able to afford to read. Afford to grow old. There is also the fact that you can have no mortgage or car loan, but you can't be a great beauty and have no offspring. Therefore, everyone should have more children and make positive contributions to the continuous growth of the Xu family and China's population development. In addition, I also suggest that you come to Changsha more, come to Changsha to settle down, come to Changsha for development, come to Changsha to build and share, and move from the Internet + to the data element x (multiplication).

Fifth, do not forget the present, do a good job of three preparations, prepare for war, prepare for famine, and prepare for epidemic, clarify where the risk comes from, and be prepared. Today's world is turbulent, full of confrontations between countries, races, ideologies, wars, colonialism, plunder, and bullying, and the law of the jungle. The country is also corrupt and corrupted, abducted, and everything looks at money. In particular, Russia, Ukraine, Palestine and Israel, the Red Sea, North and South Korea, as well as the South China Sea, the Taiwan Strait, etc., are extremely scary, the situation is grim, and the epidemic situation is serious, so we must pay attention to being prepared, be fully prepared ideologically, and consider materially.

Dear beauties, Although the road is far away, it is coming, and although it is difficult to do, it will be done. Let us unite and work hard to achieve our mission.

Speech at the launch meeting of the nine cultivation genealogy of the Xu family in Fenggang

It's almost the New Year, I would like to greet you in advance, and I wish you all the family a good day! I wish Fenggang Xu Di a prosperous incense and great development! Thank you!

Speech at the launch meeting of the nine cultivation genealogy of the Xu family in Fenggang

Edited by Li Shunping